Top 10 Biggest Avengers: Endgame Questions Answered

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#10: How does Stark Return to Earth?
By the end of Infinity War, the remaining Avengers are left worse for wear. Nowhere is this arguably more evident than for shell head himself: Tony Stark, left in the middle of space with nothing other than Nebula by his side and a damaged Milano to make it back home. Trailers made it appear as if Stark was on his last legs, with all hope being lost as he endlessly drifts in the lonesome depths of space. Tony has always had a game plan in prior MCU installments, but for once, he seemed fresh out, raising stakes sky (er, space) high as to how he would get out of this one. Hint: a certain Captain helped him out.
#9: How Would Hulk Return?
In Ragnarok and Infinity War, Banner has had something of a power struggle for which side of his Jekyll and Hyde persona would maintain full dominance over their identity. After getting his big green behind kicked by Thanos in the opening of Infinity War, the jade giant seemed almost reluctant to assist in any ‘avenging’ from that point on. While Ruffalo’s quirky Banner performance is definitely a lot of fun, an Avengers movie just wouldn’t feel the same without the Hulk, so in a genius move, we get the best of both worlds in the combination of both characters: Professor Hulk. Many believed that Hulk would emerge once he saw Natasha in danger, but this unexpected twist was a funny and welcome change up to the character. Sporting brains and brawn, Endgame made good on Banner’s long struggle with the Hulk.
#8: What did Thanos do After the Snap?
Being the first villain in the history of the MCU to triumph over earth’s mightiest heroes, Thanos wiped out fifty percent of all life and left the Avengers with the horrifying aftermath. So…where do you go from there? Infinity War ends with the mad titan retreating to a quiet farmer style life after achieving his goal, but what would Endgame bring? Would he cook up another dastardly scheme after this? Would he just chill and relish in his victory? Turns out it was the latter, which we can understand. Gathering Infinity Stones must be hard work…also having the remaining half of reality hate your guts is a good reason to enter permanent retirement.
#7: How Much Time has Passed Since the Snap?
As stated, Infinity War ended on a shocking, heartbreaking note with half of all life turned to dust. Being a follow-up to the previous film, everyone was wondering how much of a time jump (if any) there would between Infinity War and Endgame? The trailers seemed to hint at a desolate Earth as well as our heroes looking visibly tired and sporting different physical appearances; R.I.P. to Cap’s beard. Maybe years went by after the defeat or maybe the Avengers jumped right back into action a few weeks later... In an interesting move from the creative team behind Endgame, we ultimately got to see…both! The film’s first act takes place not long after the Snap, only to cut to 5 years later shortly after.
#6: What Happened to Hawkeye?
Fans feared the worst for Barton’s family, first introduced in Age of Ultron, hoping they weren’t among Thanos’ victims. Marvel knows how to tug at our heartstrings by now, so realizing all of our greatest fears, not only does Hawkeye’s family bite the dust, but it happens in the opening scene of the movie. While we all had a bad feeling this would happen, we were more interested to see just how deeply this would affect Clint Barton going forward. Rumors suggested he would take on the darker persona of Ronin, and this more brutal, tortured iteration of Hawkeye does make a brief, albeit satisfying appearance as well.
#5: What Would Stan Lee’s Cameo Be?
On November 12th, 2018, the creative mind that is responsible for all of this superpowered entertainment, Stan the Man Lee, sadly passed away at the age of 95. Long before the MCU began, filmmakers have paid tribute to the man who started it all by giving him fun, clever cameos in various Marvel films over the years. With his passing, many worried if we would get to see Stan make an appearance in the culmination of the MCU. Luckily, he did and it stands as a heartwarming, poetic send-off. Excelsior!
#4: How Will Ant-Man Return?
At the end of his last solo adventure, Ant-Man was trapped inside the Quantum realm, unable to escape due to his comrades not being there to pull him back out, you know…being piles of dust and all. As mentioned, plot details leading up to release seemed to be hinting at some kind of time jump, be it just a few weeks or a couple of years; so how does Scott Lang manage to survive during all that time…and how does he even make a return when the only people who know where he is turned to dust because of Thanos? Well, thanks to an unexpected third party, we now know the Avengers’ allies come in all shapes and sizes.
#3: Who is the Next Captain America?
With several appearances already under his belt, Chris Evan’s time as the superhero seemed to be nearing its end. But with the sentinel of liberty being one of the most popular characters in the MCU up to this point, there is no way Marvel would let the character go all together, even if Evans wanted to move on. Both Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes have stepped in to wield the shield after Steve Rogers in the comics, so it seemed that the MCU would follow suit. Ultimately, Sam Wilson transitioning into the role and his relationship with Barnes is likely to be further explored in their upcoming Disney+ series.
#2: Who Survived the Snap?
It was made crystal clear that when Thanos snapped his fingers, fifty percent of all life in the universe would be reduced to ashes. The only detail lacking clarity from that point was: who exactly survived? Infinity War showed some of the major deaths like Spider-Man and most of the Guardians, but many other character’s fates were left up in the air. Several side characters such as Shuri, Wong, Pepper Potts, and Cassie Lang were all big question marks leading into Endgame. The filmmakers remained understandably tight-lipped about the snap’s outcome for many players in the Marvel universe, but when it came time for revelations…Endgame definitely had some shocking truths to tell.
#1: Is Captain America Worthy?
Fans around the world were clamoring for a payoff that Marvel teased years ago during the afterparty sequence in Age of Ultron. With this being the Endgame and Captain America likely not returning in the future, now was the time to either deliver this long-anticipated scene…and oh boy did they deliver. In a heart-stopping moment of pure fan service, Cap proves he is indeed worthy of Mjolnir and wielding both it and his trademark shield, lays the smackdown on Thanos. The only thing that could have been just icing on the cake was to hear Captain America call together the earth’s mightiest heroes with the famous phrase - “Avengers assemble!” - since Age of Ultron held out on us in that regard.