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Top 10 Cartoon Siblings You're Glad Aren't Yours

Top 10 Cartoon Siblings You're Glad Aren't Yours
VOICE OVER: Emily - WatchMojo WRITTEN BY: Mark Sammut
Be glad that these cartoon sublings aren't yours. Our countdown includes "The Fairly Odd Parents," "The Simpsons," "Avatar: The Last Airbender," and more!

#10: Amy
“Total Drama” (2007-14)

One million dollars can bring out the worst in people, but Amy's evilness is already fully formed when she arrives at Pahkitew Island. As Samey's slightly older twin sister, Amy seems to delight in making her sibling feel forever worthless. Not only does the terrible teenager verbally mock and physically hurt her sister, but Amy loves nothing more than to adopt Samey's successes as her own. The worst thing about the whole situation is that Amy is a brilliant con artist, and one that can pull the wool over the eyes of everyone.

#9: Bart Simpson
“The Simpsons” (1989-)

Every member of the Simpsons family is iconic and relatable, but the cartoon naturally takes things to the extreme in the pursuit of a laugh. Although he does mellow out somewhat in later seasons, Bart is still the ultimate personification of a rebellious child and can be a downright infuriating older brother. Although the siblings love each other, Bart and Lisa cannot help but regularly butt heads. While Lisa can dish it out with the best of them, Bart's antics tend to be more physical and mean-spirited. Bart is the type of bro who will protect his siblings from bullies, but more because that type of thing should be kept in the family.

#8: Terrence
“Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends” (2004-09)

He’s a big brother so unlikable that even an imaginary friend cannot stand him. Terrence wakes up in the morning hoping to find a way to make the life of his younger brother, Mac, miserable. Fueled by an unbridled hatred for his brother's imaginary friend, Terrence tries everything within his power to ruin Mac's most meaningful friendship and seems to feel genuine joy at the mere thought of succeeding. The character seemingly exists solely to serve as an occasional antagonist in the cartoon and practically nothing more. Terrence appears to be a sibling born to be unapologetically awful and cruel, which is a role he embraces wholeheartedly.

#7: D.W. Read
“Arthur” (1996-)

The most irritating characters tend to be ones who are not completely removed from reality. Especially in "Arthur's" earlier seasons, D.W. is there to make the titular character's life harder for no real reason. Describing D.W. as an annoying little sister would be an understatement, as the character could earn a gold medal in pettiness. D.W. is manipulative, seems to cherish opportunities to go against Arthur's wishes, and can have a mean streak that is quite vicious. Now, a lot of the character's less flattering traits can be credited to D.W.'s age, but it’s hard not to think she’s a nightmare for a preschooler.

#6: Cree Lincoln
“Codename: Kids Next Door” (2002-08)

Some siblings are annoying, others are dismissive, and a small handful aspire to be Saturday Morning Cartoon villains. Abigail's sister, Cree, used to be a member of the Kids Next Door, but the former Numbuh 11 embraced adolescence with a turn to the dark side and a burgeoning taste for mass murder. While a fun character, Cree could also write a book on being what’s probably the most psychotic sibling imaginable. Cree once considered sending Abigail and a group of other kids on a one-way trip to the sun, only deciding against it because another villain had already failed to make the same plan work.

#5: Vicky
“The Fairly Odd Parents” (2001-17)

When a bully is so amazingly wretched that magic has to interfere on behalf of their victim, then they are truly a special type of evil. As Timmy's terrifying babysitter, Vicky is basically a monster with almost no redeeming qualities, and the teenager does not treat her sister, Tootie, any better. Along with being able to manipulate adults without any trouble, Vicky goes out of her way to torment and isolate Tootie. For Vicky, harassing children seems to be a way to pass the time and add some excitement to her life.

#4: Blackfire
“Teen Titans” (2003-06)

Cunning, vindictive, and two-faced, Blackfire would be a nightmare to deal with even if the Tamaranean's powers were not in play. While Starfire is generally wholesome and kind-hearted, Blackfire is a trickster who holds a special kind of contempt for her sibling. In both of the villain's appearances, Blackfire is specifically driven to ruin Starfire's life, be it through a frame job or an arranged marriage to a husband who seems to be mostly made of snouts. Blackfire can also be incredibly charming if the situation calls for it, which is generally whenever an opportunity presents itself to harass Starfire.

#3: Dee Dee
“Dexter's Laboratory” (1996-03)

Quickly, lock the laboratory. Dee Dee is a bit of a puzzle; on the one hand, the good-natured girl is optimistic, sincerely adores her brother, and does not have a mean bone in her body. However, Dee Dee is an unwitting force of chaos, someone who cannot help but bring madness to Dexter's life. While Dexter is hardly without flaws, Dee Dee's obliviousness seems to get supercharged when it involves her brother. Dee Dee is not especially detestable, but she would be a near-impossible sister to stand being around for more than a few minutes.

#2: Azula
“Avatar: The Last Airbender” (2005-08)

As the princess of one of the worst fathers in animation and the sister of Zuko, Azula is a product of her environment. An environment that encouraged a relentless pursuit of power and celebrated a readiness to step on those deemed weaker. Azula is cruel, arrogant, and frankly dangerous, a sibling who has very little affection or empathy to share. Perhaps in a world not torn by war Azula's sadistic urges could have given way to a more pleasant personality, but there would always be that ever-present fear that an argument could lead to third-degree burns.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few dishonorable mentions.

Candace Flynn, “Phineas and Ferb” (2007-15)
Because She Wants to Be in Control of Everything, Including Her Siblings

Gaz Membrane, “Invader Zim” (2001-06)
Because She Is Terrifying

Wayne Cramp, “The Cramp Twins” (2001-06)
Because Life Is Hard Enough Without a Sibling Who Has an Interest in Traps

Shelly Marsh, “South Park” (1997-)
Because Braces Are Not an Excuse to Beat Stan Up

The Platypus Brothers, “Camp Lazlo” (2005-08)
Because Four of These Older Siblings Is Four Too Many

#1: Eddy’s Brother
“Ed, Edd n Eddy” (1999-2009)

Despite only appearing for a few minutes in the feature-length finale, Eddy's older brother is so unequivocally the worst, he manages to make Ed’s younger sis Sarah seem like a treasure. After a series of being bigged up by Eddy, the fearsome sibling shows up and instantly proves his brother's stories were just fiction. In truth, Eddy's bro uses his younger sibling as a punching bag, both physically and also emotionally. Eddy is treated so disgracefully by his adult brother, the rest of the kids decide to forgive the Eds for six seasons of scams before joining forces to take down the bully.

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