Top 10 Dynasty Warriors Style Games

Those legions of soldiers aren't gonna knock THEMSELVES into the sky, now are they? Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Dynasty Warriors Style Games -> Including games that copy the style of Dynasty Warriors but don't, warriors from dynasties...
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Wait… I killed how many? Welcome to, and today we’ll be counting down the Top 10 Dynasty Warrior Style games. Before we begin, we publish new content every day, so be sure to subscribe.
For this list, we’ll be taking a look at the Warriors or “Musou”–like games and seeing which are the best of the best. The game must reside within the Warriors franchise, or contain enough similarities to the hack and slash series.
#10: “Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn” (2014)
The Gundam series has quite the immense universe to say the least, making it a perfect series to utilize the Musou genre. The fourth entry in this Dynasty Warriors spin-off acts less like a new entry and more of a collection of everything that made this game adaptation series so great. With a roster of over one hundred mobile suits taken from various universes, it has something to make every Gundam fan happy. With a story spanning the decades of Gundam battles, and keeping in mind the scope of them, Gundam Reborn remains one of the most enjoyable Gundam games out there.
#9: “Dynasty Warriors 3” (2002)
It may be the third entry, but Dynasty Warriors 3 acted more as a remake to DW2 than a proper sequel -and that isn’t necessarily a terrible thing. Bringing in new characters, stages, weapons, and the addition of a two-player mode to top it off. DW3 is also the first in the series to bring expansions in, starting with the Xtreme Legends expansion -which would add plenty more content in the form of new features, modes, characters, stages, and weapons.
#8: “Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition” (2014)
With fourteen years of Dynasty Warriors and several spinoff series, Omega Force brought in mechanics and features from their side series to give the newest chapter in the series a new lease on life; and with the Complete Edition, the series was brought into the current generation with surprisingly beautiful graphics and added expansion content to boot. Despite many years passing, the core gameplay is still relatively the same; but thanks to the new affinity system, it mirrored a rock-paper-scissors style of strategy that changed up enough to warrant greater experimentation and time-sinking than its predecessors.
#7: “One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3” (2015)
As the third and final entry in the Pirate Warriors series so far, this certainly was a fantastic swan song. Taking all the gameplay features implemented in Pirate Warriors 2, boasting an even larger roster, and covering most of the One Piece storyline -even past the time-skip, this is a game well suited for both new-comers and One Piece fans alike. The cutscenes that pop up in battle may be a bit jarring, but the fast-paced gameplay still manages to stay on track, with supports adding explosive combo supers to the mix. We may never know what the “One Piece” actually is, but this game is a treasure!
#6: “Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate” (2014)
While Dynasty Warriors may be Omega’s primary franchise, a lesser known series told a different Eastern tale -as Samurai Warriors. The two came to crossover in the Warriors Orochi series, with Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate as the penultimate version. Aside from giving a great Warriors experience, servicing fans not just with favorite characters of both series, it goes an extra mile by making them play like their respective titles’ counterparts. It's a rare sight to see both story and gameplay crossover, which is what makes Orochi Warriors 3 such a treat.
#5: “Dynasty Warriors 2” (2000)
The “Warriors” or “Musou” genre we know today didn’t actually start with the first, but the second entry in the Dynasty Warriors series. A great departure from the original, Dynasty Warriors 2 took the concept a massive step further, changing the gameplay from a fighter to a hack-and-slash. It also introduced the gaming scene to fighting multiple enemies on a much larger scale. The graphics and gameplay are a bit dated, but this entry cannot be ignored for starting a brand new genre all on its own.
#4: “Fire Emblem Warriors” (2017)
After the success Omega Force had with Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda series, they were granted another Nintendo license to bring their signature large-scale battles and crazy power moves to - Fire Emblem. This one drew a bit more of a mixed reception at the idea; as with Zelda already being a more action focused game, Fire Emblem was a strategy game first and foremost. Of course, these doubts were put to rest at the showcase of gameplay, getting to see our favorite heroes from the series gather together and fight in real-time was a treat.
#3: “Attack on Titan” (2016)
There might not be a large quantity of enemies here, but the enemies themselves certainly make up for their lack of numbers in size. Based on the critically acclaimed series, Attack on Titan is hailed as one of the most faithful gameplay adaptations. Though the game may not have as many elements seen in other musou games, the basic setup is kept intact with a morale meter, super moves, and a combination of strategic and hack-and-slash gameplay. And come one, after seeing the anime, who wouldn’t want to get a taste of that 3D Maneuver Gear?
#2: “Hyrule Warriors” (2014)
It’s not very often you see a third party dev handle a Nintendo franchise, and honestly who can blame them? So it came as a surprise to many when Omega Force was handling not just a new Zelda, but a Zelda and Warriors mix. What came as a result was a more simplified Warriors game that acted as a great introduction to musou titles, while giving Zelda fans a bombastic and enthralling new adventure, with over-the-top action that didn’t feel out of place. Not only did this game help to renew interest in the Warriors series, but gave new hope for third parties to tackle Nintendo franchises in the future.
#1: “Dynasty Warriors 4” (2003)
Several new modes, two expansions, and the ability to create your own character; Dynasty Warriors 4 packed enough content in to still be seen as one of the best games in the series over a decade later. Straying away from the historical novel the franchise had been based off, it proved to work in the game’s favor as it offered fresh, new narrative set pieces, while still continuing to refine the gameplay the series is known for.