Top 10 Cringiest WWE Romances Ever

For this list, we'll be ranking the most outlandish, bizarre or otherwise weird fictional romances concocted by WWE creative for their superstars. The strangeness factor could come down to creepy, cringey overtones, poor chemistry or bad taste, with one commonality being how these relationships aren't always remembered for how well they were handled.
They say love is blind, but these hook-ups were absolutely out of their mind. Welcome to, and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Weirdest WWE Romances.
For this list, we'll be ranking the most outlandish, bizarre or otherwise weird fictional romances concocted by WWE creative for their superstars. The strangeness factor could come down to creepy, cringey overtones, poor chemistry or bad taste, with one commonality being how these relationships aren't always remembered for how well they were handled.
#10: Torrie Wilson and Tajiri
It was during the WWE's "Invasion" angle when Torrie Wilson was put into a storyline relationship with "The Japanese Buzzsaw," Yoshihiro Tajiri. Things actually went swimmingly at first, with the pair possessing a certain "opposites attract" manner of chemistry. This all changed after the first "Raw" and "Smackdown" brand split, however, as Tajiri turned heel and began verbally abusing Wilson. Torrie was forced to wear a traditional Japanese kimono by her one-time beau and was the victim of awkward, on screen fits of jealousy. Eventually, the two parted ways, but the memory of how this romance ended remains in the minds and memories of many fans today.
#9: Lana and Dolph Ziggler
The next WWE romance on our list was over almost as soon as it began. Lana first gained the WWE Universe's attention when she accompanied the debuting Rusev to the ring, but the pair was eventually split up when "The Bulgarian Brute" began feuding with Dolph Ziggler. A romance angle was adopted between Lana and Ziggler, but it wasn't long before the real life engagement of Rusev and Lana put the kibosh on all of this, leading WWE scrambling to fix their status quo. It's probably all for the best, as Lana and Ziggler's on-screen chemistry just couldn't match that of a real, off-screen couple.
#8: Lita and Kane
Lita and Kane weren't strangers to engaging in twisted storyline angles when they were written as a couple back in 2004, but this one was memorable for all the wrong reasons. Actually, the word "couple" doesn't even fit here, as Kane basically stalked and abducted Lita in some sort of perverse soap opera nonsense. Add in a pregnancy, miscarriage and then what can only be described as a Stockholm Syndrome-inspired wedding, and you have a romance angle which was poorly conceived from the start, and only got worse as it dragged on through the year.
#7: Trish Stratus and Vince McMahon
"Creepy" doesn't even begin to describe-and we hesitate to use the word here-"romance" angle between WWE Hall of Famer Trish Stratus and company chairman Vince McMahon. Stratus hadn't yet entered her golden phase as WWE Women's Champion, and was being used more as eye candy than anything else. She was written into a relationship with McMahon while he was fictionally separated from his wife Linda, who was in a comatose state. McMahon carried on with Stratus, who was young enough to be his daughter, before tossing his "plaything" aside, forcing her to strip and bark like a dog in the middle of the ring. Gross.
#6: Dawn Marie and Al Wilson
Dawn Marie Psaltis made her name as a manager and sometime competitor in Paul Herman's legendary ECW brand, before making her way to the WWE in 2002. The company was transitioning from the "Attitude Era" into "Ruthless Aggression" during this time, but this didn't stop WWE from writing some edgy, bizarre romance angles. Here, Marie was obsessed with Torrie Wilson, so much so that she began fictionally dating and eventually marrying Wilson's real life father Al, in order to get close to the superstar. Then, Al Wilson, ahem, "died" while having sex on their honeymoon, which led to a series of matches between Psaltis and Torrie throughout the year. (Sigh) We’ll let you guess how good those were.
#5: Beth Phoenix and Santino Marella
Ok, it's finally time for something with a little more heart here on our list, as our next entry is the strange but sweet WWE romance between "The Glamazon" Beth Phoenix and Santino Marella. The duo were dubbed "Glamarella" during their year-long run between 2008 and 2009, playing upon Phoenix's dominating presence and Marella's comedy hijinks. What was refreshing here was how the traditional WWE dynamics of male/female relationships were skewed, with Beth possessing the upper hand at nearly every turn. Sure, "Glamarella" may have ended on a sour note when Marella won a woman's battle royale dressed in drag, but we're choosing to remember the good times with this one.
#4: Tori and Kane
"Chicks dig the mask." That was Kane’s response when questioned about his on screen relationship with Terri Runnels, which seemed to happen out of nowhere back in 2002.
But today we’re focusing on Kane’s infamous, and even weirder relationship with Tori. A “beauty and the beast” dynamic was employed for this unlikely couple, as their story served to humanize kane…whose strengths were quickly taken advantage of by a neurotic Tori.
Of course, the whole thing ended in heartbreak for Kane as she’d eventually hook up with x-pac. A decision that would eventually come to haunt her.
#3: Goldust and Luna Vachon
Dustin's "Goldust" gimmick was one of the "Attitude Era's" most iconic personas, continuing today as one of the WWE's elder statesmen. The Golden One was also romantically paired with another wrestling icon, Luna Vachon. Luna assisted in making Goldust even more bizarre (if that's even possible), with the pair consistently upping their ante in terms of outlandish promos and ring attire. It was a match made in the best kind of hell.
#2: Edge and Vicki Guerrero
There have been a number of WWE romance angles centered around upward social climbing, but few are probably as well remembered as this one between Edge and former Smackdown General Manager Vicki Guerrero. Edge, for his part lived up to his "Ultimate Opportunist" reputation, as his alliance with Vicki eventually led to him capturing the World Heavyweight Championship. Meanwhile, the couple staged one of WWE's traditionally disastrous "wedding" angles, with it eventually being revealed that Edge had cheated on Vicki with their wedding planner, Alicia Fox. Well, they didn't call him "The Rated R Superstar" for nothing.
#1: Mae Young and Mark Henry
We've heard about May-December romances, but this was ridiculous. WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry was in the middle of his "Sexual Chocolate" angle during the company's "Attitude Era" when he was written as the love interest to pro wrestling legend Mae Young. Oh, and did we forget to mention that Mae was in her seventies around this time? Honestly, the relationship was...kind of endearing at first, although it ended with what is still one of the WWE's most bizarre reveals. Young, who had become pregnant with Henry's child, ended up giving birth to, well...a hand. We don't make this stuff up, guys.