Top 10 Biggest Douchebags in Anime

Behold… douche-baggery incarnate. Welcome to and today we are counting down our picks for the top ten anime douchebags.
For this list, we'll be looking at anime characters who, regardless of whether they are truly evil or not, are at their core major jerks. Since we'll be going into the reasons why these guys are douche royalty, you can expect a few spoilers down the line.
Special thanks to our user governmentfree for submitting the idea on our interactive suggestion tool: WatchMojo.comsuggest/Top+10+Anime+Douchebags
Top 10 Anime Douchebags
Behold… douche-baggery incarnate. Welcome to and today we are counting down our picks for the top ten anime douchebags.
For this list, we’ll be looking at anime characters who, regardless of whether they are truly evil or not, are at their core major jerks. Since we’ll be going into the reasons why these guys are douche royalty, you can expect a few spoilers down the line.
#10: Izaya Orihara
“Durarara!!” (2010-16)
You won’t meet another information broker quite like this guy. In a class of his own when it comes to his twisted trade, Izaya’s knowledge of human tendencies allows him to work from the shadows as a master manipulator. That would be all well and good if he didn’t love to throw himself into the fray and cause as much chaos as possible, just for the thrill of seeing how his victims adapt. Whether its street brawls, attempted murders or just pushing Shizuo’s buttons, you can be sure that Izaya is going to be there laughing his head off.
#9: Rossiu Adai
“Gurren Lagann” (2007)
While originally something of a timid individual who had once been brainwashed by a false religion, Rossiu was certainly tolerable despite constantly undermining Simon after he took command of things. And then came the betrayal. Yeah, we know, he made up for his bad deeds at the end and even performed the ceremony at Simon and Nia’s wedding. That’s lovely and all, but you can’t expect us to forget how he scapegoated Simon, snatched power right from under him and even sentenced him to death. A douche move…but nothing a good punch can’t fix.
#8: Toru Oikawa
“Haikyuu!!” (2014-)
He’s an icon of the sport, an ace setter and has legions of fangirls following him everywhere he goes. Unfortunately the one thing he’s lacking is a humble attitude. Despite being an excellent volleyball player, even Oikawa’s team have issue with his personality - which seems to be made up of a blend of childishness and arrogance. Throw in his talent for finding the weakness in others and pushing their buttons; and you can see why he’s a demon on the court. With his lack of tact, losing to him is truly like rubbing salt in the wound.
#7: Spandam
“One Piece” (1999-)
It’s pretty easy to talk big when you have others to do your dirty work, especially when those under your command are some of the deadliest assassins in the world. Even among some of the worse the World Government have to offer, Spandam is a special kind of asshole. Cowardly to the core, yet able to step over practically anyone, his treatment of Robin made him an instantly dislikeable. While someone like Rob Lucci made for a great villain, Spandam was a nuisance that needed to be put in his place.
#6: Gilgamesh
“Fate/Zero” (2011)
For being the supposed King of Heroes, this guy’s attitude that makes him worthy of the title; King of Douchebags. An Archer-class Servant who worked alongside the equally sadistic Kirei Kotomine, he committed a variety of horrific acts during the events of the Fourth Holy Grail War, including but not limited to allowing his old Master to be murdered, having a creepy obsession with saber and just generally looking down his nose at everyone. And for the love of god would you put some clothes on?
#5: Katsuki Bakugou
“My Hero Academia” (2016-)
When you look at what makes this guy tick it doesn’t exactly scream hero. From the get-go he frequently degrades and bullies Izuku for lacking a Quirk, only to then to develop a heated rivalry bordering on hatred with him. He’s got a superiority complex like no other, wanting to dethrone All Might, something he displays with the worst of tempers. We’ve heard of edgey anime rivals but this guy takes the cake - Seriously are you a hero or a villain?
#4: Kirino Kousaka
“My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute” (2010-13)
Douche-baggery knows no gender, especially when a character is as much of a hypocrite as Kirino. On the outside she’s something of a perfectionist whose attitude towards her goals is somewhat praiseworthy. On the inside, she’s a full blown otaku who loves all things erotic, especially when it comes to incest. What’s the problem? Well in order to keep her nerdy hobbies hidden, she openly abuses her older brother. Most annoying of all, lots of the stories end with him apologizing to her. I dunno man, incest is weird.
#3: Dio Brando
“JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” (2012-)
Specifically; Dio Brando as a young man. Sure, his time as a vampire made him an iconic villain, but as a human he was already well on his way towards the douche side. Going out of his way to make Jonathan Joestar’s life a living hell, not only did he end up killing his father, not only did he try to steal the Joestar fortune, not only did he steal the first kiss of JoJo’s love…but he went ahead and killed the dog! What kind of monster does that?! Rest in peace Danny, you will be missed.
#2: Gary Oak
“Pokemon” (1997-)
You have to give credit to the guy who coined the phrase “smell ya later!” and became the guy that every kid wanted to lose to Ash. Granted this didn’t happen until Ash had conquered the Johto region, but until then Gary took every opportunity to remind everyone why he was the best thing to come out of Pallet Town, echoed by his personal group of cheerleaders. He may have mellowed over the later series, but it’s still not enough to make us forget about how much of an ass he was.
Before we reveal our number one pick, here are a few honourable mentions.
Spirit Albarn
“Soul Eater” (2008-09)
“Naruto Shippuden” (2007-17)
“Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood” (2009-10)
#1: Seto Kaiba
“Yu-Gi-Oh” (2000-04)
Wealth, power, pride and a children’s card game, that pretty much encapsulates the life of this duelling prodigy. Due to the harsh upbringing by his foster father, Kaiba grew up to become join the ranks of the least pleasant of individuals. Starting out as a villain, his loss against Yugi turned him into an anti-hero who was shown to have pockets of goodness sprinkled here and there…but good god was he a douche about it. Sour, overconfident and always looking down on his opponents, it’s all you can expect from a billionaire with a Blue Eyes White Dragon fetish.
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