Top 10 Darkest Umbrella Academy Moments

With the third season of "The Umbrella Academy" right around the corner, it's time to look at the darkest moments of the series. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most horrific and grim things that characters on this superhero show have gone through. If you haven’t seen the first two seasons of “Umbrella Academy”, beware of major spoilers ahead. Our countdown includes Klaus being forced to stay in a mausoleum, Harold's origin story, Alllison making a man commit a fatal act, and more! Which character do you think suffered the most? Let us know in the comments below.
#10: Luther Locks Viktor Up
After Viktor loses control of his abilities, he comes to his family mansion and asks his brother Luther for help. As soon as they go in for a hug, Luther takes advantage of the embrace to render his sibling unconscious. Viktor later wakes up in a soundproofed cell screaming for his family members to let him out. Unfortunately, Luther prevents anyone from opening the door. Seeing Viktor desperately scream and try to apologize is especially hard because no one can hear him. Even the siblings who want to give him another chance can’t do much but walk away. Although Luther’s underhanded move was meant to protect Viktor, it only drove him into a darker place.
#9: Allison Makes a Man Commit a Fatal Act
“Öga for Öga”
Allison’s rumor ability allows her to directly influence people’s actions with just a few words. After using her skills to make people experience pain, she decides to push her powers even further. When a pair of sibling assassins suddenly arrive at Allison and Raymond’s home, they immediately try to dispatch everyone there. The heroine decides to turn the tables by using her rumor power to make one evil brother take out his own sibling. Since these assassins had committed a lot of messed up crimes, fans didn’t exactly weep when one of these criminals died. However, the idea of one sibling fatally wounding his brother without being able to stop it is still pretty gruesome.
#8: Being Forced to See Dead People
“Man on the Moon”
Although Klaus might seem like a happy go lucky jokester on the surface, his smile hides a morbid past. His superpower allows him to communicate with and summon deceased people to the world of the living. During one of his father figure Reginald’s attempts to strengthen this power, a young Klaus is forced to stay in a mausoleum. He’s left in a state of absoulte terror as he sees an endless stream of deceased people. This grim flashback helps explain why Klaus constantly numbed himself with alcohol and other substances in the first part of the series. Before he accepted his powers, seeing dead people was a truly traumatizing experience.
#7: Number Five Loses His Family Again
“The End of Something”
When a young Number Five accidentally traveled to the future, he stumbled upon the bodies of nearly every one of his siblings. After going back in the past to help save them, they all end up working together in the 1960s. But their reunion nearly comes to a tragic conclusion. During a climactic battle, all of Five’s siblings lose their lives during a surprise attack. Since he was wounded in the same assault, he can only lie there dying amongst his deceased family. It must’ve been unbearably painful for him to lose everyone he loved for a second time. Fortunately, Five was able to use his powers to prevent their losses once more.
#6: Klaus Fails to Save Dave
“The Majestic 12”
A time travel mishap sent Klaus back in time to the middle of the Vietnam War. During the conflict, he falls in love with a man named Dave. Unfortunately, Klaus is the only one who survives the war. He eventually gets a chance to undo this tremendous loss after he travels back to a point in time before the conflict began. Just before he can make progress, Dave’s hateful uncle interferes. The man publicly mocks Klaus for his sexuality before encouraging his nephew to hit the hero in the face. This grim and humiliating turn of events all but guarantees that Dave will lose his life all over again. As a depressing footnote, Klaus breaks a long streak of sobriety after this incident.
#5: Viktor Nearly Slays His Sibling
“I Heard a Rumor”
Before the events of the series, Reginald asked Allison to use her rumor powers on her brother Viktor. This dark secret didn’t come out until the siblings were fully grown adults. After Viktor discovers he spent a life thinking he was powerless due to a rumor, he’s understandably upset. When he starts losing control of her powers, Allison tries to use her abilities. But an upset Viktor stops it by severely wounding his sister. Although Allison is on the brink of death, the twisted Harold Jenkins encourages Viktor to leave his sibling on the floor. Fortunately, Allison went on to make a full recovery. But the gruesome scene initially made us believe that Viktor had done something unforgivable to his sister.
#4: Reginald’s Morbid Plan Is Revealed
“The Day That Was”
All of the Hargreeves siblings reunited when they received news that their father figure died. For most of season 1, they try to figure out how their patriarch Reginald passed away. After heroes like Luther run around in circles to solve the case, Klaus finally learns the truth. It turns out that Reginald took his own life and conspired with family members like Pogo to cover up what happened. The patriarch committed this fatal act because he believed it would unite the family to prevent a world-ending threat. However, Reginald’s methods trapped his surrogate children in a storm of depression, confusion and pain. While everyone takes the news differently, they all seem crushed that their dad thought death and deception was the only way forward.
#3: Prejudiced Men Chase a Black Heroine
“A Light Supper”
Shortly after Allison accidentally ends up in the year 1961, she finds herself in a predominately White part of town. When men start harassing her, she lashes out before running for her life. What makes this scene especially harrowing is the fact that Allison’s throat injury left her unable to use her powers. That vulnerable detail temporarily made this sequence in a superhero show feel like a realistic reenactment of prejudiced incidents against Black Americans in the 1960s. Unfortunately, this wouldn’t be the last time Allison was discriminated against or threatened with violence. Her extremely harrowing run was just an indication of the harsh struggles that lay ahead for her and the community that took her in.
#2: Harold’s Origin Story
“The Day That Was”
During a series of flashbacks, we learned how one of the Umbrella Academy’s biggest fans became a severe threat to them all. After Harold’s mother passed away while giving birth to him, his father was consistently cruel to him throughout his childhood. The young man’s obsession with the Umbrella Academy helped him endure the torment. But when Harold finally met the super team, Reginald humiliated him in front of a crowd. This incident and years of harsh treatment pushed the young fanboy over the edge and he fatally wounded his own father. Harold’s incredibly bleak origins motivated him to try to rip apart the Umbrella Academy from the inside. He was truly never able to move past his troubling upbringing.
Before we highlight our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Allison’s Partner Runs Away From Her, “The Swedish Job”
Raymond Immediately Stops Trusting Her After She Uses Her Rumor Powers
Reginald Insults Diego In Front of the Family, “A Light Supper”
It’s Rough to See a Father Figure Publicly Target All of His Surrogate Son’s Insecurities
Viktor Slays Harold Jenkins, “Changes”
He Dispatches His Twisted Former Ally In Gruesome Fashion
Discovering Lila’s Backstory, “The Majestic 12”
She Was Raised by & Worked for the Woman Who Ordered the Assassination of Her Parents
Elliot Gussman’s Death, Öga for Öga
After Trying to Help the Umbrella Academy, He’s Tormented by Assassins Before Dying Alone
#1: Viktor Fractures His Family
“The White Violin”
Once Viktor escapes the prison Luther placed him in, he immediately starts destroying the home that his family grew up in. As he travels through the hallways, he sees visions of his harsh childhood memories. It looked like Viktor would stop his rampage when the kindly guardian Pogo stopped to talk with him. But upon discovering he lied to him for years, he sentences the mentor to a very brutal death. It was difficult to see Viktor consciously hurt just one of his loved ones. However, the sequence becomes more painful when we see him break the body of his robotic mother by destroying the mansion. This bleak and heartbreaking start to the finale made it unclear whether Viktor would ever stand with his family again.