Top 10 Epic Anime Speeches

Sometimes the voice is mightier than the sword. Welcome to WatchMojo,com and today we are counting down our picks for the top ten epic anime speeches.
For this list, we'll be looking at the times anime heroes and villains let loose monologues that left us utterly captivated. Prepare your ears for some epic deliveries, and prepare you eyes for a few spoilers down the line!
#10: Doing God’s Work
“The Saga of Tanya the Evil” (2017)
It often falls on the leader, especially with military units, to rally the soldiers and prepare them for the next battle on the horizon. But holy hell does Tanya take it to the extreme! This vicious, magically imbued little girl is a monster on the battlefield. While we used to think it was because of her immense power, it’s clear that it’s also because of how she can take her unyielding bloodlust and inspire her troops. Like here for example, where she literally says “screw you God, we’re going to take the reins now!” You have to feel sorry for whoever gets caught in her crosshairs.
#9: We Are Weak
“No Game No Life” (2014)
When you think of monarchs, the last people you would probably want in charge would be shut-in gamers. Alas, siblings Sora and Shiro find themselves in that very predicament when their gaming skills lead to them being crowned the rulers of all humanity. In his opening speech to his new subjects, Sora goes on to say how humanity is weaker than the other races that occupy this fantasy land, but that’s what makes them so much craftier. He calls upon his people to embrace their inner weakness, and by proxy rise up to take back what was once their’s. Huh, who knew gaming and politics went hand in hand.
#8: Lenessia’s Plea
“Log Horizon” (2013-15)
Trying to rally together a group of dedicated warriors? Walk in the park. Trying to convince a group of adventurers who have nothing to gain to join your cause? Whole other ball park. In a heartfelt speech, the princess confesses to the failings of her own kingdom, and how even though she has nothing to offer, begs them to help her. After swearing that, despite her flaws, she will fight to the bitter end for her home, her conviction certainly manages to sway the masses to take up arms for her.
#7: I Love War
“Hellsing Ultimate” (2006-12)
Now, we’re in no way endorsing Nazi Vampires here, but you can’t deny that The Major has to be one of the most gifted orators in animation. After all, how many villains can go for minutes on end about how they love war in all it’s forms and still inspire such devotion? And we’re not just talking about victory here, the leader of Millennium adores conflict so much that his single wish is to be consumed by it to the point where his enemies, his own forces and the entire world is reduced to ashes. His words resonate so powerfully that we’re left stunned. And you thought Alucard was scary.
#6: Not All Men Are Created Equal
“Code Geass” (2006-08)
Well, at least now we know why Lelouch has so many issues. In what has to be one of the most chilling speeches about the glory of prejudice, Charles vi Britannia speaks out about inequality during the funeral of his son Clovis. Sure, he makes some valid points about various social climates, nature vs nurture and how one’s individual aspects should be cherished…but then he goes full on totalitarian. He claims that the Empire of Britannia alone is the one who inspires progress, and how everything else falls short of its magnificence. Talk about appealing to your base.
#5: Strawberry Milk
“Gintama” (2006-)
Only Gintoki could make a speech that is so nonsensical, so out of left field, so unrelated to the narrative…and still manage to cause passers-by to break out in cheer. While yet another odd job looks like it’s doomed to fail, the White Demon manages to rally both his allies, and anyone within ear shot, with an anecdote about how wetting yourself due to drinking too much strawberry milk. We have no idea what he’s talking about, but we’ll be damned if it doesn’t start a mass wave of chanting! Guess people really like strawberry milk.
#4: Whitebeard’s Last Words
“One Piece” (1999-)
One of the manliest characters in all of anime, this legendary pirate may have been in his twilight years, but he was one of the strongest beings to ever sail under the skull and crossbones. As expected, his parting words were of equal magnitude. Following the war at Marineford, after being stabbed, shot, blown to pieces and impaled by lava, Whitebeard uses his last breath to demean his traitorous son Blackbeard, while telling the world that the One Piece is indeed real. Coby’s desperate speech was all well and good, but that’s how you go out like a boss!
#3: The ‘Death’ of Kuwabara
“Yu Yu Hakasho” (1992-94)
Okay, so technically he doesn’t really bite the dust, but it doesn’t take away just how awesome his sacrifice is. With Yusuke barely holding it together against the full power of the demon Toguro, his best bud Kuwabara decides to leap in to the fray in order to give him the boost he needs to win. Unsurprisingly, he gets taken out with a single strike, but not before he lets loose a rather moving speech. It’s not pure poetry but any stretch, but for Kuwabara it might as well be!
#2: Garma’s Funeral
“Mobile Suit Gundam” (1979-80)
If you wanted to see a perfect example of the worst that the Principality of Zeon had to offer, look no further than the speech delivered by Gihren Zabi. Following the death of his brother Garma, this warmonger used his funeral as a rallying point for all Zeon forces, turning the whole event into a devious display of propaganda. The worst part? It works. All Amuro and the rest of White Base can do is watch as one man twists the sorrow of a desperate people for his own greed. We’re with Char on this one, bottoms up!
#1: Dig To The Heavens
“Gurren Lagann” (2007)
Kamina was such a staggeringly awesome character that even to this day fans haven’t gotten over his passing. As you can guess, for his bro Simon the loss was more than he could bare. However, thanks to Nia, Simon is able to bring himself back from the brink and re-join the battle against Lordgenome and the Beastmen. Here, he declares that he doesn’t have to try and duplicate his brother’s legacy, because he will always be with him in spirit. It’s a truly inspirational speech and a defining moment for our lead. That, and the whole thing concludes with a Giga Drill Break, which makes things infinitely better.