Top 10 That '70s Show Callbacks on That '90s Show Season 2

#10: Leo's Son
“Friends in Low Places”
Leo has always been an enigma. We first met him in season two of “That ’70s Show,” and he tended to drift in and out of the gang’s lives, occasionally sharing bits about his history, life, and family. Often, it was hard to tell reality from hallucination, given Leo’s, let’s call it, preferred pastimes. However, part two of “That ’90s Show” confirms at least one of these details. In the final episode, Leo’s son, Sonny, quite literally crashes into the gang’s lives. After Leia and her friends clear the house of partygoers, Sonny, played by Kevin Smith, drives straight into the Formans’ kitchen. It seems the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
#9: The Kelso Family Heirloom
“Just a Friend”
Although Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis didn’t return for the second season, the show still reminds us that Jay is every bit a Kelso. When Nate is heartbroken over his breakup with Nikki, Jay uses an old family heirloom to lift his spirits. You might wonder what kind of treasure could mend a broken heart? Well, the strategically placed cushions say it all. Despite Jay’s efforts to show Leia he’s changed, he’s still Michael Kelso’s son, and like father, like son seems more than fitting here. It’s probably also the Kelso in him that comes up with a solution when the VHS tape gets stuck. Hey, isn’t the stupid helmet still somewhere in the basement?
#8: The Water Tower
“You Oughta Know”
The “70’s” gang spent quite a bit of time on that water tower. Well, a couple or so decades later, a new gang has co-opted this hangout spot. Many, especially Michael Kelso, have fallen off it, so it’s definitely not the safest spot to chill. It’s also not where you want to be when you hear bad news. Leia and Nate spend the episode trying to decide whether or not to tell Jay and Nikki about their almost kiss. They ultimately decide not to only for Leia to accidentally announce it on the radio. Unfortunately, Jay and Nikki just happen to be hanging out at the Water Tower with Nate at the time.
#7: Mentions of “70s’” Characters
Sadly, not all of the “That ‘70s Show” cast members are still with us. Thankfully, “That ‘90s Show” brings back memories of the laughs they gave us in the original series. For instance, when Nikki has a pregnancy scare, Kitty fetches some pregnancy tests she had lying around from her daughter, Laurie’s more ‘sociable’ days. In another moment, during an argument with Red, Bob makes a sly comment about his ex-wife Midge’s potential infidelities during their marriage. You might also recall Kitty’s abrasive mother, Bea, played by the legendary Betty White. Along with the photo Kitty keeps in her living room, she’s mentioned in episode six when Kitty meets Kiefer, a so-called healer, played by Will Forte.
#6: Red’s Foot
Some things never change. Despite Eric growing up, landing his dream job, and starting a family, Red still gives him a hard time for being too soft. We also have to say that we’re delighted to hear that all these years later, Red’s foot is still alive and kicking. In what direction, you might ask? It’s practically a rite of passage to enter the Formans’ home and have Red offer to introduce his foot to someone’s rear end. We’re also happy to hear that after years of issuing this colorful threat to unruly teens, Red has also decided to spice things up with new variations on the ol’ classic.
#5: Wayne Knight’s Return
In a parody of “It’s a Wonderful Life” on the original series, Knight plays the Angel, who shows Eric how different his life would’ve been if he and Donna had never kissed. Thanks to the Angel’s wisdom, Eric learns a valuable lesson. Fast-forward roughly 20 years, Red ends up in the hospital after shocking news sends his heart racing — not the first time that’s happened, either! There, he meets Bruce, another patient with a seize-the-day attitude. Though Bruce’s talkativeness initially bothers Red, he eventually warms up to his hospital buddy. He even finds himself inspired by his outlook on life. Could Bruce somehow be the Formans’ guardian angel? We’re choosing to believe so.
#4: The Circle Think Tank
It may be the 90s now, but some things never change. For instance, Kitty might’ve spruced up her home, but it’s still quintessentially her— apparently, ducks never go out of style. Also, the basement and its seemingly endless supply of popsicles continue to be a major draw for the local teens. Of course, it’s also where the gang does some of their best thinking — you know, in that very smoky circle? Like their parents’ generation before them, Leia and her friends come up with some of their most hilarious conversations and hair-brained ideas in The Circle. It’s only a matter of time before someone thinks up a car that runs on water.
#3: The Vista Cruiser Seat Swap
“What Is Love”
The Vista Cruiser was the setting for countless memorable Eric and Donna milestones. Leia seems to have inherited their affinity for meaningful moments on the hoods of cars. Anyway, in the sequel’s first season, Red gifts the Cruiser to his granddaughter for her 15th birthday, but now someone needs to teach her to drive. The grandfathers argue over who should have that honor, and with both reluctant to give in, everyone — yes, Kitty, too— piles into the car. Bob and Red clearly have different teaching styles, and everyone wants their say, so they keep swapping seats. Now, where have we seen that before? Was that a deliberate callback? We’d like to think so.
#2: Mitch Returns
“Just a Friend”
You remember Mitch, right? He was Eric’s rival, who had a big crush on Donna and even tried to break them up. Well, it turns out that even all these years later, Mitch is still bitter about it all. So the last person he probably wants to see every day is their daughter. Luckily, Leia’s able to conceal that fact when she applies for a job alongside Gwen at Hot Topic. Despite being the store manager, it seems the years haven’t been too kind to him, plus he’s still picking fights with teenagers. His cameo is hilarious but way too short. We hope this isn’t the last we see of him.
#1: New Old Neighbors
“Hey there, hi there, ho there!” Guess who’s back in the neighborhood? In the parent series, Red had quite a… colorful dynamic with his neighbor, Bob Pinciotti. After the series’s timeline, Bob moved to Florida. However, in season two of the sequel, Donna convinces him to return to Wisconsin, where he once again lives right by the Formans, sparking plenty of comedic clashes between Leia’s grandfathers. Yes, the last person Red would probably want to be stuck in a room with is now family, which only adds even more humor to their sparring. Welcome back to Point Place, Bob! Just watch out for Red’s foot — we know exactly in which point he’d like to place it.
Did you spot any other “That ‘70s Show” callbacks? Let us know in the comments.