Top 10 Degrassi: The Next Generation Couples

These are the most memorable Degrassi: The Next Generation couples! For this list, we'll be taking a look back at some of our favorite couples from the Next Generation period of the series, which means the original Degrassi seasons as well as anything past season 14 is off limits. Even after narrowing it down, there are still so many couples to choose from, but here are our favorites. We've included couples like Declan and Holly J, Paige and Alex, Drew and Bianca,Fiona and Imogen, Adam and Becky and more!
#10: Declan Coyne and Holly J. Sinclair
Holly J was a fan favorite character, so viewers were a bit skeptical about her relationship with rich bad boy Declan. However, his attempts to win over Holly J endeared us to him. Their relationship lasted quite a while, with Holly J even following Declan to Manhattan over the summer. Unfortunately, Declan’s wealth got in between them as he kept trying to throw his money at her, which Holly J didn’t appreciate. They tearfully parted ways only to have one more fling before deciding to end things for good. However, the two would later attend Yale together after graduation, so who knows?
#9: Paige Michalchuk and Alex Nuñez
Paige is arguably one of the most loved characters of the franchise, so after enduring several hardships in her teenage years which included being raped and suffering from crippling panic attacks, fans just wanted Paige to be happy. In walked Alex, who at first definitely did not make Paige happy. In fact, the two hated each other. But somehow after allowing themselves to become friends, there was an unexpected spark that went deeper than just friendship. Though Alex remains the only girl Paige ever dated, and their relationship was anything but smooth sailing, we liked them together.
#8: Drew Torres and Bianca DeSousa
Sure, their relationship began while Drew was dating another girl, but it’s easy to ignore that part when you focus on what a good couple these two made. What's less easy to ignore each of them cheating on each other at some point in the relationship, as well as that messy business with Bianca accidentally killing her ex-boyfriend. But anyway... when they weren’t arguing or evading being murdered by a local gang, they had their good moments, like when they got engaged. And, okay, it didn’t end up lasting, but with what this couple went through, they definitely deserve a spot on this list.
#7: Spinner Mason and Emma Nelson
If anyone claims they saw Spemma coming, they’re lying. Always just barely friends until the night they got drunk and woke up married, the two voted against divorcing and made the best of it – for our benefit. It was possibly the biggest, most random plot twist the show ever executed, and fans of the Emma and Sean coupling felt betrayed, but even they had to admit that the two looked happy together. In Degrassi: Next Class, Spinner guest starred and mentioned that they were buying a house, so we guess not all drunken nights end in regret after all.
#6: Fiona Coyne and Imogen Moreno
Fimogen met while working on a school play, and at first it seemed like the two would butt heads since Imogen was widely regarded by her peers as a ‘freak’ and Fiona was rich and popular. However, Fiona started having the feels for Imogen, and even though Imogen had only ever been interested in guys, she reciprocated those feelings. At first Imogen was hesitant about everyone knowing they’re together, but soon the two are out and proud, even acting as role models for other LGBTQ+ students. They are another couple who didn’t last past graduation, but they at least parted on good terms.
#5: Jay Hogart and Manny Santos
This is the couple we didn’t know we needed until they got together. What started out as a fake-relationship-turned-fake-engagement scheme against Manny’s parents quickly turned into something very real. The couple worked so well because Manny had a lot of big dreams and Jay was always her number one supporter. More than once, he had a big hand in helping her achieve those dreams. Although the two were on-again/off-again more times than we could count, their last appearance on the show depicted them very much together, so we have to assume they’re still going strong today.
#4: Adam Torres and Becky Baker
Adam and Becky’s relationship was probably the most surprising of all the unlikely couples at Degrassi, since Adam was transgender and Becky came from an incredibly religious family. It did take her a while to come around to the idea and – predictably – her parents tried their best to stop the union, but in the end, love won out. And they really did make a cute couple. This made it all the more heartbreaking when Adam died in a car accident, and a little weird when Becky later started dating his brother, Drew. But after all, this is Degrassi… What else would you expect?
#3: J.T. Yorke and Liberty Van Zandt
In the very early days of Next Generation, we empathized with Liberty, who clearly had a crush on J.T., despite the fact that he seemed interested in every girl but her. Four seasons later, J.T. finally reciprocates those feelings, and a fan favorite couple is born! But drama follows Degrassi characters wherever they go, so naturally Liberty falls pregnant and before the baby is even born, they break up. And just when we sensed a reunion, J.T. is stabbed to death outside Liberty’s birthday party. Over a decade later and fans still haven’t forgiven the creators for what they did to J.T.
#2: Sean Cameron and Emma Nelson
Sean and Emma began dating early in the series, so of course they have a huge fan following. Emma was the good girl who fell in love with the bad boy. She broke up with him several times due to his bad behavior, but he also shielded her with his own body during the school shooting. Just when we thought we’d seen the last of Semma, Sean returned for a guest appearance seasons after his departure from the show, during which time they rekindled their old romance. However, Sean was set to ship off to the army soon after, and that was that.
Before we reveal our number one pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Johnny DiMarco and Alli Bhandari
Sav Bhandari and Anya MacPherson
Jimmy Brooks and Ashley Kerwin
#1: Eli Goldsworthy and Clare Edwards
If there’s a better coupley portmanteau out there than Eclare, we have yet to find it. Eli and Clare are two hugely popular characters, and the fact that they end up together just sweetens the deal. Their popularity probably has something to do with the fact that they are definitely the most dramatic couple on the show, and seeing as this is Degrassi, that’s saying something. Eli has issues with anger and anxiety, and it causes them to end things more than once. But they also endure so much together, like Clare’s cancer and an unsuccessful pregnancy, which only served to strengthen their bond. Eclare forever!