Top 10 Boys Season 5 Rumors

#10: Soldier Boy Returns
Given what we saw in the mid-credits scene of the season 4 finale, we can pretty much assume this one is a fact. But we still don’t know who will free Soldier Boy, or what he’ll do when he’s awake. Although Homelander clearly longs for a relationship with his father, the last time they saw each other, they didn’t exactly part on good terms. That makes it unlikely, although not impossible, that Homelander will be the one to wake him. There’s also a chance that Billy Butcher will find and free Soldier Boy, although he should also be wary of retaliation from the unpredictable hundred-year-old Supe.
#9: Kimiko Starts Talking
Aside from the occasional dream sequence, Kimiko has been unable to speak since the series began. In season 4, we learn the horrifying real reason she can’t talk. But we also learn that she wants to be able to speak, and she’s been working with a therapist to make it happen. However, it isn’t until Frenchie is taken captive at the end of the season 4 finale that she screams her first word. Now that the mental block that prevents her from talking has been broken, it seems all but guaranteed that she’ll start talking regularly in season 5.
#8: Season 5 Will Be Even More Violent
From the very first episode, “The Boys” has been one of the bloodiest, most graphic shows ever created. In fact, the inciting incident that gets Hughie involved in the whole mess is seeing his girlfriend obliterated by A-Train. Hughie, of course, then goes on to commit some pretty gruesome murders of his own. It seems like the writers come up with a new, more shocking way to kill people every week. Each season has escalated the sex, violence, and gore to a new level. Considering that almost all of our main characters are walking weapons of mass destruction, we expect season 5 to be the bloodiest and most brutal of all.
#7: Queen Maeve Returns
The last time we saw “The Boys’” version of Wonder Woman, she had lost her powers and an eye in a battle against Homelander and Soldier Boy. With Ashley’s blessing, she and her partner Elena go into hiding while Vought spreads the news that she’s dead. Although Queen Maeve didn’t make an appearance in season 4, creator Eric Kripke has said that he expects her to show up again before the series ends. Her powers could be restored with a dose of Compound V, or it could turn out that the effects of Soldier Boy’s nuclear blast were only temporary. Either way, the Boys will need all the help they can get to take down Homelander and his shadow government.
#6: Sam & Cate Join The Seven
The ultimate superhero team hasn’t been fully staffed since the series started. As of the end of season 4, there are three openings, and these two ultra-powerful young Supes are perfect candidates to fill them. Sam and Cate were introduced in “Gen V,” where they started out with good intentions but ended up siding with Homelander and Vought. In season 4 of “The Boys,” we see them hanging out in Seven Tower. During the season finale, they return to help round up Frenchie and Kimiko. It seems like these two are being primed for a role alongside The Deep, Firecracker, and the other members of The Seven.
#5: A-Train Returns to Join the Boys
A-Train, a.k.a. Reggie Franklin, is one of the most complex and interesting Supes in “The Boys.” Although he starts out just as reckless and selfish as anyone else in The Seven, in the last couple of seasons he’s made an effort to redeem himself. This culminates in A-Train becoming a spy for the Boys, at great risk to himself. When Homelander finds out he’s been leaking information, A-Train has no choice but to take his family and flee to safety. But there’s no way such a major character is gone for good. We think A-Train will be back, and he’ll continue his journey to becoming one of the good guys.
#4: Zoe Neuman Kills Butcher
We see Victoria Neuman inject her daughter with Compound V in season 3, but we don’t learn what power she develops until season 4. It turns out to be pretty unusual. Zoe has four tentacles that emerge from her mouth and tear holes in anyone who gets too close. You know who else has super strong hidden tentacles? Billy Butcher, and he uses them to kill Zoe’s mom. This gives Zoe major motivation for revenge. And why would the showrunners give them such similar powers unless they plan to have them face off at some point? It seems like Butcher was never meant to make it out of “The Boys” alive, and Zoe is the perfect character to send him to meet his maker.
#3: A Supernatural Reunion
“The Boys” isn’t the first successful TV show creator Eric Kripke has worked on. He was the genius behind “Supernatural,” which starred several actors who also have major roles in “The Boys.” In season 4, we expect Jensen Ackles to return as Soldier Boy and Jeffrey Dean Morgan to make another appearance as Joe Kessler. That leaves out just one Winchester man, Jared Padalecki. But we have good news for “Supernatural” fans. Padalecki has talked with Kripke about joining the cast of “The Boys” and made it clear that he’d love the opportunity. We’ll just have to wait and see if the two are able to make it happen.
#2: Ryan Turns Evil
Will Ryan Butcher follow in Homelander’s footsteps, or will he stay the sweet, caring kid that his mother raised? This is one of the crucial questions of season 4. We occasionally see his dark side slipping out, like when he gets a kick out of humiliating Adam. But after Ryan defies Vought and Homelander on live TV, it seems like he’s primed to become a good guy. However, when he learns that Grace Mallory and Billy Butcher have been manipulating him all along, his reaction is disturbing. He kills Mallory, and this time, he doesn’t appear to feel bad about it. The season finale seems to be setting Ryan up to turn truly evil.
#1: Butcher Becomes the Villain
Billy Butcher has always been a complicated character. Throughout season 4, the warring sides of his personality are represented by two hallucinations. Becca tries to convince Butcher to be compassionate, while Joe Kessler wants to release the Supe virus and wipe out every Supe on the planet. Butcher’s relationship with Ryan is one of the few things stopping him from doing just that. However, that relationship is broken in the season finale. In the end, when Butcher’s powers finally manifest, he betrays his friends, steals the Supe virus, and hits the road. It’s clearly setting him up to be the villain of season 5, when the rest of the Boys will have to stop him from releasing the virus and committing mass murder.
What do you think will happen in the final season of “The Boys”? Tell us your theories in the comments below.