Top 10 Dumbest Decisions by Star Wars Characters

#10: Gunray Relies on Gas to Eliminate Jedi
“Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace” (1999)
At the beginning of “Phantom Menace”, Darth Sidious orders Viceroy Nute Gunray to eliminate Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn. The plan is to take out the Jedi by filling the room they’re in with poison gas before sending in droids to finish them off. But when the doors are opened, the Jedi are alive, and come out swinging. Gunray might have caught the Jedi by surprise if he had just sent droids into the room blasting to begin with. And if he was so (literally) dead set on using poison gas, he could have sealed the room for a few hours or a full day to make sure the Jedi were done for. Gunray’s dumb plan was easily thwarted by two capable Jedi Knights.
#9: Palpatine Orders Kylo Ren to Strike Rey Down
“Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker” (2019)
Emperor Palpatine executed many clever and complex schemes. But his plans for Rey were undoubtedly dumb. Palpatine initially tells Kylo Ren to end Rey's life. But after surviving an intense duel, she confronts the villain. Palpatine then reveals that he actually wanted her alive so that his spirit could eventually possess her body. But if that was really his goal all along, why did he ask Kylo Ren to be an assassin? Palpatine’s “true” plan would have instantly fallen apart if Rey had been struck down. Maybe there was some complex secret reason for why he told Kylo Ren to pursue Rey. But since Palpatine doesn't survive “The Rise of Skywalker”, he can't exactly explain his scheme to us.
#8: Bolvan Lets the Escape Pod Go
“Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope” (1977)
After the Death Star plans are stolen by rebels, Darth Vader and his forces try to find them aboard Leia’s starship. She wisely puts the plans inside of R2-D2 and has the Droid land on a nearby planet in an escape pod. A gunnery captain serving under Vader named Bolvan sees the escape pod in motion. But once he sees there are no life-forms aboard, he decides to do nothing. Since Vader ordered rebels to be taken alive, we understand why the captain didn't shoot down the pod. But the boneheaded Bolvan must’ve forgotten that droids exist and don’t have life signs. If he had dealt with the escape pod immediately, the Death Star plans would’ve never reached the resistance.
#7: Where Yoda and Obi-Wan Chose To Hide Luke
“Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith” (2005)
Around the time Luke and Leia are born, their father, of course, becomes Darth Vader. Yoda suggests the children live in separate places for their own safety. While Bail Organa takes Leia to Alderaan, Luke is sent to Owen Lars on Tatooine, with Obi-Wan watching over them. But you know who grew up there too? Anakin Skywalker. While he doesn't exactly love the place, you would think the Jedi would avoid using Vader’s home planet. Speaking of personal connections, Owen Lars is Anakin's stepbrother. To make matters worse, Anakin’s former mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi changes his name to the obvious Ben Kenobi. If Luke had to live with Owen and Obi...we mean Ben, he could’ve at least grown up outside of Anakin’s home planet.
#6: Admiral Holdo Doesn’t Reveal Her Plan
“Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi” (2017)
A bunch of resistance fighters find themselves on a ship running out of fuel, with the First Order hot on their heels. After Admiral Holdo takes charge, an anxious and reckless Poe asks what the plan is. But he doesn't get a definitive answer. Poe takes it upon himself to organize a backup mission and a mutiny in an attempt to save the resistance. After Leia stuns him, he learns what Admiral Holdo’s plan was. She wanted to get her big ship in range of a planet where smaller transport ships could evacuate to. We’re unsure why Holdo hid this from the crew. Knowing the game plan could have greatly reduced tension among the ranks and kept everyone on the same page.
#5: Finn and Rose Recruit the Wrong Codebreaker
“Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi” (2017)
Finn and Rose travel to Canto Bight to recruit a master codebreaker that just might help save the resistance. Although Maz Kanata tells them about a specific person she trusts, they decide to ally with a codebreaker named DJ. This... turns out to be a huge mistake. DJ is motivated by money instead of morals. So, as soon as he's captured by the First Order, he sells out the resistance by revealing their plan. DJ’s deal leads the First Order to blow up several ships, and end an unknown number of rebel lives. Finn and Rose would literally have been better off coming back empty-handed than placing their faith in a random codebreaker.
#4: Jabba Refuses to Bargain With Luke
“Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi” (1983)
After Han Solo is frozen in carbonite, he’s brought to Jabba the Hutt to serve as a gruesome decoration. Eventually, Luke Skywalker offers to make a deal with the crime lord to get Solo back. But Jabba refuses to negotiate. After Luke gives him another stern warning, the crime lord tries to get rid of the Jedi. Not only do both his attempts fail, but Leia ends up ending Jabba’s life with the chain that he imprisoned her with. His demise could have been completely avoided if he had just bargained with Luke. His petty decision to keep Han Solo imprisoned is his downfall.
#3: Emperor Palpatine Doesn’t Get Rid of Luke Right Away
“Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi”
There was a time where Emperor Palpatine believed he could convert Luke Skywalker to the dark side of the Force. But, during “Return of the Jedi,” it becomes clear that the young hero will not turn evil. Palpatine then decides to take Luke out with some Force lightning. But instead of doing it quickly, the cocky villain takes his sweet time shocking Luke in front of his father. Darth Vader eventually can't take it anymore, and takes Palpatine down himself. All the emperor had to do to succeed was get rid of Luke right away. But, by drawing out the lightning attack, he opened himself up to a huge defeat.
#2: Anakin Ignores Warnings About the High Ground
“Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith” (2005)
One of the most infamous and meme-able “Star Wars” moments occurs at the end of the ultimate Obi-Wan and Anakin duel on Mustafar. After the two battle for a lengthy amount of time, Obi-Wan finally gets a big advantage. He warns Anakin not to attack him. But Anakin, in a rage, ignores the warning. When he tries to attack, Obi-Wan easily deals a decisive and brutal blow. Look, we know that Anakin was cocky and filled with intense emotion after joining the dark side. But he also well knew that Obi-Wan was an extremely capable fighter. There was a chance that things could have turned out differently if Anakin remembered that you shouldn't attack a Jedi who has the high ground.
Before we reveal our top pick, here are a few honorable, or in this case dishonorable mentions.
Obi-Wan Doesn’t Tell Luke About His Father
“Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope” (1977)
Mace Windu Tries to Arrest Palpatine
“Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith” (2005)
Admiral Konstantine Tries to Intercept Commander Sato's Ship
“Star Wars Rebels” (2014-18)
Building Another Death Star
“Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi” (1983)
Chairman Chi Cho Declares War on the Talz
“Star Wars: The Clone Wars” (2008-20)
#1: Jar Jar Binks Proposes Palpatine Get Emergency Powers
“Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones” (2002)
When Queen Amidala called for a vote that eventually resulted in Palpatine gaining more power, it seemed like she had made the worst political decision in “Star Wars” history. But her choice doesn't really hold a candle to Jar Jar’s horrendous proposal in “Attack of the Clones.” Standing in for Amidala, the annoying gungan asks his fellow politicians to, uh, give Palpatine emergency powers. Unfortunately, many were in favor of Jar Jar’s idiotic suggestion. His proposal allowed an army to be mobilized that would strike down most of the Jedi, and help the Emperor take control of the galaxy. Countless lives could have been saved if Jar Jar Binks just kept his big mouth shut.