Top 10 Celebrities With Success in Both Acting & Voice Acting

Whether it's with their bodies or their voice, these actors know how to bring a character to life. From Mike Myers to Samuel L. Jackson to Seth MacFarlane, are known just as much for their voice-over roles as they are for their on-screen performances. WatchMojo is counting down the stars who excel at both acting and voice acting.
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#10: Seth MacFarlane
It's impossible not to know MacFarlane, given the fact he created and voices a large chunk of the principal cast of both “Family Guy” and “American Dad!” But while most voice-actors are faceless unknowns as far as the public is concerned, MacFarlane has also become recognizable as a live-action star as well. From cameos in Star Trek: Enterprise and Tooth Fairy, to the leading role in A Million Ways to Die in the West, Seth MacFarlane's face is becoming more and more familiar. Then, of course, there is fellow Griffin, Mila Kunis, whose career has seen her behind the microphone and in front of the camera almost from the beginning.
#9: Jack Black
Who would have though the rambunctious vocalist of Tenacious D would find his own niche in the acting world? Coming into his own with movies that take advantage of his musical and comedic roots, it’s fair to say Tropic Thunder and School of Rock wouldn’t be the same without him. But he’s also found his groove in voice-acting as well, letting loose his inner roadie as Eddie Riggs in the heavy-metal inspired video game Brütal Legend. However, none would argue the fact that his standout voice role is Po in the Kung Fu Panda franchise, where he proves awesomeness comes in all sizes.
#8: J.K. Simmons
Iconic for his portrayal of Spider-Man’s biggest critic, J. Jonah Jameson, across the Sam Raimi movies as well as various cartoons and video games, this veteran actor had proven he’s certainly not a one trick pony. In “Whiplash”, he gave an Oscar-winning performance as the terrifyingly intense jazz conductor Terence Fletcher, and movie-goers haven’t looked at him quite the same way since. As it happens, it turns out Simmons is rather fond of voice acting as well, securing roles in television shows like “The Legend of Korra” and “Gravity Falls”, along with movies like “Zootopia”, and “Kung Fu Panda 3”. And to top it all off he’s even Cave Johnson from “Portal 2” AND the yellow M&M!
#7: Mike Myers
Crazy characters and even crazier accents are all par for the course with this Canadian comedian. While he’s had stumbles with films like The Love Guru and The Cat in the Hat, Myers had shown himself as a master for when it comes to throwing his all into the zaniest roles possible. From Wayne’s World to Austin Powers and even a cameo in “Inglorious Basterds”, more often than not he manages to bring a unique edge to whatever the role. As for voices, we kindly point you towards the Shrek franchise, where he took a Scottish ogre and propelled him to superstardom – at least in box office terms.
#6: Samuel L. Jackson
From Tarantino movies to Pixar to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there’s no area of film or animation that this actor hasn’t graced with his presence. With classic performances littered throughout “Pulp Fiction”, “Jurassic Park”, The “Star Wars” Prequels, “A Time to Kill”, “The Avengers” and even “Snakes on a Plane”, you shouldn’t be surprised to see Samuel L. Jackson appear in various voice-over pieces as well. We all remember him as Frozone from “The Incredibles”, but he’s also lent his vocal talents to the anime “Afro Samurai”. What else is there to say? He’s one bad mother-chucker.
#5: Steve Carell
While known to sometimes dabble in more serious films like “The Big Short” and “Foxcatcher”, what we remember most fondly about this actor are his comedic performances such as in “Get Smart”, “Anchorman”, “The 40 Year Old Virgin” and, of course, “The Office”. Turns out that comedy spills over just as well to voice work as well, most famously as the sometimes-supervillain, sometimes-superhero Gru from the “Despicable Me” franchise. You can never get tired of his odd Eastern European accent, but if you do, there are always his roles in things like “Over the Hedge” and “Horton Hears a Who”.
#4: Vin Diesel
Fans with a long memory may have enjoyed his performances in “Boiler Room” and “Saving Private Ryan”, but for modern moviegoers it's hard to think about Vin Diesel without thinking of the “Fast and Furious” franchise. Practically a byword for “bad ass”, Diesel isn't just a pure adrenaline chasing action star. He may have gained fame in action blockbusters like “Chronicles of Riddick” and “xXx”, but it's in his voice work where he really gets to show his range as an actor... even if signature roles of the Iron Giant or Groot aren't exactly known for their wordiness.
#3: Mark Hamill
As a live-action actor it may be impossible for Mark Hamill to ever truly distance himself from simple farm-boy turned Jedi knight, Luke Skywalker. But in a galaxy far, far away from power converters and womp rats, Hamill has his pick of roles – from Fire Lord Ozai in “Avatar: The Last Airbender”, to Skips from “Regular Show”, and Senator Stampingston from “Metalocalypse”. Hamill's best known and best received voice role, however, is as Batman foe The Joker - a role he's held since 1992. In fact, despite serious live-action competition, Hamill is considered by many to be the definite Joker.
#2: Tom Hanks
His on-screen accolades are numerous, due to consistently bringing personable characters to life in magnificent performances. From “Forrest Gump”, “Big”, “Philadelphia”, “Saving Private Ryan”, “Cast Away”, “The Green Mile”, to “Captain Phillips”, there is no shortage of iconic Tom Hanks moments. And yet in spite of those legendary roles, multiple generations will also remember him as the voice of everyone’s favorite cowboy from “Toy Story”. Although the film had no shortage of voice talent, Pixar’s magnum opus wouldn't have garnered such acclaim if not for Mr. Hank’s signature gravitas.
#1: Robin Williams
As far as comedy and drama goes, this late, great actor juggled both equally while sprinkling in his irreplaceable wit and seemingly boundless energy. Whether he was making us laugh in “Mrs. Doubtfire” and “The Birdcage” or bringing us to tears in “Good Will Hunting” and “Dead Poets Society”, his performances were infectious. While he dabbled in voice work throughout the years in “Ferngully”, “Robots” and the “Happy Feet” franchise, there’s just no topping what is arguably his greatest role: the Genie from “Aladdin”. It was a role nearly as animated as Williams himself, and that's saying something.