Top 10 Differences Between The X-Men Movies And Comics

The popular film franchise has several differences between it's movies and characters and the comic book series on which it was based. WatchMojo presents the top 10 biggest differences between the X-Men Comics and Movies. But what will take the top spot on our list? Is it Mystique and Magneto spending way too much time as good guys, the differences in the team roster for the original X-Men, or the films choosing to make Wolverine and Sabertooth brothers?
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#10: Wolverine Wasn’t the One Sent Back in Time
In the popular story arc Days of Future Past, the character Kitty Pryde aka Shadowcat is the X-Man selected to go back through time to warn her comrades of the desolate future that awaits them. However, in the film version, the story was drastically altered to make Wolverine the one who would awake in the 1970’s and have to deliver the message. Comic books purists probably despise this change but from a filmmaking perspective, this makes sense. Wolverine’s decelerated aging process would logically mean that he would be around during that time, unlike many of the other X-Men.
#9: Professor. X Was Not Paralyzed by a Bullet
The leader of the X-Men, despite his incredible psychic abilities and leadership skills, has unfortunately spent most of his life confined to a wheelchair due to a bullet accidentally hitting his spine…or did he? In the prequel film X-Men First Class, Magneto deflects an oncoming bullet, accidently sending it directly into Charles’ back, thus rendering him paralyzed from the waist down. This was a radical departure from the comics version, as Prof. X lost the ability to use his legs after a violent encounter with the alien named “Lucifer”, who dropped a large stone on him in the heat of their confrontation, which consequently crippled him.
#8: The X-Men are Considered Superheroes in the Comics
Saving the world countless times from sentinels, Magneto, Apocalypse and even humanity themselves on occasion, you’d think the X-Men would be highly regarded for their heroic efforts, and in the comic books, it is, The movies however are an entirely different story. In the films, the X-Men are always kinda just minding their own business when trouble comes and finds them. In the comic books, the X-Men are making a conscious effort to go out and help normal people, which they hope will alleviate mankind’s fear of mutants. It’s a shame the movies haven’t gotten to this point, and we may never get to see Wolverine’s iconic yellow and blue on the big screen.
#7: The Phoenix Came from Space
In the comic, Jean Grey is taken over by an eternal force from the depths of space known as the Phoenix, that completely controls her every move and endows her with unbelievable power. All of The Phoenix’s appearances on the big screen however are altered so that the Phoenix was instead a dormant energy deep inside Jean Grey, that she is unable to control when it finally wakes up. Although this change may have upset hardcore fans, the need to get the Phoenix out the door in the films without brining space aliens into the picture made sense.
#6: Wolverine’s Height
Hugh Jackman has done an admirable job portraying Wolverine over the last seventeen years. He has all the attitude, charm and muscular physique to bring this superhero to life, but there’s just one little detail that’s off. Standing at approximately 6’2, Hugh is way taller than the comics version Wolverine, who is a considerably shorter height of 5’3. The original casting choice was criticised because of this, but of course, Jackman immediately won everyone over, and everyone can move past this important, but in the end, superficial detail.
#5: The Costume Design
In the comics, both heroes and villains have worn colorful costumes that were all unique from one another. Some had such compelling designs that they have since become iconic and synonymous, especially Jim Lee’s 90s redesigns. The movies have ditched this entirely in favor of standard, and boring, black leather suits. Later films would try to spice things up a bit, but the costumes never quite capture the look of their comic book counterparts. Simplifying the outfit design may have made the films feel more accessible to wide audience but in a post Marvel Cinematic and Deadpool world, there is no reason not to have superheroes dress appropriately.
#4: Everything About Rogue
Many of the characters changed drastically when they were brought to the big screen, but Rogue is basically unrecognizable. She began her comic book carrier as an adult and villain, very quickly gaining Ms. Marvel’s powers, which include flight, super strength and durability. In recent years, the comic books have taken away those powers, but instead made her a team leader and indispensible hero. The movies mixed this up by making her a child on the run, always in need of rescue and never doing anything very heroic. Landing the jet that one time doesn’t count. Seriously kid Rogue, can you stop screaming for two seconds? We’re trying to enjoy the movie.
#3: Wolverine and Sabertooth are NOT Brothers
While these two animalistic mutants do share a long history together, they are in no way related. Among the many other questionable changes that X-Men Origins: Wolverine made from the comics, like Deadpool, this one is almost as puzzling. Maybe they were trying to form an emotional bond between the characters that would then resonate on the audience and get them more involved in the story? Heck, they can’t even be considered “bros” due to the amount of vicious scraps and horrible acts they commit to one another. This also creates inconsistencies with the first X-Men film, wouldn’t these two characters have recognized each other? Ah, details, details.
#2: The Original X-Men Team is a Different Roster
The X-Men lineup has changed over the years, with members leaving and returning to always switch things up. The original roster in their 1963 debut was Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Angel and Iceman, something which the very first X-Men feature film decided to change. Cutting the team down from five members to four, the group was instead made up of Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm and Wolverine. The latter two characters are a serious departure from the original team members, as they were only introduced into the comic series much later on in the mid 70’s. This roser change definitely makes sense however, so no points lost on this one.
Before we reveal our top pick, here a few honorable mentions…
Comic’s Mystique is Nightcrawler (and Rogue’s) Mother
Comic’s Juggernaut is Not a Mutant
Age Swapped’ Summers
#1: Mystique and Magneto Spend Too Much Time as Good Guys
Many of the other differences on this list are reasonable to make a smooth jump from comics to film, but this change is just straight up wrong. Both Mystique and Magneto are considered to be some of the most lethal and dangerous adversaries that the X-Men have ever tangled with over the years. The last three X-Men films have found Magento, the man who wants to basically enslave humanity, shifting back and forth between being good and bad like he has a serious case of identity crisis. An even stranger change is how Mystique has now been given the position of leader and role model to the X-Men in the most recent film. Yeah, no.