Top 10 Evil James Bond Women

In the world of international espionage, the women are as deadly as they are beautiful. Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Evil James Bond Women. For this list, all you need to make it is breathtaking beauty and a healthy hatred for our favorite 00 agent. Also, only EON-produced Bond films count, so sorry Fatima Blush fans, but we aren't counting "Never Say never Again", Sean Connery's involvement notwithstanding. And, just so you know, a SPOILER ALERT is probably in order.
Special thanks to our user yourbestfriend for submitting the idea on our Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: Naomi
“The Spy Who Loved Me” (1977)
All respectable Bond villains come complete with their very own femme fatale whose primary job it is to look great while the villain kills people. At first, Naomi does just that, flirting with 007 to get closer to him. Eventually, Naomi takes a more active role in the story when she chases Bond and his cohort with a helicopter, attempting to gun them down. Luckily, Roger Moore’s Bond always has an outrageous device to help him.
#9: Bambi & Thumper
“Diamonds Are Forever” (1971)
James Bond only meets this confusingly named duo for a couple of minutes, tops. But their encounter is memorable as the deadly gymnasts frivolously flip and summersault their way around the room and eventually engage 007 in an unfair fistfight. They overwhelm him at first with their acrobatic prowess, but eventually Bond has enough of their antics and decides to drown them in a nearby pool.
#8: Fiona Volpe
“Thunderball” (1965)
A formidable agent of the evil SPECTRE, Fiona Volpe oversees the ordered execution of high profile targets. Using her feminine wiles and other assets, she is able to kill quickly and efficiently. She’s eventually sent to execute our favourite MI6 agent. But like all women when confronted with 007, she first agrees to sleep with him. After a bloody foot chase, the two end up on a dance floor where Bond gallantly uses Fiona as a human shield.
#7: Irma Bunt
“On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” (1969)
Not your typical Bond femme fatale, Irma Bunt is an aging, severe woman who oversees a clinic full of naive young bombshells for the purpose of brainwashing them into super spies. Did someone say naïve young bombshells? Bond isn’t far behind and succeeds in thwarting the evildoers and even finds himself a wife in the process. Not to be outdone, Irma Bunt reappears to kill Bond’s new wife Tracy, thus allowing 007 to continue his philandering ways in future films.
#6: Rosa Klebb
“From Russia with Love” (1963)
It’s safe to say that most millennials were probably first introduced to this classic Bond character in “Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery.” But before the spoof, Rosa Klebb was hunting down 007 with her poisoned spiked shoe and some of that classic communist hate for all things free and beautiful. Sadly, she was too old and wrinkly for Bond to deal with her in his usual style, so he opted to beat her down with a chair.
#5: Miranda Frost
“Die Another Day” (2002)
The Bond franchise seemed to be on its last legs with this final Pierce Brosnan entry. Everyone is a campy cartoon, but amid all the nonsense, Rosamund Pike does a more-than-serviceable job as the film’s femme fatale. A former MI6 agent, Miranda Frost defected to the bad guys presumably because she thought her name really suited villain Gustav Grave’s theme. After a couple of incomprehensible double-crosses, Miranda is eventually dispatched via stab-wound.
#4: Pussy Galore
“Goldfinger” (1964)
We're not sure what conventions were like back in Ian Fleming’s day, but in our enlightened times you just don’t find names like these anymore. Pussy Galore and her Flying Circus are a group of attractive young pilots, hired by our eponymous villain to poison a bunch of people with gas. While Pussy thinks she’s just engaging in a standard gold caper, not world market-crashing nuclear shenanigans, Bond eventually makes her see the light after they sleep together.
#3: Elektra King
“The World Is Not Enough” (1999)
Before Raoul Silva revealed his horrible disfiguration in “Skyfall,” another Bond villain sported some wicked ear scars. Seemingly a naïve young heiress with only good in her heart, Elektra King eventually reveals herself to be a homicidal maniac who, like a lot of Bond villains, enjoys taking part in some crazy sex stuff before she kills people. It’s luck, then, thatBond has a pre-Hagrid Robbie Coltrane on his side.
#2: May Day
“A View to a Kill” (1985)
In the very last of the Roger Moore Bond Films, Grace Jones plays May Day, a tall muscular henchwoman who has it out for our hero. She isn’t your typical femme-fatale, sporting a finely sheered crop-top of a ‘do and enough strength to lift a whole man over her head. It almost doesn’t seem fair for the frail 57-year-old British man. But in the end, she comes to see the error of her evil ways when [surprise] Bond eventually beds her.
Normally here we’d list some honorable mentions, but we’ve decided that – while the world may not be enough – ten IS for this list. Onto our top pick!
#1: Xenia Onatopp
“GoldenEye” (1995)
Before she was Jean Grey in the “X-Men “franchise, Famke Janssen was trying to kill James Bond with more than just her mind. Xenia Onatopp, as her name may or may not suggest, enjoys murdering her targets during sexy-time, arguably the best possible time to be killed. Although she does use her thighs to squeeze the life out of you… which we’re guessing isn't that fun. For once though, Bond isn’t the only sexual predator in the international spy-biz. Onatopp attempts to kill him several times before she herself is dispatched through the crafty use of an exploding helicopter for a taste of her own medicine.
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