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Top 10 Characters Who Have Beat Up Wolverine

Top 10 Characters Who Have Beat Up Wolverine
VOICE OVER: Adrian Sousa
Written by Michael Wynands

He's the best at what he does, but he can't win every fight. Welcome to, and today we'll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Marvel Characters Who Have Beat Wolverine.

For this list, we'll be looking at comic book characters, heroes and villains alike, who have succeeded in taking down Wolverine thanks to their skills, strength, and abilities. For the record, we aren't claiming these characters are better, stronger or that they can even consistently beat Wolverine. We're just saying… they've done it at least once, and that alone is impressive.

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He’s the best at what he does, but he can’t win every fight. Welcome to, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Marvel Characters Who Have Beat Wolverine.

For this list, we’ll be looking at comic book characters, heroes and villains alike, who have succeeded in taking down Wolverine thanks to their skills, strength, and abilities. For the record, we aren’t claiming these characters are better, stronger or that they can even consistently beat Wolverine. We’re just saying… they’ve done it at least once, and that alone is impressive.

#10: Storm

Wolverine can brawl with the best of them, slice and dice his way through just about anyone, and can come back from just about any punch, superpowered or otherwise, that an opponent can throw at him. The thing is… he’s kind of at a loss when it comes to ranged, energy-based combat. When his opponent can stay airborne and hurl elemental forces at him… well, let’s just say he’s at a serious disadvantage. Luckily for him, he and Storm are usually fighting on the same side, but in X-Men Forever vol. 2, an evil clone of Ororo Munroe literally reduced Logan to ash and adamantium with one powerful bolt of lightning.

#9: The Punisher

As a mere mortal, the Punisher shouldn’t be any sort of match for Wolverine, but Frank Castle just so happens to be the best at what he does. And like Wolverine…. what he does isn’t very nice. Castle acquired a unique set of skills during his illustrious military career that help him to even the playing field when he’s going up against super-powered opponents. His tactical training makes him especially dangerous to someone like Wolverine, whose powers have given him sort of reckless approach combat. Logan has a healing factor? No problem! The Punisher will just use a shotgun, some gasoline, a machine gun and a steamroller for good measure.

#8: Kitty Pryde

This cat might be out-clawed in this seemingly one-sided fight, but she makes up for it with creative thinking. Against one of the most feared mutants in the world, who’s in full Berserker mode no less, she proves that brain can outmatch brawn any day. Kitty Pryde’s ability to phase through matter is often dismissed as defensive in nature, but as proven here, she can use it to devastating effect. With Wolverine under the influence of Hydra, and having torn through many big name heroes, she’s forced to sacrifice a limb to save the day, reaching through Logan’s skull and then rematerializing. Losing to this underdog must’ve left Logan with one hell of a headache.

#7: Cyclops

Again… Wolverine versus energy-based ranged attacks doesn’t make for a good combination. Unfortunately for Wolverine, given his tendency to butt heads with Cyclops, he’s been on the receiving end of more than his fair share of optical blasts. Their scuffles across various timelines have proven time and time again that Scott can hold his own against Wolverine. And when he stops holding back and really lets his optical blasts do the talking… it’s enough to blow Logan away.

#6: Black Panther

We’re not sure how this one would have ended had Logan’s healing factor been working at full power, but hey, you go into each fight with the hand you’ve been dealt and in this case, Wolverine was found wanting. T’Challa is a formidable hand to hand fighter, with the sort of reflexes that Wolverine simply cannot keep up with. In issue 8 of the “Killable” storyline, we open to see a thoroughly defeated Wolverine just kinda getting pummeled by a frustrated Black Panther. Even after catching his breath, Wolverine is no match for the exasperated T’Challa, who essentially holds him by the arms until Wolverine calms down. Talk about an embarrassing defeat.

#5: Captain America

Berserker vs Super Soldier? It’s a fight for the ages between men out of time, and one that we’re only too happy to witness whenever the powers that be conspire to make it happen. Generally speaking, other heroes or villains interrupt the fight, but on the rare occasions in which they’ve been left to their own devices, Cap has a habit of coming out on top. It’s rarely a quick or clean victory though. Despite both wielding adamantium, the two heroes exhibit very different fighting styles. Except for that time that Cap was a werewolf, and beat Logan in his own feral style. Gotta appreciate how Capwolf picks up and chucks Wolverine one-handed like a bowling ball.

#4: Thor

Wolverine has taken down many an opponent who seemingly had him outmatched. But against a literal god… it’s hard to beat the odds. And as addressed with Storm, silly at it might sound, he doesn’t do great against characters who can harness the power of weather. As is so often the case in these "hero vs hero" matchups, hallucinations are to blame - in this case, Wolverine mistakes Thor for Sabretooth thanks to that no good trickster, Loki. Once again, a bolt of lightning does the trick. Thankfully for Logan, the benevolent god was going easy on him, delivering a dose strong enough to clear his head, but low enough to let the mutant keep his skin.

#3: Hulk

When it comes to epic throwdowns in the Marvel universe, there are few more vicious, feral and awesome than this pairing. Wolverine actually debuted in the pages of Incredible Hulk, so these two are forever linked, and not in a friendly way. It’s smash versus slash with these two combatants, neither of which is afraid to draw blood or go for the kill. Sure, Wolverine is capable of taking the Hulk down (from the inside out if he needs to). However, the irradiated giant that is the Hulk has proven himself to be more than capable of ripping Logan to shreds. No seriously… in Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk, he tears Wolverine in half.

#2: Deadpool

Guess whooooo? It’s the very last person in the world Wolverine ever wants to see! Seriously, we suspect that Logan would forfeit his own healing factor conditional to Wade losing his too, just to see Deadpool die. But sadly, in addition to sweet katana skills, an insufferable can-do attitude and an aptitude for getting under your skin, Deadpool is also blessed with a healing factor just like Logan’s - only better. And as a result, no matter how many times Wolverine cuts Deadpool to ribbons, the Merc with a Mouth just keeps coming back for more, and on the odd occasion, he actually beats Logan, like in 1994 when he pierced both of Wolverine’s lungs.

#1: Magneto

Few characters in the Marvel universe have a leg up on Wolverine like Magneto. Call him Erik Lehnsherr, Max Eisenhardt, or simply Magnus if you like. As far as we’re concerned, he’s Wolverine’s walking, talking Kryptonite. In addition to his healing factor and claws, part of what makes Wolverine so formidable is his adamantium coated skeleton. In almost every fight, this works in his favor, but with Magneto, it makes him a danger to himself and everyone around him. Perhaps the most brutal example of this imbalance was when Magneto, rather than just manipulating Logan like usual, literally pulled the adamantium out of his body.
