Top 10 Characters We Need to See in Smash Bros. for Switch!

Crash for Smash! CRASH FOR SMASH...and like, 9 other picks, I guess. Welcome and today we're counting down our picks (or should we say, predictions?) for the Top 10 Characters We Need To See In Smash Bros. for Switch!
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Guys…its happening! Smash Bros is coming to the Switch, and the season of teasers begins anew! Welcome to, and today, we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Characters We Want to See in Super Smash Bros for Switch!
For this list, we’re looking at characters throughout different series we want to see in the newest Smash Bros! The last time we did this kind of list, it was for “Smash Bros for Wii U & 3DS”, and two characters made it into the game: Ryu of “Street Fighter” fame and the beautiful Bayonetta. Here’s to hoping some of these guys will make the cut!
#10: Solaire of Astora
“Dark Souls” (2011)
Guys…we now live in a world where “Dark Souls” is on a Nintendo console. How insane is that?? You know what would be crazier? Seeing a “Dark Souls” character on the “Smash Bros” roster, and what better character to represent the series than our sun-praising friend Solaire? It might look a little weird next to Nintendo’s more cartoony characters, but we’ve seen stranger. (Don’t forget, we had Solid Snake in “Brawl”.) While we may not have an idea on what his move set would be (aside from swinging a sword), it would be wicked cool to see “Dark Souls” get a spot in Nintendo’s hall of fighting fame, especially since we’re getting a Solaire amiibo.
#9: Geno
“Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars” (1996)
The closest we’ve gotten to having Geno in “Smash Bros” was in the latest entry, where we could dress our Mii Fighters like him. The absence is due to Square Enix owning the rights to Geno, which makes getting him in the game a tad more difficult. Fortunately, series creator Masahiro Sakurai has been wanting Geno in the game since “Brawl”, and he is aware of the character’s popularity. With the next “Smash Bros” game around the corner, we still have a chance of seeing our old friend in the months to come.
#8: Ice Climbers
“Ice Climber” (1985)
These arctic explorers, Nana & Popo, debuted in “Melee” and returned for “Brawl”. So, things felt a little off with “Smash 4” when the Ice Climbers were missing from the roster. However, there’s a reason for it. According to Masahiro Sakurai, the Nintendo 3DS wasn’t powerful enough to handle the pair, and so, they were axed. Thankfully, the Switch has proven to be one of the most technically impressive consoles on the market. Hopefully this means our little buddies will be making a return. It just hasn’t been the same without them.
#7: Paper Mario
“Paper Mario” series (2001-)
Since trophies were introduced in “Melee”, we’ve seen a large assortment of trophies based on the “Paper Mario” series, so wouldn’t you think it’s about time Paper Mario joined the brawl? While some might think he would just be a Mario clone, we beg to differ. Paper Mario has had a wide selection of moves from the series that could easily make up his move set. He’s got a hammer, paint, his transformation abilities, his…flatness… If you want to make him a more strategic fighter, you could make Paper Mario a “transformation” fighter by allowing him to switch out party members just like in the games! We can only dream…for now.
#6: The Rabbids
“Raving Rabbids” series (2006-)
Well, there’s now a game where Mario and the Rabbids share the spotlight. “Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle” exceeded our expectations and turned out to be an amazing game! What better way to celebrate the crossover than by having the Rabbids join “Smash Bros”? Their move set wouldn’t be that hard to imagine either. We have a feeling that toilets, plungers, and a lot of “BWAAAAAHHH” will be involved. Plus, Ubisoft and Nintendo have a strong relationship now. So, it’d make enough sense to put these once-super-annoying characters in the roster. Besides, maybe a certain fist-throwing hero could debut alongside them?
#5: Spring Man & Ribbon Girl
“ARMS” (2017)
Nintendo’s newest franchise has quickly become one of Nintendo’s best. If you haven’t heard of it, “ARMS” is a fighting game where you literally throw your fists at your opponent, but each “ARM” you equip functions differently. Some can land multi-hits, some are explosive, and some can pop your opponent into the air. That being said, seeing Spring Man and Ribbon Girl in “Smash Bros” is now a bit of an expectation. “ARMS” has received overwhelming support from both its community and Nintendo. Besides, “Smash Bros” is, essentially, one big ad for Nintendo games. “ARMS” would get a longer lifespan if it gets any kind of representation.
#4: Captain Toad
“Super Mario” series (1985-)
“Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker” is coming to the Nintendo Switch! That should be plenty of reason, right? Alright, then! We understand some may not want more “Mario” characters in “Smash Bros”, but Captain Toad is more than that. While Toad (the regular one) is already in “Smash Bros”, he’s busy being used as a meat shield for Princess Peach. Captain Toad, on the other hand, has more room for different moves. He can throw turnips, ride minecarts, and call on the Toad Brigade for assistance. Yes, he may be another “Mario” character, but the little guy has his own game, and we want to see more of him!
#3: Miles “Tails” Prower
“Sonic the Hedgehog” series (1991-)
Its funny how Nintendo and SEGA used to be the titans of the schoolyard. Now, they’re the best of friends! Seeing Sonic debut in “Brawl” was one of the most historic moments in gaming. Sooooo, would it be too much to ask for another “Sonic” character to join the fight? How about Sonic’s best buddy, Tails? His move set would be an easy one to assemble, too. You could make an interesting fighter out of him because of his engineering skills, his mech, and…you know, that’s probably it, right? He doesn’t really have any flight abilities to make him hard to knock off the stage. Nahhhh, no way! That would make too much sense.
#2: Shovel Knight
“Shovel Knight” (2014)
How has this not happened yet? Shovel Knight was the first third-party character to get an amiibo! On top of that, “Shovel Knight” debuted on the Wii U (alongside PC and 3DS)! He’s already got the moves to make him a formidable foe, too. His basic attacks can revolve around his trusty shovel blade while his special attacks can be assortment of the Relics he uses in his game. Of course, we might spend most of the battle bopping on everyone’s heads. Make it happen, Nintendo!
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few Honorable Mentions…
Breath of the Wild Champions
“The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” (2017)
#1: Crash Bandicoot
“Crash Bandicoot” series (1996-)
Call us totally crazy and overly-optimistic…but Crash Bandicoot MUST be in the nest “Smash Bros” game! Activision may not have strong ties with Nintendo, but our boy has a history. After Naughty Dog left the franchise, “Crash” went multi-platform and started appearing on Xbox and Nintendo consoles, not just PlayStation. Now, he’s heading to Nintendo Switch with “N. Sane Trilogy”! The bandicoot also has a variety of skills that could make him fun to play, from his trusty bazooka to his classic spin attacks. The bandicoot is back, and he’s earned a spot in the “Smash Bros” family.