Top 10 Epic Movie Cameos

#10 – Bob Barker: “Happy Gilmore” (1996)
Barker is paired with Gilmore for the Celebrity Pro-Am; but as Happy’s increasingly distracted by a certain jackass; the duo falls to last place. That brings out the frustration in the otherwise sweet old game-show host, and Happy also doesn’t deal too well. But Bob is fiercer than he looks, dishing out an unrelenting smackdown, before being knocked out for good. Okay, Bob: we promise we’ll have our pets spayed or neutered.
#9 – Matt Damon: “EuroTrip” (2004)
If there’s one actor we’d be hard-pressed to imagine in a European adventure comedy filled with naughty behavior, it’s Matt Damon. It’s even tougher to see him as a tattooed, shaved head-sporting, pierced ear-having, nail polish-wearing rocker. This cameo is made all the more ridiculous when Damon’s character unabashedly claims all the credit for being the other dude, and recounts how he banged Scotty’s girlfriend.
#8 – Bob Saget: “Half-Baked” (1998)
If you grew up watching “Full House” or even “America’s Funniest Home Videos,” you probably remember when Bob Saget was as wholesome as apple pie. However, if his unexpected cameo is to be believed, Saget’s got a dark side, and strong opinions too! Whoa, that’s quite an addiction actually – no wonder he’s in rehab alongside Dave Chappelle. Ever imagine Saget saying anything like that?
#7 – Alice Cooper: “Wayne’s World” (1992)
How do you add serious cred to a flick about young rock enthusiasts? By having an appearance by Alice freakin’ Cooper, of course! However, as Wayne and Garth go backstage to meet the rock god, they – and the viewers – quickly discover that the badass persona is just for show. That’s right: an Alice Cooper party involved a discussion on the finer points of history! Still pretty cool though…
#6 – Tom Cruise and Co.: “Austin Powers In Goldmember” (2002)
The third Austin Powers flick starts off with a bang, courtesy of a high-octane duel between Austin’s Swinger jag and a helicopter. Expecting Mike Myers? Well, think again: instead it’s a recast version, populated by Hollywood A-listers like Tom Cruise, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kevin Spacey and Danny DeVito! They even went the extra mile and got the Academy Award-winning Steven Spielberg to direct!
#5 – Stan Lee: “Mallrats” (1995)
After “Clerks,” Kevin Smith was rockin’ some uber geek cred, and this unexpected cameo by the great Stan Lee made comic book fans wet their Spider-Man costumes. Lee shows up just when Brodie is in need of guidance. However, it’s only when the old man starts sharing his fond comic book memories that Brodie realizes who he’s talking to. But all Stan wants to do is talk about love…
#4 – Luke Wilson, Tim Robbins and Ben Stiller: “Anchorman:
The Legend of Ron Burgundy” (2004)
In a completely random and hilarious opportunity for cameos, the Channel 4 News team is caught off-guard by all of their rivals while taking a shortcut through town. No, we don’t just mean Vince Vaughn and his aggressive evening news team: we’re talking about Luke Wilson’s Channel 2 team, Tim Robbins’ Public News team, and Ben Stiller’s Spanish Language News team and their epic, and frankly bizarre, cameo-laden brawl.
#3 – Mike Tyson: “The Hangover” (2009)
When a wild night becomes a day of retracing drunken steps, one nagging mystery in particular remains a head-scratcher: where’d the tiger come from? Reality’s stranger than any theory you can dream up, cause the boys stole it from a sleeping Mike Tyson. Gotta say, though, Mike seems pretty friendly – especially when he wants to sing with the gang – but turns out it’s all part of his interrogation technique.
#2 – Bill Murray: “Zombieland” (2009)
In a flick about the end of mankind, the last person anyone expects to see is zombified Bill Murray. But fear not: he’s just playing dress-up to keep up with the Joneses. Once Murray drops the ruse, Woody Harrelson gives the appropriate, and some would say mandatory, fan-level freak-out. Too bad Bill takes his pranks too far, trying to get a laugh from a scared kid with a shotgun.
#1 – Neil Patrick Harris: “Harold and Kumar Go to White
Castle” (2004)
Taking the top spot on our list is the legendary cameo by NPH, then known mainly because of his role as TV’s kid-doctor Doogie. The complete opposite of what anyone expected, this washed-up, creepy, terrifying and addiction-crazed celeb-turned-hitchhiker punctuates the title stoners’ quest for burgers in ways they couldn’t possibly imagine.
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