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VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu WRITTEN BY: Saim Cheeda
The darkest "Fargo" moments are all true stories... well, not really. Our countdown includes the appearance of the UFO, Lorne Malvo visits Sam Hess, massacre at the diner, and more!

#10: Mike Milligan & Lou Solverson's Standoff
"The Myth of Sisyphus"

Kansas City Mafioso Mike Milligan is investigating the disappearance of rival family’s son Rye Gerhardt. State Trooper Lou Solverson is on his own investigation, when the two parties come across each other. Having earlier encountered his father-in-law, Hank, Mike greets Lou with passive-aggressive energy. The situation heats up when Mike’s associates, the Kitchen brothers, get into a standoff with Lou. While he keeps a jovial attitude, Mike slowly confesses his contempt for the people of Fargo, including Lou. It’s also clear that the slightest hint of aggression will force a shootout. Things seem fated for the worst, as Lou refuses to be intimidated. While Mike decides the intensity of the situation is better left unresolved, the scene still ends with a palpable feeling of trepidation.

#9: The Appearance of the UFO
"The Castle"

Supernatural elements are a recurring motif in “Fargo,” and the second season’s events are only really possible due to Rye Gerhardt witnessing a UFO. This point isn’t touched upon again until least expected. In the penultimate episode, when the major characters are involved in a mass motel shootout, things spiral into chaos. When almost every person is killed, and with Lou being strangled by Bear Gerhardt, the UFO appears once again. It’s unclear what this means, as everyone is left in awe at this sight. The fact that its purpose is never explained leaves the possibility that the UFO might have been a malevolent entity drawn towards violence. Strangely, Peggy Blumquist is the only one unfazed, opening up eerie questions over why that is.

#8: Nurse Oraetta Poisons Don Fadda
"Welcome to the Alternate Economy"

After being injured in a freak accident, crime boss Don Fadda is admitted to a hospital, where he has the unfortunate luck of being looked after by Nurse Oraetta. Outwardly nice, and sprinkling her words with sweetness, Oraetta is actually a murderer who preys on her innocent victims. Staying true to her malicious nature, Oraetta misinterprets Don's son Josto's request of taking care of his father. Believing it to be a suggestion to end Don's life, the nurse happily complies. Even with the knowledge of Oraetta'a intentions, it's unsettling to witness her casual attitude while ending Don Fadda. Her thirst for killing isn't hampered by Fadda's attempts to fight back, making this a truly violent moment, despite the lack of any bloodshed.

#7: Lorne Malvo Visits Sam Hess
"The Crocodile's Dilemma"

The psychopathic killer Lorne Malvo possessed a strange liking for pranks and naughty behavior. This extended to his malevolent dealings as well, as Malvo makes sure to taunt Sam Hess when he's already decided to make him his next target. Intrigued by Lester Nygaard's interest in ending Hess's life for bullying him, Malvo pays Hess a visit. His sinister mannerisms show immediately, as Malvo suggests Hess's roguish sons make their quarreling a lot more brutal. His sadistic glee increases when he meets Hess, intentionally insulting his sons to get a reaction. Things are close to escalating before Hess composes himself, unaware he's just met the man who will savagely end his life later that night. And all this just to tickle Malvo's devilish amusement.

#6: V.M. Varga's Explanation of Wealth
"The Narrow Escape Problem"

His haggard appearance makes him seem like a man with nothing to offer, but V.M. Varga proves himself to be a master manipulator. After interjecting himself in Emmit Stussy's business, Varga insists he be named a partner. Unfazed by Emmit's refusal, he begins an explanation of what wealth means… according to him. Claiming that true wealth comes from the accumulation of security provided by one's riches, we watch as Varga slowly plants the seeds of greed in Emmit's mind. His verbose manner hides the fact that Varga is justifying preying on the poor to make a man richer. Essentially, Varga proves himself to be the representation of a parasite, one who intends to feed off Emmit to satiate his own endless hunger for wealth.

#5: Massacre at the Diner
"Waiting for Dutch"

A gun and a person with a short temper are a very bad combination. The second season premiere sees Rye, the youngest son of the Gerhardt crime family, approach Judge Irma to coerce her into unfreezing his associate's funds. When the bold Irma is unfazed by his threats, and attacks him in self-defense, Rye snaps and begins gunning the diner down. Having started off on a comedic note, the scene suddenly transitions into one of extreme violence. This escalation in viciousness is over-the-top, but has a touch of realism that makes it haunting to watch. And although the characters try to fight back, Rye's fury is ultimately too destructive to contain. In the end, the appearance of the UFO completes what is a harrowing night indeed.

#4: Lorne Malvo & Lou Solverson's Conversation
"A Fox, a Rabbit, and a Cabbage"

Having decided to kill Lester, Lorne Malvo attempts to locate his whereabouts. As soon as he arrives in Lou Solverson's restaurant, the latter is able to tell there's something very wrong about this man. Their conversation never goes beyond sharing words, but it's clear that Malvo knows Lou has an inkling of his true nature. His method of dark intimidation doesn't work on Lou, who instead shares his experience of the motel shootout in grim fashion. Undeterred, Malvo instead seems to relish at the idea of such brutality. The tension between them is understood but unaddressed, with both men appearing to challenge the other to break. Although Malvo departs, he doesn't leave without implying that he might just be the devil in human form.

#3: Lester Nygaard Frames His Own Brother
"Buridan's Ass"

With evidence mounting against him for his wife Pearl's death, Lester escapes the hospital he's admitted to, and heads to his brother Chazz's house. Planting pictures of Pearl among Chazz's possessions, Lester makes it appear as if Chazz was having an affair with Pearl, and killed her to conceal it. He even goes so far as planting a gun in his nephew's school bag to lure the cops to search Chazz's house. As expected, Chazz is apprehended. Although his act of killing Pearl was a snap moment, Lester's decision to frame his brother Chazz is a thoroughly calculated move. It also establishes Lester's malevolence, as he has no moral compunctions in framing his brother for his own crimes.

#2: Lorne Malvo Corrupts Lester Nygaard
"The Crocodile's Dilemma"

Lester is presented as a weak-willed man when he's belittled by his childhood bully, Sam Hess. While at the hospital to treat his injury, a chance meeting with Lorne Malvo sets the stage for his corruption. As previously mentioned, interpreting Lester's contempt for Hess as approval for killing the man, Malvo is glad to follow through. Upon being confronted by Lester after Hess's death, an unaffected Malvo gives him a life lesson that plants the seeds for Lester's descent into villainy. Swayed by Malvo's alpha male mentality and tempted into breaking rules of society, Lester fully embraces his darker side. Effectively having sacrificed his humanity, Lester basks in the success that comes with it…. all until he sees evil right in the face in Malvo.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Yuri Sees His Fate
"Who Rules the Land of Denial?"

Hanzee Dent Faces Racism

V.M. Varga Poisons Sy
"Who Rules the Land of Denial?"

Lester Sends His Second Wife to Her Death
"A Fox, a Rabbit, and a Cabbage"

Malvo's Extermination of the Mafia
"Who Shaves the Barber?"

#1: Lorne Malvo Intimidates Gus Grimly
"The Crocodile's Dilemma"

Following his killing of the police chief, Lorne Malvo is stopped for speeding by the good-natured, but easily intimidated cop, Gus Grimly. In no mood to be pressed by authority, Malvo refuses to comply with Gus's demands, using his powers of persuasion to spiritually cripple Gus. With his stone-cold stare bearing on Gus, Malvo is able to seize complete control of the situation. What's chilling to realize is that this is Lorne Malvo being merciful, as the killer reminds Gus he could easily leave his daughter without a father. Gus overcoming his fear later has no effect, as Malvo is able to intimidate him again, even when pretending to be someone else entirely, establishing how the devil comes in many forms.
