Top 10 Celebs Who Have Dissed the Kardashians

#10: Charlie Sheen
Charlie Sheen isn’t exactly what you’d call a good role model, but even he seems to think that Kim Kardashian could use a lesson in basic human decency. After the selfie queen allegedly snubbed a six-year-old girl that wanted an autograph, Sheen went on a Twitter tirade and claimed that the little girl now cries herself to sleep every night. Charlie made his feelings about Kim clear, stating that she is “lucky that ANYONE cares about” her or the “gross and giggly bag of funk” she dares to call an ass. After dispensing his special brand of wisdom, Sheen also administered a bonus burn, by offering Kanye his deepest condolences.
#9: Amber Rose
Sometimes everything really does revolve around Kanye. Amber Rose, West’s ex-girlfriend, tackled the Kardashian clan head on when she offered an opinion on then 17 year old Kylie Jenner dating 25 year old rapper Tyga. Khloé Kardashian retaliated against Rose on Twitter, calling her out for becoming a stripper at age 15. Rose didn’t take this lying down however, replying, “I’ll be that lil whore to support my family like ur older sister is a whore 2 support hers.” Definite shots fired.
#8: Chelsea Handler
Chelsea Handler has never been afraid to make fun of fellow celebrities, especially the Kardashians. After Kim Kardashian bared it all in Paper magazine, Handler posted one of the full frontal pics on Instagram. Unsurprisingly, it didn’t take long for the social media site to remove the photo. In response, Handler posted a picture of herself fully dressed but with her underwear pulled down – a shot at both Kardashain and Instagram. Meanwhile, Handler explained that unlike Kim she would never show her “peekachu” because she has “a family” and “TALENT.”
#7: President Barack Obama
Unlike some US presidents, Barack Obama doesn’t make a habit of slamming celebrities. Yet, even he’s had cause to take a couple shots at the Kardashian family. In an interview with Amazon, Obama reflected on how culture has changed. Back in the day, the Pres offered, “kids weren’t monitoring every day what Kim Kardashian was wearing, or where Kanye West was going on vacation.” Obama went on to say that with reality television, social media, and the like, there’s an unrealistic “mark of success” created by this “window into the lifestyles of the rich and famous.” Most diplomatic put down, ever.
#6: David Cross
In early 2015, David Cross met with AOL BUILD to promote his directorial debut film, “Hits.” But when Kim Kardashian came up in conversation, the interview suddenly turned into a roast. Cross pulled no punches, claiming that the Kardashians wouldn’t be the celebrities they are today if it weren’t for Kim’s sex tape. Cross chased this by accusing Kris Jenner of being “an awful, shallow whore of a mother” who uses her children to make money. It’s also safe to say that the Kardashians likely provided plenty of inspiration for Cross’ film, which tackles fame and fortune in 21st century America.
#5: Bette Midler
It’s no secret that Kim Kardashian has broken the Internet on multiple occasions. As if her Paper magazine pics weren’t enough, she also posted a nude selfie in 2016. This prompted Bette Midler to take to Twitter, posting what might be the wittiest dis on this list: “If Kim wants us to see a part of her we’ve never seen, she’s gonna have to swallow the camera.” As clever as it is snarky, this tweet is a testament to Midler’s comedic gifts. Kim didn’t find it all that funny, however, resulting in a rant on Twitter. As Midler put it, “Looks like anyone can take a selfie but not everyone can take a joke...”
#4: Michael Bublé
At a 2011 concert, Michael Bublé saw an opportunity to tease his audience while also dissing the Kardashians. The singer welcomed Kim Kardashian to the stage, causing the crowd to gasp. But Bublé quickly made it clear that he was only kidding, saying, “Nah, just f**king with you. That bitch isn’t coming on my stage.” Taken out of context, this statement reportedly offended Kris Jenner, although it took her four years to finally confront him about it. Bublé’s explanation? He was jealous because Ray J got to be in a “video” with Kim instead of him.
#3: Jonah Hill
We’re truly living in a golden age of television with new standards being set for small screen entertainment. Meanwhile, “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” has never been a critical darling, but that didn’t stop it from becoming a ratings success. The show’s popularity continues to baffle many, including Jonah Hill. In a 2011 HuffPost interview, the actor stated, “The fact that the Kardashians could be more popular than a show like ‘Mad Men’ is disgusting.” Hill may not get the obsession with the Kardashians, but he knows an opportunity for a joke when he sees it.
#2: Jon Hamm
While we’re on the subject of “Mad Men,” in a 2012 interview in Elle UK magazine, Don Draper himself gave his two cents on the Kardashian clan. Calling out both Kim Kardashian, as well as Paris Hilton, Hamm stated that both exemplify why “stupidity is certainly celebrated.” He didn’t stop there either, stating, “being a f**king idiot is a valuable commodity in this culture because you’re rewarded significantly.” Clearly Hamm has no interest in keeping up with the Kardashians. Of course if you don’t like what’s being sold, change the conversation.
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- Jeremy Renner
- Tim Gunn
- Sinéad O’Connor
#1: Daniel Craig
Unlike James Bond, Daniel Craig often comes off as a silent, private guy that doesn’t like to call attention to himself. But when the Kardashians came up during an interview with GQ magazine, Craig let it all out and held nothing back. In a lengthy rant, the English actor heavily criticized the family for effectively selling their privacy. Furthermore, Craig accused them of sending a negative message to audiences, stating, “You see that and you think ‘what, you mean all I have to do is behave like a fucking idiot on television and then you’ll pay me millions.’” The Kardashians should not expect an apology from Craig anytime soon.