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Top 10 Best Foods For A Hangover

Top 10 Best Foods For A Hangover
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton WRITTEN BY: Nathan Sharp
Science to the rescue! For this list, we'll be looking at the most adored, and/or most scientifically sound, foods to cure a hangover. Our countdown includes Sweet Potatoes, Salmon, Eggs, and more!

#10: Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes don’t sound like the most appetizing of hangover foods. Some people don’t want to eat sweet potatoes on the best of days! But according to Healthline, the nutrients inside may help with even the fiercest of hangovers. Sweet potatoes have a ton of vitamin A, magnesium, and potassium—three ingredients for a good hangover cure. Vitamin A helps the inflammation, and just one cup of cooked sweet potato contains over 750% of your daily value. Magnesium and potassium help restore nutrients your body is desperately craving (and lacking) after a night of heavy drinking. Sweet potato fries, anyone?

#9: Beans

Beans on toast sounds like a pretty comfy meal after a night of drinking. And as it turns out, beans are actually great for hangovers, so it’s a win-win! Like sweet potatoes, beans are rich in magnesium, which is one of the top tier keys in aiding a hangover. Magnesium helps support your liver after it worked overtime and it stabilizes your rapidly beating heart. Beans also contain a lot of cheap protein. They may help with dehydration owing to the salt and sugar contained within, too. They also have tons of carbs that will give you the necessary energy to start your morning. Beans are indeed the magical fruit.

#8: Orange

Maybe you’re wanting something a little more citrus-y or refreshing to start your morning. In that case, oranges might be your best bet. Oranges obviously contain a ton of vitamin C, which is paramount in regulating glutathione. For those who don’t know - and we definitely knew before researching - glutathione is an antioxidant and a necessary component in getting the alcohol out of your system. While eating oranges can work for a hangover, avoid orange juice at all costs. The juice is incredibly acidic, and that is not what you want on an already-queasy stomach.

#7: Oatmeal

The last thing you probably want to eat while hungover is a warm, goopy, and flavorless mess. But if you want that hangover gone faster, then shovel down that oatmeal. Like beans, oatmeal contains lots of carbs and sugars, both of which can help improve mood, relieve your fatigue, and increase your blood sugar levels. It also has a ton of great nutrients that the body wants, including our old pals magnesium and B vitamins as well as iron and calcium. Your mind may not want oatmeal while hungover, but your body desperately craves it.

#6: Bananas

There are few hangover foods better than bananas. They’re cheap, nutritious, quick to pick up and eat, and there’s absolutely no cooking involved. Alcohol dries you out and depletes your body of potassium. Since bananas contain over 10% of your daily value of potassium, it’s a great food to restore your body to its pre-drinking peak. It’s also packed with fiber and is easy on the stomach, which is an absolute must on the morning-afters where even the slightest provocation can have you running for the toilet. Better yet, make some oatmeal and top it with bananas! Instant hangover superfood.

#5: Salmon

We don’t know who’s firing up the oven at 9 in the morning and cooking up a salmon, but hey, science says it’s good for us! Like the Vitamin A found in sweet potatoes, salmon is great at decreasing hangover-induced inflammation due to the abundance of omega-3 fatty acids. The B12 will also increase your energy, and the salt found within will help restore your body’s sodium. Salmon is one of the world’s great superfoods, and it will do wonders for both your health and your hangover.

#4: Avocado

These fatty little green things were the hottest food trend of the 2010s. As it turns out, they’re really good for hangovers! Like bananas, avocados are rich in potassium, and just one avocado contains up to 20% of your daily value. The only problem is that avocados are much more expensive than bananas. If you look past the price, you’ll get a fruit that comes equipped with lots of B6 and fiber. They both help restore your body’s nutrients and flush the toxins incurred from alcohol consumption. Many people eat avocados for breakfast, even when they’re not hungover. There aren’t a lot of downsides to this superfruit.

#3: Chicken Noodle Soup

This is one of the all time great “sick” foods and a staple of family units everywhere. But forget the kid. You’re hungover, and you need to...not be hungover. So break out the chicken noodle soup. This comfort food is packed with sodium, which ironically helps you rehydrate after the alcohol has dried you out. In fact, it doesn’t even need to be chicken noodle. As long as the soup is salty, it should be good for a hangover. Miso and tomato bisque are also good options. All that said, the chicken also comes chock full of cysteine. Cysteine is an amino acid that's good for your liver and helps combat the effects of acetaldehyde, a chemical compound that can give you hangover symptoms.

#2: Eggs

It doesn’t get much easier, or much cheaper, than good old fashioned eggs. Eggs also contain cysteine, so vegetarians don’t have to worry about eating chicken noodle soup if they want their fill. The taurine in eggs also helps heal your liver after a night spent working overtime. At the same time, the vitamin B12 will help energize you in the morning and get you out the door. Calcium and vitamin D help round out the superfood. Humans have been eating eggs for hundreds of thousands of years. Surely they’re doing something right for our bodies.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

The Fruit Can Help Rehydrate & Increase Blood Flow

These Cucumbers & Their Brine Are High in Sodium

The Green Veggie Has Tons of Folate & Will Replenish Your Body’s Stores

Toast & Spinach
Carbs & Sugar Will Give You a Huge Energy Boost

#1: Green Vegetables

Your parents always told you to eat your veggies. There’s a reason for that. While your relationship with green veggies may be less than loving, they really are some of the greatest foods on planet Earth. At least from a health perspective. Foods like broccoli, leafy greens, and asparagus are fantastic choices for curing hangovers. Asparagus may help break down alcohol and aid the liver in recovery, leafy greens are often filled with potassium and vitamins, and broccoli contains anti-inflammatory properties and folic acid. We know green veggies don’t make for the most appetizing hangover food, but if you want it cured sooner rather than later, then you can’t do much better than these!
