Top 10 Cringiest Dr. Phil Moments

There's something about the Dr. Phil show attracts some cringy guests. Here are the Top 10 Cringiest moments from the show ever! We've included a woman who is in love with a stranger she's never met, the sugar babies, a woman who lied about her brain cancer, Haley claiming she's pregnant with baby Jesus, the 8-month pregnant woman addicted to heroin and of course cash me outside girl.
#10: A Woman Is in Love with a Stranger She’s Never Met
Did you ever see that movie “Ingrid Goes West?” It’s about an unstable woman who mistakes social media attention for adoration and begins to impose upon the life of an Instagram celebrity whom she grows obsessed with. It may sound like exaggerated satire on the use of social media, but it’s not too far off from this “Dr. Phil” story. A woman named Jasmine is cyberstalked by a woman named Bailey, who sends her hundreds of messages a day, writes their names on her bathroom walls, and believes herself to be talking to Jasmine through her mind. It’s easily one of the weirdest and creepiest segments in “Dr. Phil” history.
#9: Marianne Tells Her Daughter to Get a Boob Job
A woman by the name of Marianne discovered that her husband had visited a strip club over a decade ago. Feeling betrayed and unworthy, she started doubting her physical appearance, even going so far as to install a pole and practice stripping in her house. She also convinced her daughter, Miranda, to get a significant boob job, and told her to have constant sex with her boyfriend so he doesn’t leave her for someone else. In her eyes, all men want is sex and a pretty face. We’re not sure if this story is more sad or gross. Either way, it makes for some truly cringey viewing.
#8: Sexy Vegan
Sexy Vegan might be one of the most perplexing characters in “Dr. Phil” history. Originally named Hans, he legally changed his name to Sexy Vegan, had the name tattooed on his forehead, walks around wearing a speedo, and always carries a mirror. He appears on the show with blue hair, his own theme song, no eyebrows, and a nasty attitude, believing that his mother should support him with his dead father’s inheritance, as he’s too beautiful for a job. If the story wasn’t odd enough, Sexy is then escorted out by security, but not before singing his theme song, berating his mother, and moonwalking across the stage.
#7: The Sugar Babies
Rylee is living the American Dream. She’s a self-proclaimed “professional sugar baby,” meaning she befriends rich older men and provides them with company in exchange for money. However, things get really weird and gross when Rylee’s mother is introduced. As her mother explains, Rylee is teaching her how to be a sugar baby herself, and she tells the story of how she and Rylee once stripped to their underwear and whipped a man for thirty minutes. It’s quite awkward, and seeing the two dolled up and relaying stories of their co-operative adventures is enough to make you squirm in your seat.
#6: Lying About Medical History
A woman named Jessica states that her mother, Patricia, did an interview for a local news story claiming that she had stage 3 cancer in order to receive sympathy and collect donations. On the show, Patricia claims that she has had several strokes, that she had to relearn how to walk and talk, and that she lost one hundred pounds in a week. However, Patricia’s medical records show that most of that was fabricated or straight-up false. It’s a sad and cringey story, especially because it seems that Patricia truly believes the lies she is telling.
#5: Nicholas Brendon
Nicholas Brendon is a famous actor known for playing Xander in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and Kevin in “Criminal Minds.” However, he has been battling depression and addiction for years, culminating in his appearance on “Dr. Phil.” He initially appears friendly and open to help, but soon grows incredibly hostile after Phil’s direct line of questioning. His initial appearance was both heartbreaking and awkward due to Phil’s questionable approach to the subject (like asking Nicholas if he’s drunk) and Nicholas’ increasingly frustrated and defensive demeanor. It’s one of those interviews you just want to watch through your fingers.
#4: The 8-Months Pregnant Woman Addicted to Heroin
It’s pretty tough watching a pregnant woman mistreat her body with one of the most damaging and addictive substances known to man. This episode features a woman named Niki who claims to be eight months pregnant, and is prostituting herself to support her and her boyfriend’s heroin addiction. It’s heartbreaking to hear her claim that she cares more about her drug fix than her unborn baby. Sometimes “Dr. Phil” can be equal parts devastating and maddening, and this story is definitely one of those instances.
#3: Haley Is Pregnant with Baby Jesus
This teen has a bit of a history of making outrageous claims. She originally appeared on the show claiming that she was pregnant with Baby Jesus, despite six failed pregnancy tests. The story is weird enough, but it gets even more embarrassing when she has an ultrasound done for all to see and it shows absolutely no evidence of a baby, let alone the second coming of Christ. Apparently learning nothing from her first appearance, Haley later returned to the show and claimed that Eminem was her father, complete with a picture of her UNCLE as proof. These are the stories that make “Dr. Phil” so fascinating.
#2: Romina Garcia Defends Abuse
It doesn’t get much more embarrassing or awkward than watching someone vehemently defend domestic abuse. Romina originally published a video on social media defending abuse, as she believes it is a sign of true love because the abuser is potentially putting themselves at risk of being arrested. As she explains to Phil, “Not just anyone is going to go to jail for you.” She then says that she feels like an inspiration to younger girls, and her wisdom will pave the way for happier relationships. It’s a horrifying opinion on so many levels, and it’s infuriating and embarrassing to watch Romina defend it.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Farrah Abraham Defends Her DUI
Riley Wrote Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off”
Lindsay Lohan’s Mom
#1: Cash Me Outside
Perhaps the most famous guest in “Dr. Phil” history, Danielle Bregoli was so hilarious and absurd that she became a meme. Danielle was brought to the show to get help for her reckless behavior, and most of the interview makes for ridiculous entertainment. We can barely understand a word Danielle says, she’s openly belligerent, and in the episode’s most infamous moment, she attacks the audience and tells them to “catch [her] outside.” Danielle’s threats are so incoherent that her mother has to translate them for the audience. Her appearance catapulted her to internet stardom, and even helped her launch a rap career. How bow dah?