Top 10 Black Widow Victories

#10: Turning On Team Iron Man
“Captain America: Civil War” (2016)
When the Avengers are split into two groups, Natasha initially sides with Iron Man’s team against Cap’s collective. She stands by Tony’s side for the majority of the movie. Black Widow even fights the members of Cap’s team to show her dedication. In the midst of a hectic battle, Steve and Bucky try to escape only to find that she's blocked them off. But instead of stopping them, she betrays team Iron Man and lets them go. Her deception allowed Cap to uncover a horrifying truth and expose the supervillain Zemo. Black Widow's loyalty ultimately helped the heroes win the day.
#9: Restoring Rhodey's Armor
“Iron Man 2” (2010)
During “Iron Man 2,” Ivan Vanko seizes control of a fleet of robotic drones and Rhodey’s War Machine suit. It doesn't take Black Widow long to interrogate Hammer and figure where she needs to go. She immediately goes to Vanko's hiding spot and takes down the numerous security guards standing in her way. Once they're all down, Black Widow quickly jumps into the system and gives Rhodey control of the War Machine suit again. Without her quick intervention, Iron Man’s fight with his best friend could’ve come to a tragic end. Black Widow saved the lives of two Avengers that night.
#8: Teaming up With Two Avengers to Take Proxima Midnight Down
“Avengers: Infinity War” (2018)
Black Widow has never been afraid to fight alien opponents. So, when Proxima midnight threatens Scarlet Witch during the battle of wakanda, the Avenger steps in to help. Okoye quickly joins Natasha to fight the alien antagonist. The two Avengers are able to keep one of the strongest soldiers working for Thanos busy with their fantastic fighting skills. Together, they create an opening for Scarlet Witch to take down Proxima Midnight once and for all. Natasha’s courage, skill and ability to work with others helped weaken enemy forces. This victory brought the Avengers one step closer to taking Thanos down.
#7: Deceiving the God of Mischief
“The Avengers” (2012)
All the Avengers were skeptical when Loki allowed himself to be captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. so easily. Natasha decides to take initiative and get to the bottom of the villain's evil scheme. While she talks with Loki, he tries to Rattle her by bringing up the most horrible things she's done. The god of mischief gets so carried away with taunting her that he accidentally reveals part of his plan. And that's exactly what Natasha wanted him to do. Despite being a professional liar, Loki is genuinely surprised to learn that she deceived him. Natasha made outwitting the god of mischief look easy.
#6: Knocking Out Hawkeye
“The Avengers” (2012)
Hawkeye is one of the most talented armed fighters in the world. This meant that Natasha was at a huge disadvantage when she fought him without a weapon while he was brainwashed. Although the odds were not in her favor against Hawkeye, he’s unable to land any serious hits. Natasha’s speed and ability to improvise allow her to turn the tables on him. As soon as she realizes a blow to the head can set him straight, she immediately knocks him out. Once again, Natasha’s quick thinking and incredible combat skills scored her a huge win. The fact that she brought her best friend back is an added bonus.
#5: Beating Two Supervillains in Succession
“Widowmaker Vol 1: Issue #2”
While Black Widow and her allies are trying to figure out who’s assassinating spies worldwide, they encounter a group of supervillains. Unfortunately, her enemies disable her tech and force her to witness horrifying illusions. Black Widow is still able to push past these huge problems and launch a brutal counterattack. She defeats the supervillain Sputnik, takes his weapon and uses it to disable the mechanical suit the sinister Crimson Dynamo uses. Black Widow seems to have a special talent for turning her opponent’s weapons into tools for victory. By relying on that skill in this tense battle, she was able to stop overpowered villains right in their tracks.
#4: Destroying the Red Room
“Tales of Suspense Issue Volume 1: Issue #104” (2017)
The Red Room was a horrific training program that forced Natasha to do horrible things in order to gain deadly skills. After her memories are transferred to a clone, the copy takes advantage of her new identity to end the program. This new version of Natasha pretends to be loyal to her old bosses. She's even willing to take down both Hawkeye and the Winter Soldier to execute her plan. Natasha's patience and long game eventually pays off when she turns the tables on employers and blows up the Red Room. The people who ran the program intended to utilize her skills to do their dirty work. So, it's incredibly fitting that Natasha uses her skillset to end the Red Room for good.
#3: Cutting off One of Hydra’s Heads
“Captain America Winter Soldier” (2014)
After Alexander Pierce was exposed as a Hydra leader, Black Widow went undercover as a member of the world Security Council to get close to him. She proceeded to defeat his security and hold him at gunpoint. Alexander Pierce tries to get away by threatening to end black Widow's life with a dangerous piece of tech he tricked her into wearing. But she endures electrocution to disarm the device while Nick Fury takes Pierce down. With the Hydra head out of the way, she decides to leak all of the organization's secrets. Although the archive of information exposes aspects of her dark past to the Senate, she doesn’t care. Natasha’s willing to show how red her ledger is if it means Hydra won’t grow again. (*xref)
#2: Defeating Andrei Rostov & His Army to Save Millions
“Marvel Two-in-One Issue #10” (1974)
Years after Andrei Rostov and Natasha went their separate ways, he became a villain, built a giant bomb and put her and The Thing in a cell. She puts aside her past feelings to escape and stop his evil plot. While The Thing handled the bomb, Black Widow defeated an army of goons single-handedly. Although the exact number is unknown, the comic’s narration implies that she might have fought around a hundred people by herself! And that was before she faced off against her ex, Andrei. Black Widow’s extraordinary endurance and strength bought The Thing enough time to take care of a bomb that would’ve taken over 100 million people. This tremendous display convinced us that she had no limits.
Before we highlight Black Widow’s greatest feat, here are a few honorable mentions.
Calming the Hulk Down, “Avengers: Age of Ultron” (2015)
Black Widow Formed A Strong Bond with the Most Unpredictable Avenger
Fighting Enemies While Tied to a Chair, “The Avengers” (2012)
Her Captors Shouldn’t Have Underestimated Black Widow
Completing the Lemurian Star Mission, “Captain America Winter Soldier” (2014)
Black Widow Fights Pirates & Completes a Mission for Fury at the Same Time
Closing Portal Over New York, “The Avengers” (2012)
Her Actions Helped Stop the Chitauri Invasion
Wounding Corvus Glaive, “Avengers: Infinity War” (2018)
Hurting Him Kept Vision Safe
#1: Black Widow Lifts Mjolnir
“What If: Age of Ultron Volume 1 Issue #3” (2014)
Many Black Widow fans have wondered if she was worthy of lifting mjolnir. This question was answered in an awesome fashion during a “What If? comic. After Thor falls in battle, Black Widow and a handful of heroes keep the world safe from powerful invaders. She eventually fights through legions of fearsome opponents to reach mjolnir. After Natasha fails to lift it once, she holds it high on her second try. She uses mjolnir to defeat a giant serpent and bring balance to the world. Audiences have seen noble heroes that weren’t Thor lift the mighty hammer before. But seeing Natasha overcome her complex history of good and evil deeds and become worthy of mjolnir made this moment stand out as her most triumphant victory.