Top 10 Craziest Billboard Music Award Moments

#10: Nicki Minaj Lap Dance
“20th Billboard Music Awards” (2013)
“Get a room” doesn't quite cover this one. When Nicki Minaj hit the stage with Lil Wayne, audiences knew they were in for quite a performance, and given the regal set design behind their live rendition of "High School," expectations were high before they even started. Minaj brought the heat in her gold-studded jacket, moving non-stop while hitting every note, and then Lil Wayne sat down. Going into the song's drop, Minaj dances around his chair before gyrating and grinding on him, making for a moment that was so ludicrous and overtly sexual, that even Minaj breaks down laughing as they walk off stage.
#9: Chrissy Teigen’s Weird Intro
“22nd Billboard Music Awards” (2015)
While hosting has become a second job for model legend Chrissy Teigen, her quirky nature on stage has certainly generated some awkward moments, especially when it's about her husband. While switching things over to intro Meghan Trainor's song, which here features Teigen's husband John Legend, she obviously wanted to drop a few cheeky remarks about his chart performance to lighten the mood, while also creeping out everyone watching. As she goes to name drop the pair, she made things very weird as she claims John Legend is like a brother to her… two years into their marriage.
#8: Wiz Khalifa Forgot Someone
“23rd Billboard Music Awards” (2016)
You're always bound to forget a few people when you have to give a thank you speech, but your collaborator would normally seem like a no-brainer. Accepting the Top Hot 100 Song Award for the massively successful "See You Again," Wiz Khalifa took to the stage on his own. He spared no time acknowledging all the industry and family members who helped support him and make the song happen. Thanking the fans and even God, Khalifa seemed to forget Charlie Puth, who both appears on the track and on the screen under him as you watch him omit his partner in crime.
#7: Pink Performs "Just Like Fire"
“23rd Billboard Music Awards” (2016)
Some artists take “going above and beyond” very literally. For Pink's live take on her explosive hit, she took music video visuals to the stage with a little acrobatic ambition to boot. For a performance that was fire itself, Pink started things slow, going for a more intimate opening before taking to the skies as part of a clock. Switching to a sassy walk towards the camera, she falls on her dancers creatively as the intensity builds. With flames erupting from the stage, she crawled in front of fans before taking to her giant clock to close in a literal blaze of glory.
#6: Katy Perry Performs "Birthday"
“21st Billboard Music Awards” (2014)
A birthday just isn't the same without cake. While Katy was actually in England during the performance, she still managed to bring all the insanity the show is known for from her remote location. Moving her and some neon coloured dancers closer to the crowd, Perry stopped mid-song to grab a birthday girl from the crowd. Sitting the lucky fan on a throne, dancers spin on candle poles around her as the throne rises to reveal a giant cake. To top it all off, Perry floated above the crowd with her giant balloons, raining confetti on the crowd for a celebration that made it feel like it was everyone's birthday.
#5: Britney Spears Performs a Megamix
“23rd Billboard Music Awards” (2016)
While Britney had a couple years away from music, it hasn't stopped her from being one of most unbelievable performers of our time. Dancing with everything she had to "Work B**ch" and "Womanizer", Spears clearly hadn't lost her ability to rule the stage and costume changes without ever taking a break. Riding a giant guitar around over-sized amps while singing "I Love Rock 'n' Roll" she effortlessly switches to pole-work seconds later. Grabbing her full troupe of dancers, she closed the extended set on a fiery version of "Toxic" full of sweat and fireworks, showing the time away hasn't slowed her down much.
#4: Beyoncé Clones
“18th Billboard Music Awards” (2011)
What's cooler than Beyoncé? A hundred Beyoncés. Giving an incredibly visual performance thanks to some clever choreography, Beyoncé commands from center-stage, keeping the crowd's jaws hanging, while dancing on her own. Chanting "Girls" with the crowd, an endless army of Beyoncés appear behind her to bring the feminist revolution she keeps promising. As she moves to the crowd, her army of women becomes real as dancers flood the stage with her, all moving in military unison. With flags waving and fireworks blasting away, Beyoncé gave the girl-power performance to end them all, making sure people saw the power behind the movement.
#3: Justin Beiber Gets Booed
“20th Billboard Music Awards” (2013)
Even if you hate Justin Bieber, this was taking things a little far. Receiving the Milestone Award at just 19, Bieber is understandably excited. But just as quickly as Bieber's cheers started, so did the boos. Ringing out painfully loud through both the announcement and even his speech, the haters in the crowd would not let up on throwing as much shade as they could. Pausing for a while to take it all in, Bieber quickly reminded the crowd how young he was and tried to calm the shouting down before his humbled thank yous.
#2: Miguel Underestimates a Jump
“20th Billboard Music Awards” (2013)
Fans are used to getting emotionally hurt by bad music, but aerial assaults from their idols are few and far between. During an electrifying live set, Miguel was a force of nature as he rippled back and forth across the stage. Through the smoke and pure exhaustion, he must have miscalculated however, as his climactic jump ran into a few hitches, and as a result, may have caused a few stitches. As Miguel came down he barely reached the stage, kicking one fan in the face and bashing another's head right into the platform with his full weight. To no surprise his lack of concern got him sued.
Before we get to our top pick, here's a few honourable mentions:
Meghan Trainor’s Lackluster "No" Performance
“23rd Billboard Music Awards” (2016)
Kendall Jenner Can't Read
“21st Billboard Music Awards” (2014)
#1: Michael Jackson Performs as a Hologram
“21st Billboard Music Awards” (2014)
It would take more than the grave to stop Michael Jackson from putting on a good show. Coming back to life five years after his death, Jackson destroyed the stage via hologram, walking right out of a painting into real life with his dance moves as on point as ever. Burning through "Slave To The Rhythm", he quickly joins the very real cast of dancers, adding another dimension to this surprising set. Interacting with his dancers, moving around pyrotechnics and pulling off a dance-solo as only Jackson could, he returned to his golden throne, reaffirming his place in history.