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Top 10 Best Kisses on Friends

Top 10 Best Kisses on Friends
VOICE OVER: Samantha Clinch WRITTEN BY: Jesse Singer
"Friends" had us all talking with these kisses. For this list, we'll be looking at the greatest lip-locking moments and seminal smooches this series gave us. Our countdown includes Chandler & Janice's reunion, Chandler kisses Kathy, Ross does Joey a favor, and more!

#10: Chandler & Joey’s New Year’s Eve Smooch
“The One with the Monkey”

For some, New Year’s Eve is all about champagne and watching the ball drop. But for others, the holiday is filled with the pressure of being with someone you can kiss when that countdown reaches zero. In order to avoid this stress in season one, Chandler suggests a friends-only evening. While the friends all break the rule - with even Ross bringing Marcel to the party — they’re left without anyone to kiss pretty soon. This causes Chandler to incessantly beg for a smooch, and Joey to satisfy his request. It’s a more light-hearted embrace in the grand scheme of “Friends” kisses, but that doesn’t make it any less enjoyable!

#9: Ross & Phoebe on the Pool Table
“The One with the Flashback”

In season three, Janice questions the group about if any of them have come close to hooking up with each other. So take a trip back in time, seeing a few unexpected scenarios. The most surprising of these might just be Ross and Phoebe. It turns out one of the first people Ross told about his marriage being over was Phoebe. She comforts him, and pretty soon, a hug has turned into cheek kisses, which turns into a full-on pool table makeout session. The action is cut short, but things do get pretty hot and heavy for a moment. This isn’t a romantic pairing we ever saw coming, but of course, that only adds to the scene’s compelling nature.

#8: Ross Does Joey a Favor
“The One with Barry and Mindy's Wedding”

Despite kissing Chandler one New Year’s Eve, a movie role that calls for Joey to smooch a man seemingly causes him to tense up a little and not perform to the height of his abilities. The film’s director even calls him a “bad kisser” at the audition. But he really wants the part, and goes to his friends for assistance. Ross, after saying no throughout the episode, eventually plants a big one on Joey in a quick but impactful moment. That’s a great friend right there folks! Although, by that time Joey had already not gotten the part. But still… great friend – and according to Joey’s assessment, great kisser too!

#7: Chandler Kisses Kathy
“The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line”

The title of this episode is “The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line” - and that’s exactly what he does when he ends up kissing Joey’s girlfriend Kathy. However, while the action might land in a moral gray area, there’s no denying the overwhelmingly strong feelings behind it. At this point, Chandler has been hiding his love for Kathy for a while and, as it turns out, she feels the same way. All those pent up emotions come out in this kiss that they both know is wrong, but can’t stop from happening. The smooch itself is filled with passion, and the trouble we know it’s going to cause practically makes it impossible to look away.

#6: Phoebe & Mike Get Engaged
“The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits”

At the end of season nine, Phoebe lovingly turns down Mike’s proposal. In the tenth season, as their commitment is increasingly obvious, we wait for him to ask again. He plans a whole basketball game scenario out – until Phoebe mentions how tacky those things are. His next idea – ring in cake – is also unknowingly shut down by her. So he decides to put the gimmicks aside, and tells the woman he loves that he wants to be with her forever. She emphatically says yes – and as you can imagine, the moment is capped off with a stellar kiss. Phoebe and Mike are arguably one of the show’s best couples, and this embrace exemplifies the deep love and care they have for each other.

#5: Phoebe & Chandler’s Awkward Peck
“The One Where Everybody Finds Out”

One of the most memorable “Friends” kisses is also one of the wildest. At this point in the series, Chandler and Monica - with Joey’s help - are keeping their relationship secret. Eventually, Rachel figures it out, with Phoebe learning the truth soon after, too. Every fan knows the hilarity that ensues. It leads to Phoebe pretending to hit on Chandler to see how far she can push him before he comes clean. Their game of flirtation ends with a kiss – an awkward one, but a kiss nonetheless. Plus, it leads to Chandler expressing his true feelings for Monica being, and another lip-lock, this one great for a slew of different reasons.

#4: Phoebe & Joey’s “Perfect” Embrace
“The One Where They All Turn Thirty”

Phoebe has things she wants to accomplish by the time she turns 31. But in this flashback, she learns that her 30th is actually her 31st. This means that, among other things, she hasn’t gotten the “perfect kiss” she was longing for in time. However, Joey - always the good friend when it comes to smooching - helps check that one off her list. It’s a lovely, pure scene, and never fails to warm our hearts. Also, he definitely does a good job – just look at her reaction! The moment kind of harkens back to season one when Phoebe - acting as her sister - “dumps” Joey in an attempt to protect his feelings. These two may just be friends, but their kisses never disappoint.

#3: Chandler & Janice's Reunion
“The One with Barry and Mindy's Wedding”

For some time, Chandler has an on-off relationship with Janice. Arguably the most emotional on-again moment happens after the two of them end up chatting online - without knowing who the other is. Even though she’s married, they decide to meet. When Janice walks into Central Perk, it’s an “Oh…My… God!” moment that neither of them were expecting. We barely have time to register what’s happening when Chandler gives her a look that’s full of meaning, walks up to her, and they kiss in a pretty romantic scene. Even if you’re not a fan of the Janice/Chandler relationship, this moment delivers.

#2: Chandler & Monica Get Engaged
"The One with the Proposal"

The romantic pairing of Chandler and Monica takes pretty much everyone by surprise, but it soon becomes clear that they’re meant to be together. As they get increasingly serious, we gleefully anticipate their taking the next step in their relationship. The road to their engagement is paved with difficulties – namely a Richard-shaped one – but that makes the payoff here all the better. Ultimately, Monica surprises Chandler with a candle-filled apartment and the proposal finally happens. If we’re being honest, the lip-lock that follows is almost as emotional for us as it is for the characters. It’s a kiss that carries a tremendous emotional significance, and you can practically feel the love seeping through the screen when it happens.

#1: Ross & Rachel Kiss Post-Prom Video
“The One with the Prom Video”

Ross and Rachel have a number of amazing kisses. The pivotal Central Perk kiss and the one that relaunches them as a couple in the end are both top contenders. However, for us, the one that stands out more than any other comes thanks to the prom video. Following Ross’s insulting pros and cons list, Rachel is feeling less than loving towards him. However, a video of Rachel and Monica prepping for prom reveals how Ross was willing to accompany Rachel when her date still hadn’t shown up. This previously unknown act of kindness melts Rachel’s heart and leads to the greatest kiss of the series. It’s sweet, romantic, emotional, and just all-around perfect – but Phoebe says it better than we can!
