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VOICE OVER: Ashley Bowman WRITTEN BY: Alex Crilly-Mckean
Now that's how you show off an absurd ability! Join Ashley as he counts down the times anime characters showed their true power in style, as seen in such hit series as "Dragon Ball Super", "Black Clover", "My Hero Academia", "Bungo Stray Dogs", "Kengan Ashura", and more.

#10: Red Riot Unbreakable

“My Hero Academia” (2016-)

It was pretty clear that Kirishima was going to be the VIP of the fourth season the second he revealed that he had been hiding his true hardness. That’s right, the hard man with the Quirk that hardens was capable of hardening to an even harder degree – one that elevated him from your average dude bro to an absolute savage. With even his eyelids now solid as rock, Red Riot was able to storm his way through a blizzard of blades, taking out a junked out villain with a single soul shattering punch.

#9: Ricochet Control

“Fire Force” (2019-)

Hinawa might be a stickler for the rules and terrify newbies with his piercing stare, but that doesn’t mean he can’t hold his own in the battlefield. During a scuffle with a bubble blowing member of the 5th Company, the Lieutenant demonstrated his pyrokinetic ability in full by unleashing a clip of bullets, which he then sends ricocheting around the battlefield until finally blitzing his target to a crisp. It’s a scarily effective power, one that has us questioning how much damage he could do if they gave him a gatling gun.

#8: Light Snow

“Bungo Stray Dogs” (2016-19)

His ability may not have the oomph factor like Beast Beneath the Moonlight or Rashomon, but this light show can still be menacing as hell, especially when it's employed by an angered Tanizaki. After his sister is wounded by the Port Mafia, the punching bag of the Armed Detective Agency flies into a rage, unleashing a wave of coded light that allows him to create a series of illusions. This proves to be perfect for escaping pursuers, or taking down the gun for hire that nearly killed his sister.

#7: Thermopylae Enomotia

“Fate/Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia” (2019-20)

And once again, another Lancer bites the dust. But at the very least, the King of Sparda went out like a boss! As the fearsome Gorgon approaches, Leonidas appears as the first line of defence against her, immediately calling on the power of his Noble Phantasm – which just so happens to take on the form of his legendary three hundred Spartans. Despite ultimately getting turned to stone, watching this iconic figure throw a spear with such force that it shish-kebabs a giant mythical monster was the definition of hype.

#6: Sunshine

“The Seven Deadly Sins” (2014-)

While the reveal of The One was about as big a kick in the dick as you could have given a character of Escanor’s stature, his introduction was nothing short of masterful. Set upon by two members of the Ten Commandments, it doesn’t take long for the Lion Sin of Pride to reveal his superiority. Not only does he slice Galand in half with zero effort, but burned Melascula from the inside out when she tried to swallow his soul – all due to the intense, fiery nature of his magic. The man is literally too hot to handle.

#5: Removal

“Kengan Ashura” (2019)

And you thought Raian was monstrous in his regular get-up. While the Kure family’s secret weapon is a devastating fighter in his own right, he becomes an entirely new breed of beast when he lets his inner devil run wild via the art of Removal. Essentially removing all the limiters on his body, Raian’s skin not only takes on an insidious purple colour, but his speed and strength increase dramatically, to the point where he can easily almost kill a skilled fighter like Mokichi with minimal effort.

#4: Spirit Dive

“Black Clover” (2017-)

Asta’s not the only one with a trick up their sleeve, and in Yuno’s case, it just happens to be a form worthy of the future Wizard King. By merging his power with that of Sylph, Yuno’s mana gets an incredible boost, tapping into the otherworldly force of Spirit Magic. With the Spirit of Wind acting as his wings, the Golden Dawn’s golden boy was able to keep pace with a Magic Knight Captain like Rill, even overpowering the unstoppable might of his Picture Magic. We’re not sure who would win if it had to contend with Black Asta, but it’s clear this ascended state has brought Yuno one step closer to his dream.

#3: Fused Zamasu

“Dragon Ball Super” (2015-18)

Like most things in the Dragon Ball verse, when up against a wall, bust out the fusion. While this twisted combination of Zamasu and Goku Black would prove to be their undoing due to the incompatible combination of a mortal and divinity, that’s not to say his opening moments as a fused being weren’t astronomical in their impact. To so casually take down two Super Saiyan Blues is no small feat, even more so when you’re so high off your own supply of godliness that you hubristically refuse to go all out from the get go.

#2: Yoko Kurama

“Yu Yu Hakusho” (1992-94)

The fox is out of the bag, with twice the deadliness and just a slight splash of white-haired sex appeal. Continuing his way through the Dark Tournament, a face-off with the cowardly Urashima leads to Kurama unwittingly reverting back to his original form – that of the infamous demon bandit. As if appearing in the midst of a thunderstorm of his own making wasn’t badass enough, the way this edgelord version of Yusuke’s flower power pal nearly had Urashima devoured by a death tree was all kinds of awesome.

#1: Sinbad's Djinn Equip

“Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic” (2012-13)

Turns out there really is a Djinn for every occasion, especially if you’re a top tier monarch like Sinbad. Not allowing the likes of the dark mage Ithnan to escape after he nearly started a war in his country, the ruler of Sindria brings the pain by unleashing and bonding with Focalor. Since it’s a being of both light and corruption, Ithran’s magic is pretty much rendered moot, leaving Sinbad free to level him in a single explosive volley, cleaving the sea in two in the process. Hail to the king.
