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Top 10 Best Good Girls Moments

Top 10 Best Good Girls Moments
VOICE OVER: Jenn Senger WRITTEN BY: Jenn Senger
These "Good Girls" moments were more than good. Our countdown includes Dean Boland gets arrested, Rio sends a message, Beth attempts to outsmart Rio, and more!

#10: Dean Boland Gets Arrested
“Big Kahuna”

Beth Boland’s not-so-faithful husband, Dean, appears to have his act together in season four. However, their new business, Boland Bubbles, becomes the FBI’s focal point for a criminal investigation in season four’s second episode, “Big Kahuna”. Detective Phoebe has eyed Beth, Ruby and Annie since season three. Just as Manny Montana’s Rio mentioned from the very beginning, Phoebe’s boss, Dave, does not suspect the main ladies as “their guy”. Posing as a representative from large hot tub retailer, Big Kahuna, Dave pulls out all the stops to sniff through Boland’s books for any illegal activity. Christina Hendrick’s character does her best to stall; however, that doesn’t stop Dean from winding up in the Big Kahuna’s handcuffs at the end of this stunning moment.

#9: Marion Peterson Hides Leslie "Boomer" Peterson

Leslie “Boomer” Peterson's loving grandmother, Marion, will do anything for him. And she does. After his fiancee Mary Pat “accidentally” runs Boomer over with her vehicle in an earlier episode of season two, we assume that the slimy grocery manager is dead. Later that same season, Annie Marks begins helping Marion out with her chores. During this time, she interrogates her on Boomer’s whereabouts. At one point, Marion questions why her grandson would abandon her if he were alive. To our disappointment, an argument occurs and the two seemingly decide to end their relationship. Just as Annie returns to give back her key, we are presented with a not-so innocent Marion, caught red-handed helping Boomer down her attic stairs!

#8: Rio Sends a Message
"Au Jus"

While under the impression that Rio is deceased, the trio decides to maintain the counterfeit business he introduced them to. In the first episode of season three, the women con Beth’s new graphic designer colleague, Lucy, into crafting a $10 bill template for their business. Unfortunately, as we see later that season, this plate is short lived, as a jealous Dean sabotages it. Being the micromanager that he is, Rio has been overseeing this entire situation. Posing as a fake customer, Rio seeks Lucy’s services in hopes of replacing his current employees. Despite offering the kidnapped Lucy false hope for her cooperation, Rio’s goons ultimately take the innocent woman’s life, sending a scarring message to the main characters.

#7: Beth Boland Pretends to Be Pregnant
“Egg Roll”

Manny Montana’s Rio is out for blood after surviving his near-death experience, brought on by Beth, in the very last episode of season two. Just when Beth believes all her troubles are over, Rio unexpectedly rises up from the grave. Beth is floored when she sees her resurrected boss sit next to her in the final scene of season three’s second episode. Having a few bones to pick with her, Rio explains the pandemonium she caused on his body in the followup episode. But before he can slaughter their relationship, she calculatedly blurts out that she is with child! To our surprise, Beth’s faux pregnancy defence works and the suburban mother lives on to see another day!

#6. Beth Boland Double Crosses Her Boss

After raising the bounty, the trio meets with Max’s ex-Navy SEAL cousin, Troy, who is no longer equipped for the job. He connects them with sharp shooter, Mr. Fitzpatrick, who originally agrees to their request in season three, but back pedals when he develops feelings for Beth in the following season. To top it off, Dave from the Secret Service offers the ladies immunity in exchange for Rio. In hopes of exterminating the problem, Beth slides a picture of what is deemed to be “Dave” to Rio. On the same night Fitzpatrick disobeys Beth’s request to abort the mission, Rio infiltrates the hitman’s lair, shooting him before he can get shot himself. In this precise moment we learn that Beth both double crossed her superior and still leaves immunity on the table.

#5: Another Day, Another Robbery
“Vegas, Baby”

In the seventh episode of season three, Lucy’s boyfriend Max is saddened and vengeful after he learns the truth behind her disappearance. He wants to order a hit on Rio and discloses to the main ladies that his cousin, an ex-Navy SEAL, would take the job for a fee of $30,000. At first the three head over to JT, their connection at a loan office, requesting funds for the bounty. Although he rejects the loan, JT does offer to help the women revert to their old ways. The foursome take their “fundraiser” over to a convenience store where their heist fails miserably. JT gets spooked and abandons ship, while Retta’s Ruby Hill takes one for the team.

#4: Beth Attempts to Outsmart Rio

In season two’s impetuous finale, Beth is abruptly kidnapped while outside of her home and winds up in Rio’s apartment. Rio tests Beth's loyalty by placing her in a compromising position. He has cowardly tied up Agent Turner and does his best to manipulate Beth into ironing out the kinks in their business. Astonishingly, Beth hasn’t gone completely over to the dark side yet. Aiming the piece of metal in her hands at her biggest problem, Beth remarkably turns on Rio. This immoral decision has Beth thinking that all of her problems have now been solved. But after Beth flees, Agent Turner realizes that Rio is still alive and proposes to him an ultimatum that is to die for.

#3: Beth & Rio Become More Than Business Partners
“Pick Your Poison”

In the fifth episode of season one, we can feel chemistry between the two alphas as Beth and Rio playfully think of an excuse to explain their relationship to the FBI. But before crossing the line with her boss, Beth should have taken the saying ‘don’t mix business with pleasure’ into account. In fact, she does the exact opposite. Upset about Dean rejecting her idea about his car dealership, Beth’s interest in her husband starts to diminish and things really take a turn in the second season. Noticing her ruggedly handsome employer seated at the same bar as her and her husband, Beth makes the move to take their relationship to a new level. Rio doesn’t only follow her to the bathroom, but he also gives her the attention she desires.

#2: Beth, Annie Marks & Ruby Hill Hold Up Fine & Frugal

The inciting incident of the series occurs in the pilot when desperate times call for desperate measures. As all three of the suburban housewives are suffering from financial hardships in the very first episode, Beth, Ruby and Annie find themselves frantic to provide for their families. Suited up in ski masks and strapped with their children’s hardware, they take matters into their own hands. They target Fine and Frugal, which is the grocery store that employed Annie at the time. Miraculously, their wrongdoing was even a success - albeit not without future consequences - as the women pocketed a colossal $500,000. The heist was so fruitful that when they fell on hard times again, the ladies hit up the same grocery store for good luck a few episodes later!

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Taking Out the Trash, “You Have Reached the Voicemail of Leslie Peterson”
The Trio Dispose of Boomer's Body

Being a Supportive Mother, “Atom Bomb”
Annie Always Makes Time to Hear Her Child Out

Beth Keeps Their Business Afloat, “Synergy”
The Bolands Purchase a Hot Tub Retailer as Their New Front

Special Delivery, “Nana”
The Ladies Pick Up Boomer for Rio

Phoebe Donnegan Attempts to Nail the Good Girls, “Synergy”
The Detective Befriends the Women

#1: The Ladies Join Forces with the Enemy
“Atom Bomb”

With their newfound fascination for a life of crime, Beth, Annie and Ruby question whether or not they want to return to their regular cookie-cutter lifestyles in the first season’s fourth episode. They’ve acquired a taste for this unfamiliar scene and devise a plan to wash Rio’s money through a big box store refunding scam. In this moment, it is both extremely entertaining and haunting how natural their criminal behavior becomes. Although slightly apprehensive at first, Rio agrees to participate in the ladies’ proposition, and this is the beginning of their business relationship. With the women’s good girl images serving as the perfect cover up for his bad boy crookedness, Rio will soon realize that he’s hit the jackpot.
