Top 10 Crazy Video Game Fan Theories

Woah man, you just blew my mind. Join as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 Video Game Fan theories.
The people are the ones who matter, and as such we're only taking into account theories that the fans of these games have created. We're giving points for creativity but also how much it makes sense to us. Obviously some of these theories exist around crucial plot points, so we're giving this list a spoiler warning just in case.
Special Thanks to our users "OLee Lee" "Justin Kennon" "Paweł Wasilewski" "SpongeBobSquarePants" & "Kyle Strand" for suggesting this topic on our Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest.
#10: Squall is Dead
“Final Fantasy VIII” (1999)
The eighth entry into the epic sci-fi fantasy series has always had a problem with character deaths and conspiracy theories, not to mention huge battles to close the first disk. Actually how did Squall survive impalement and a deathly fall, or did even survive at all? When we start again in Disc 2, Squall awakes completely fine and ready to carry on his journey but that’s just too crazy. Fans have speculated that Squall actually died, or was even put into a coma, and the remaining three discs are merely his subconscious imagining the rest of the adventure for him. The flashback to the ballroom scene doesn’t help either, nor does this creepy still…
#9: The Pokemon War
“Pokemon Red/Blue” (1998)
Collecting gym badges and cute animal friends seems such fun, until you start wondering why some are rarer than others. Actually, why are there gyms and hospitals all over the place too? Well Lieutenant Surge gives us a clue when he says his Pokemon protected him during the ‘war’. However Pokémon is set in it’s own fictional universe, so does that mean there was once a war that had Pokémon fighting and killing one another, including their masters? It would certainly shed some light on all the absent fathers these Pokémon trainers have, and it was right under your nose the whole time.
#8: Mary’s body is in James Car
“Silent Hill 2” (2001)
All that relentless searching and hours of gameplay may have been completely in vain according to this famous fan theory. With the realisation of the true murderer of Mary, fans have assumed that her body was never near James across the games storyline, unless she was in the trunk of his car all along. All along James’ has been repressing not only his own memory, but the sight of his dead wife. This possible twist was so liked that it’s actually affirmed in the novelizations of Silent Hill 2.
#7: Operation Snake Eater is a Virtual Reality
“Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater” (2004)
This is Naked Snake, or is it? The crazy world of Metal Gear Solid is no stranger to bizarre advanced technology, but what if we told you that the famous third instalment isn’t real? We’re not saying it didn’t happen, but do you remember in MGS2 when Raiden said he completed VR missions in his training? It’s believed that Snake Eater is actually a virtual reality training mission, which might explain why Jack misheard Major Zero at the start of the game. But wait, does this mean we’re actually playing as Solid Snake playing as Naked Snake in Metal Gear Solid 3?
#6: The Twili created Majora’s Mask
“The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask” (2000) & “Twilight Princess” (2006)
The gentile and peaceful race surely couldn’t be responsible for such a terrifying entry into the series, right? Mentioned within Majora’s Mask, though never featured, are ‘The Ancient Ones’ who used the mask itself for hexing rituals, but there are huge number of similarities between the Twili and the mask itself, including shapes on Majora’s mask and Midna’s helmet. But the biggest clue is that the Happy Mask Salesman telling you the mask is hidden in shadow, interesting to note that the Twilight Realm is often referred to as ‘The Realm of Shadows’, hmmm?
#5: The Fifty Year War
“Team Fortress 2” (2004)
The artistic PC hit has a massive fan base and it’s no surprise that there are many theories, but this one is the biggest. The style and design of Team Fortress 2 lends itself to ludicrous sciences such as a device that can heal all injuries on application, and even cause uber-charging. The fan theory backstory is massive but to put it simply, the characters of the game are the top mercenaries of the World being endlessly cloned to continue fighting for possession of the American dustbowls. There are pages upon pages of work to deduce all of this that we could spend a whole video just explaining it.
#4: You’re the Villain
“Limbo” (2010)
An eye-catching yet strange art style for a game with an ever more curious title, or is it? With little to no backstory as you start your deadly adventure that seemingly ends in the exact same place, leading you to ask whether you ever started your quest to begin with? Fans speculate about the little boy having killed his sister and doomed to live out his days in an endless repeating cycle of horror, in tune with the idea of ‘Limbo’ itself. So the next time you boot up this game try to think that you’re not starting a journey, you’re just in another cycle in this boys horrific fate.
#3: It’s all a Stage Play
“Super Mario Bros. 3” (1988)
You ever play this NES classic and wonder why all the backgrounds look just a little different than the previous games? Well we have the theory behind it, that Super Mario Bros. 3 is just an elaborate stage play put on by the mushroom kingdom. For example, the floors in some of the fortress levesl when you fight the mini boss Boom Boom match the stage setting from the introduction. Then when you beat the game, what happens? A curtain is lowered: we rest our case.
#2: The Indoctrination Theory
“Mass Effect 3” (2010)
One of the most controversial endings of all time is still open to interpretation. The famous lore of Mass Effect suggests exposure to The Reapers and their technology can cause you to become physically and mentally infected by them, essentially succumbing to a kind of mind control. It’s not secret you spend a lot of time fighting collectors and reapers, so why is the option to save them listed as the ‘blue’ choice in the games finale. Fans suggest that Shepard began his indoctrination way back in the first game when he touches the beacon on Eden Prime, and say that this explains why the young boy acts as your guide in the moments before the final choice.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honourable mentions
Chell’s Parents are Cave Johnson and Carolyn
“Portal 2” (2011)
Anti-American Propoganda
“Donkey Kong Country” (1993)
The ‘Abortion’ Ending
“Earthbound” (1994)
Otacon is imagining the whole thing
“Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes” (2004)
#1: Child Abducting Cult
“Animal Crossing” series (2001-)
How could a cheery, blossoming little community ever be associated as a cult? According to Brett Elston, you’re friendly Kapp’nat the start of the game is based on the mythological Japanese ‘Kappas’ known for kidnapping little children. That would explain his creepy remarks in New Leaf. But the evidence doesn’t stop there, think about it: isn’t it crazy that you work for Tom Nook to pay off your ever growning ‘debt’ but never actually do it? The truth is finally revealed to the world, the fun-loving community of Animal Crossing actually abducts children into forces slavery and tricks them into thinking it’s all normal. Yeah, we missed it first time round too!
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