Top 10 Fan Theories That Were Right

Talk about stranger than fan fiction! From Stan Lee's cameos, to Quentin Tarantion's universe, to Negan's kill count, these fan theories turned out to be true. WatchMojo counts down ten fan theories that were right.
Special thanks to our users Laballs, zachvivian and Mr Manovar6 for suggesting this idea! Check out the voting page at http://WatchMojo.comsuggest/Top+10+Fan+Theories+That+Came+True.
#10: Bernard Is a Version of Arnold
“Westworld” (2016-)
Even before its first season was over, “Westworld” had the Internet buzzing with fan theories. Blurring the line between artificial intelligence and intelligence in general, the show kept audiences guessing who was an android host and who was a human being. Early on, many fans speculated that programmer Bernard was more machine than man. Some fans took this theory to the next level, predicting that Bernard was not only a robot with a false backstory, but he was also a recreation of Arnold, the park’s deceased co-creator. The writers dropped numerous hints leading up to this shocking revelation. Perhaps the subtlest detail is that Bernard Lowe is actually an anagram for Arnold Weber.
#9: Humanity Got the Word “Doctor” from the Doctor
“Doctor Who” (1963-89; 2005-)
Over the years, “Doctor Who” has inspired numerous fan theories. For example, quite a few fans suspected that the TARDIS was intended to have six pilots. Another fan cooked up the theory that humankind derived the English word “doctor” from the show’s titular character. After all, the Doctor has aided countless individuals across space and time. So wouldn’t it make sense if humanity named healers after the Doctor? The guy who posted this fan theory online back in 1995 was none other than Steven Moffat, who eventually became the showrunner for the “Doctor Who” revival. So naturally, he didn’t hesitate to make this theory a reality. Is that cheating? Maybe. But it’s still pretty cool.
#8: Negan Kills 2 People Instead of 1
“The Walking Dead” (2010-)
Season 6 of “The Walking Dead” ended on a killer note with Negan breaking out Lucille and mercilessly beating somebody to death. The murder was presented from the victim’s point-of-view, leaving the audience on a brutal cliffhanger. Many fans figured that Glenn would be the most likely casualty, seeing how Negan killed him in the comics. Leading up to the Season 7 premiere, however, fan group The Spoiling Dead shared a theory that Negan would kill not one, but TWO members of Rick’s group. In addition to Glenn, Abraham’s life was expected to meet a brutal end. The theory was dead-on, as both of these fan favorites ultimately got the axe… well, got the bat.
#7: Chuck Is God
“Supernatural” (2005-)
If you’re a divine being that wants to hide in plain sight amongst humans, calling yourself Chuck Shurley is a good way to throw people off track. By the end of Season 5, many “Supernatural” fans were convinced that this mysterious author was God. Chuck wrote about Sam and Dean’s adventures in his book series, making him a creator with a clear connection to the Winchesters. Even more telling, Chuck can feel the presence of angels and Castiel even referred to him as a prophet of the Lord. The Chuck is God debate went on for a few more years until Mr. Shurley finally revealed his true nature to Metatron. Chuck be praised!
#6: Why Klingons Have Forehead Ridges
“Star Trek” franchise (1966-)
Since the original “Star Trek” series didn’t have the biggest budget, Klingons weren’t the most distinctive-looking aliens. When the franchise transitioned to the big screen, however, the filmmakers could afford more sophisticated makeup effects. Klingons underwent significant physical changes - most notably developing forehead ridges. For any series with a devoted fanbase however, that sort of change needs an explanation. Among numerous theories, some Trekkers came to the conclusion that Klingons must’ve tinkered with genetic experimentation at one point. In Season 4 of “Star Trek: Enterprise,” fans were finally given a proper explanation. Turns out that genetic manipulation was to blame - both for Klingons losing their natural ridges, and the varying degrees of ridging seen today.
#5: Stan Lee’s Cameos Are All the Same Character
Marvel Cinematic Universe (2008-)
Before the Marvel Cinematic Universe was even around, Stan Lee had a habit of popping up in films based on his comic book creations. Since the MCU is one entity, though, there was mass speculation that Lee’s cameos shared a common thread. It’d be a huge coincidence if that random citizen, mental patient, and Hugh Hefner wannabe all just happened to look alike. The theory seemed more legit than ever following “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2,” where Lee appeared as a Watchers’ informant that’s taken on various different roles, including a FedEx driver. Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige backed the theory up shortly after, revealing they always thought it would be a fun idea.
#4: All of His Movies Are Connected
Quentin Tarantino Universe (1992-)
Speaking of cinematic universes, did you know Quentin Tarantino’s movies are all tied together? Diehard fans of the writer/director have noticed several parallels over the years. For example, Donny Donowitz from “Inglourious Basterds” and Lee Donowitz from “True Romance” share the same last name. Big Kahuna Burger has been referenced multiple times. As for Vic and Vincent Vega, they’re brothers! On an Australian talk show, “The Project,” Tarantino finally explained how his films are linked. As he puts it, every character inhabits his “realer than real universe,” but there’s also a “special movie universe.” Huh, that would actually explain the similarities between “Kill Bill” and Mia Wallace’s failed television pilot, “Fox Force Five.”
#3: Harry Is One of Voldemort’s Horcruxes
“Harry Potter” novel series (1997-2007)
During Harry’s 6th year at Hogwarts, it’s revealed that Voldemort divided his soul into seven pieces and contained them inside Horcruxes. As long as all of these objects exist, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named can never be defeated. This sparked a popular theory that Harry is one of the Horcruxes, explaining his connection to the Dark Lord. As it turns out, Voldemort accidentally imparted a fragment of his soul onto Harry when he first tried to murder him. Whether you saw this twist coming or not, it hit us all hard when Harry realized that he would have to sacrifice himself to vanquish Voldemort. Fortunately, Harry is given another shot at life once his ties to Voldemort are severed.
#2: They Were in Purgatory (or Close Enough)
“Lost” (2004-10)
Throughout Season 1, it was widely believed that the passengers of Oceanic Flight 815 died in the plane crash and the island they’re stranded on is purgatory. While that’s not exactly how things played out, the theory essentially came true in the end. At the beginning of Season 6, the story starts jumping between the original timeline and a flash-sideways timeline where the plane never crashed. It’s ultimately revealed that this timeline exists somewhere between life and death where our characters are given a chance to let go before moving on. While there are a few different ways to interpret the finale, it’s hard to deny that this place has limbo written all over it.
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
Karai Is Splinter’s Daughter
“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” (2012-)
Stan’s Brother Wrote the Journals
“Gravity Falls” (2012-16)
It Was All a Play
“Super Mario Bros. 3” (1988)
#1: Rhaegar + Lyanna = Jon
“Game of Thrones” (2011-)
Many years ago, one attentive fan began to piece together the meaning of Hodor’s name when George R. R. Martin asked him to hold the door. That’s admittedly awesome, but our top spot goes to the R+L=J theory. According to this theory, Jon Snow isn’t Ned Stark’s bastard. He’s actually the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, Ned’s sister. Although Martin still hasn’t finished writing the books, the theory was proven correct in Season 6 of “Game of Thrones.” It’s since been clarified that Jon’s birth name is Aegon Targaryen, making him the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Wait… so wouldn’t that mean Daenerys and Jon are… oh no!