Top 10 Celebrities with Troubled Kids

Money can buy a lot of things, but not necessarily a smooth life for your children. From Jackie Chan to Tom Hanks and Laurence Fishburne, many celebrities have offspring who have led difficult lives, including addiction and criminal behaviour. WatchMojo is counting down most troubled celebrity children.
Special thanks to our users ulllaaaklara and Felix_B for suggesting this idea! Check out the voting page at http://WatchMojo.comsuggest/Top%2010%20Celebrities%20with%20Troubled%20Kids
#10: Jackie Chan
This action star is an acting icon, both in America and in his native Hong Kong, but his son isn’t what you’d call a chip off the old block. Born in 1982, Jaycee Chan is a singer and actor himself. But in 2014, he was caught up in a drug bust that led to his arrest. Authorities found over 3 ounces of marijuana in his apartment. Under local law, he faced possible extreme sentences, including life imprisonment, or the death penalty. He was found guilty, but ultimately only wound up serving 6 months in jail. Regardless, it was a major embarrassment for Jackie Chan, who’s been an official anti-drug ambassador since 2009.
#9: Michael Douglas
Michael Douglas has two Academy awards and four Golden Globes under his belt. His son Cameron on the other hand, has had three drug arrests and a 5-year prison sentence. The son of the famous actor was caught selling methamphetamines out of a high-end hotel in Manhattan, and for that he received a sentence of 5 years. But the story doesn’t end there: Cameron repeatedly violated prison rules when he had his lawyer smuggle drugs to him while in jail. Consequently, his sentence was extended. Douglas was released early after serving 7 years in prison, 2 of which were in solitary confinement. After spending time in NYC halfway house, he reportedly intends to write a book about his experience.
#8: James Brown
If you had to pick a song from this iconic soul singer’s catalogue to describe the behavior of his daughter, Venisha Brown, it’d have to be “super bad”. In 2012, Brown was working at St. Stephens Ministry of Augusta Inc, from which she reportedly stole an SUV. When her boss encountered her in the vehicle at an intersection the next day, the two of them had a confrontation and Venisha reportedly sped off, dragging her boss over the hood of a parked car in the process. Now… we’ve all had revenge fantasies involving our bosses, but you’re never supposed to actually act on them.
#7: Tom Hanks
Chet Hanks, son of the legendary American actor Tom, has seemingly always been the black sheep of his family, but his drug related run-in with the law (as well as another car) confirmed this. In 2015, he rear-ended a man in California while intoxicated. Not long after that incident, he checked himself into rehab. Tom and wife Rita were named as co-defendants in the case because the car was registered in their name and it was alleged that they knew about their son’s struggles. However, at the end of 2016, Chet, who is an actor and has played roles in “Fantastic Four” and the TV series “Shameless”, told Instagram that his newly born daughter motivated him to get sober.
#6: Hulk Hogan
It can be tough living in the shadow of a successful father, especially one as famous as actor, musician, entrepreneur, wrestler and all-around household name Hulk Hogan. In 2007, the Hulkster’s son, Nick Hogan, was charged with reckless driving after crashing into a tree. Sure enough, his blood-alcohol level was revealed to be higher than the 0.02% legal limit. On top of that, he was a minor at the time. But perhaps the worst part of the incident is the fact that his passenger was severely injured in the crash and is expected to require constant care for the indefinite future.
#5: Laurence Fishburne
Montana Fishburne decided to follow in her father’s footsteps by getting involved in the film industry. However, she chose to do so by taking the pornographic route. When asked about the decision, she claimed to have wanted to emulate Kim Kardashian and use the film as a jumping off point for her career. Embarrassed and understandably worried about his teenaged daughter, Laurence reportedly sent a private investigator to keep tabs on her, while Montana allegedly faked a suicide attempt in retaliation. While she’s stayed mostly under the radar since making the tape in the early 2010s, 2017 saw her being pulled over and charged with a DUI. So… not exactly a career on the rise.
#4: Farrah Fawcett & Ryan O'Neal
Despite the fact that – or perhaps because – his parents were both famous actors, Farrah Fawcett and Ryan O’Neal’s son Redmond has struggled most of his adult life. In July of 2015, he was sentenced to three years in prison for violating his probation when it was discovered that he was in possession of heroin and a weapon the previous year. He was originally arrested in 2008 and ended up violating his parole a reported total of four times. In 2016, he was ultimately released early due to overcrowded prisons and was given credit for 300 days served.
#3: Nicolas Cage
Weston Cage has a long list of troubles to his name – both big and small. In 2011, he was arrested not once, but twice for domestic violence against then-wife Nikki Williams. That same year, he got into a fight with his personal trainer over what he was and wasn’t allowed to eat. He reportedly attempted to kick the trainer, only to receive a severe beating in response. Though things seemed to be going well for Weston following a stint in rehab, the start of a new relationship and the birth of his son, he was arrested for a hit and run and issued a DUI in 2017.
#2: Martin Sheen
If you were to look up the word “controversial” or “troubled” in the Hollywood dictionary, you’d likely find a picture of Charlie Sheen. Son of famous actor Martin, Charlie is a successful actor in his own right. He starred in one of the biggest T.V. comedy hits ever - “Two and a Half Men.” Unfortunately, he is equally well known for his drug abuse, sexcapades and his tendency to make absurd statements. He was so out of control and difficult to work with that he was ultimately fired from the show and replaced by Ashton Kutcher in the 2010s. Ouch.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- Robert Downey, Jr. & Indio Downey
- Bruce Willis & Tallulah Willis
- Lionel Richie & Nicole Richie
#1: Marlon Brando
Arguably one of the world’s most famous actors ever, Marlon Brando also fathered one of the most troubled children in the industry. Though he landed a handful of acting gigs when he was younger, the late Christian Brando is without a doubt best remembered for his heavily-publicized 1990 pre-trial and subsequent proceedings. After learning that his half-sister may have been abused by her boyfriend Dag Drollet, Christian shot and killed the man in the living room of his father’s Beverly Hills home. After pleading guilty to manslaughter, he spent 5 years in jail and then ironically went on to plead no contest to charges of spousal abuse years later. He ultimately died of pneumonia in 2008, before the case could be settled.