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Top 10 Best Lois & Clark Moments on My Adventures with Superman

Top 10 Best Lois & Clark Moments on My Adventures with Superman
VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu WRITTEN BY: Adriana Travisano
Lois and Clark: Power Couple. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for Clark and Lois' greatest scenes together in Adult Swim's “My Adventures with Superman”. Our countdown includes their first kiss, Valentine's Day, their first meeting, and more!

#10: Their First Meeting
“Adventures of a Normal Man”

As suggested by the title of the show, Lois plays a significant role in this adaptation. Early on in the first episode, her morning is juxtaposed with Clark’s until the two end up running into each other at a convenience store. After Clark is sufficiently embarrassed by the good-natured owners, he flees the scene and Lois… only to run right into her again at The Daily Planet, where he and Jimmy join her as interns. We’ve seen these characters’ meet-cute plenty of times but this one puts extra emphasis on the ‘cute’ part.

#9: Clark Comforts Lois at the Gala
“Let’s Go to Ivo Tower, You Say”

In this scene, Lois opens up about her strained relationship with her dad and how it’s continued to affect her into adulthood. For how upbeat and determined she is, we discover that much of this drive stems from a fear of failure. Clark is quick with some genuine, heartfelt words and we’re just as moved as Lois is. This whole episode is great; we get to see the characters get all dressed up, it’s well paced, and there’s some solid development in the overarching narrative. But this slower exchange between the two is what really sells it.

#8: Clark Asks Lois Out on a Date
“Kiss Kiss Fall in Portal”

Following the mess that was Lois confronting Clark about being Superman, we get a really lovely “starting over” scene, where the two fake-reintroduce themselves. Clark brings Lois and Jimmy to his spaceship in the field, laying it all out for them – or at least what he knows. A lot of it is still unclear as Superman is figuring things out himself but he makes one thing in particular very clear to Lois. It’s the start of their real romantic relationship as they move away from uncertainty and flirtation to defining exactly what they are to each other. And, later on, we get the pleasure of watching Clark freak out to plan “the most romantic evening of [Lois’] life”.

#7: Clark Shields Lois From Bullets
“My Adventures with Mad Science”

Things are pretty rough between the trio in this episode. Clark and Lois failed to show up for Jimmy in the previous episode, leaving the latter to get abducted. The remaining two team up to find him, with Lois still upset at Clark for keeping his big secret from her, and Clark maintaining that he doesn’t want to talk about things. Regardless of any quarrels, though, Clark will never not be fiercely protective of the people he loves. Lois accidentally sets off a trap and, even though his powers have been weakened, he doesn’t hesitate a second to jump in front of her. They make up soon after because it’s pretty hard to stay mad at someone who’s willing to sacrifice their life for yours.

#6: Valentine’s Day
“More Things in Heaven And Earth”

Season two kicks off with February 14th in full swing. While it’s definitely not the focus of the episode, it acts as a nice backdrop to the bigger plot points. Clark’s initial plans don’t pan out thanks to a mission in Antarctica and Lois forgets the calendar event altogether. But their date night is arguably more memorable than any grand romantic gesture either of them could have thought up. (When in Antarctica, right?) We also get a couple of heartfelt exchanges that make us melt every time we hear them. If there’s any time for the mushy-gushy stuff, it’s definitely Valentine’s Day.

#5: Superman Agrees to an Interview
“My Interview with Superman”

While both Lois and Clark are shown to be interested in one another, Clark is usually the one stuttering and blushing up a storm. When Superman finally agrees to give Lois an exclusive interview, though, the roles are reversed and it’s spectacular. There’s a lot to love in these scenes, from Lois so clearly flustered to Superman commending her and Jimmy for staying around to help when he’d told them to run. The stand-out, of course, has to be the sight of them flying together for the first time. It’s a classic for a reason and we even get some cheesy dialogue from an enamored Supes.

#4: Their First Kiss
“Kiss Kiss Fall in Portal”

She said it! She said the thing! This was supposed to be Clark and Lois’ first date but, as is typical in the superhero business, work takes precedence. Clark is in the middle of apologizing for as much but Lois has just been confronted with all the multiverse versions of herself so she’s not feeling super hot either. The two reassure each other with a shower of compliments and we almost get those three big words but we’re shown instead of told the very same meaning. It’s beautifully animated, with the chaotic background transforming into that of fireworks. And, although their date doesn’t go as planned, it doesn’t have to for their connection to stay strong.

#3: Lois Begs Her Dad to Spare Superman
“Hearts of the Fathers”

The most dramatic moment of season one was naturally saved for the finale. Superman is exposed to Kryptonite, triggering an invasion reminiscent of Zero Day that he’ll do anything to stop. He’s on his last leg as he puts his life at risk to destroy the ship and a tearful Lois begs him not to sacrifice himself. That alone was enough to get our hearts pumping but then, as Superman lays unconscious, her dad prepares to carry out his orders to take out the alien. Lois begs him to see how Superman has just saved everyone and to spare his life. It’s the kind of grand display full of emotion that always makes our chests squeeze.

#2: The I-Love-Yous
“Zero Day: Part 2”

Thanks to Lois and Jimmy’s broadcast, Superman is able to defeat Ivo. After so much dramatic tension over the two-part storyline, Clark regrouping with Lois and Jimmy feels like a sigh of relief. Lois can barely get her declaration out – those three big words we were waiting for – before Clark attacks her with a sweet kiss. It’s another stunning scene that makes excellent use of lighting, and has enough passion to power the city they just saved. Everything from the emotion in their voices to the score backing this moment is absolutely breathtaking.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Clark Catches Lois, “Adventures of a Normal Man”
The First of Many Blushing Encounters

Their One-Week Anniversary, “Zero Day: Part 1”
Aaaand… Cue the Swooning!

Clark Says He’s in Love With Lois, “Most Eligible Superman”
Smooth, Supes

Beautiful Bodyguard, “Adventures with My Girlfriend”
We Think It’s a Great Plan, Really

Lois Trusts Clark, “Adventures with My Girlfriend”
Okay, She Redeemed Herself After the First Time She Pulled This Stunt

#1: Lois Rescues Clark From the Simulation
“Pierce the Heavens, Superman!”

After the rocky patch the couple went through this season, we were so happy to see this moment finally pan out. Lois throws caution to the wind – as she does best – and succumbs to the Black Mercy to save Clark. At first, she can’t remember who she is or why she’s there but it’s not long after encountering Kal-El, whose memories have also been tampered with, that everything comes flooding back. The only problem is the simulation keeps restarting as it tries to boot her from it, and she keeps having to convince Clark of his life on Earth… and his life with her. The moment he remembers is so sweet and we were beyond relieved to see the two patch things up.

Which moment was your favorite? Let us know in the comments.
