Top 10 Force Moments In Star Wars

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most notable and all-around best uses of the Force in the galaxy far, far away. What’s your favorite Force moment? You want to leave a comment below.
#10: Yoda Absorbs Sidious’s Lightning
“Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith” (2005)
Force lightning is an ability synonymous with the Sith, especially Darth Sidious. But if there’s any Jedi capable of handling it, it’s Yoda. Granted, Yoda previously displays his mastery of Force deflection during his duel with Dooku in “Attack of the Clones,” but it’s hard to pass up his awesome bout with Sidious in the sequel. At the height of Order 66, Yoda confronts Chancellor Palpatine turned Darth Sidious in the Senate Building. At one point, Sidious is able to disarm Yoda with a bit of Force lightning, but Yoda is hardly out of the fight. He’s able to deflect the awesome power with his bare hands, before an unstable buildup explodes and sends the two combatants flying. Failed, you have not, Master Yoda.
#9: Obi-Wan Hurls Boulders at Vader
“Obi-Wan Kenobi” (2022)
This Disney+ miniseries reintroduces us to an Obi-Wan Kenobi still reeling from the rise of the Empire and his former Padawan Darth Vader. He’s clearly not as strong as he used to be, but Vader is more powerful than ever, including during their climactic duel on a rocky moon. Vader looks to have the upper hand, and mercilessly buries Obi-Wan in a blanket of stones. Vader thinks he’s won, but Obi-Wan summons the strength to continue protecting the children of Anakin Skywalker and frees himself. He then proceeds to turn the tables on Vader, pummeling him with an endless barrage of stones. Obi-Wan has already become more powerful than Vader can possibly imagine, ending the fight with his former brother and friend.
#8: Grogu Lifts the Mudhorn
“The Mandalorian” (2019-)
Grogu was a surprise to viewers when he showed up in the premiere episode of this live-action series. And while we knew his resemblance to the aforementioned Jedi Master meant he’d almost certainly use the Force, that didn’t make it any less iconic when he finally did. In the second episode, Mando is ambushed by a rhinoceros-like creature known as a mudhorn. While Mando certainly has many useful tools in his arsenal, it looks like the bounty hunter is no match for the beast’s might. When it seems like the charging mudhorn is going to deliver the finishing blow, a tiny hand reaches out and the creature begins to float. It buys just enough time for Mando to end the beast for good.
#7: Luke’s Force Projection
“Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi” (2017)
The “Star Wars” sequel trilogy introduced more than a few heretofore unseen Force abilities, some of which fans weren’t too fond of. But if one proves to be the most momentous, it’s this one. When Kylo Ren and the First Order have the Resistance pinned down on Crait, Luke arrives to buy them some time. He inexplicably survives a hail of cannon fire, prompting Kylo to confront his former master. The two engage in lightsaber duel, whereby Luke only dodges Kylo’s attacks. Once the Resistance has escaped, he allows Kylo to run through him, revealing he’s not actually there, but Force projecting himself across the galaxy on Ahch-To. Luke promptly vanishes, before becoming one with the Force, having expended all his energy.
#6: The Emperor Uses Force Lightning Against Luke
“Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi” (1983)
Force lightning may seem like old hat today. But it was absolutely staggering back in 1983 when we first saw it come out of the Emperor’s fingertips. After a grueling, cathartic duel with his father, Luke refuses to strike down Darth Vader and replace him at the Emperor’s side. The Emperor, frustrated that he can’t tempt another Skywalker, doesn’t hesitate to eliminate the burgeoning Jedi, zapping him with brutal Force lightning. It’s genuinely distressing to see our hero endure such brutal pain, but just as horrifically awesome seeing the ability in action. Even more powerful is Vader’s fatherly instincts kicking in, absorbing a lethal amount of lightning if it means defeating the Emperor.
#5: Obi-Wan’s Jedi Mind Trick
“Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope” (1977)
This moment is quicker and quieter than the other entries on this list. But at this point, the Jedi mind trick is so iconic, that we can’t not include it here. When Obi-Wan and Luke enter Mos Eisley looking for a pilot, they’re stopped by some stormtroopers who think they recognize the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO. Those, of course, are the droids they’re looking for, but Obi-Wan’s able to trick their weak minds with a simple wave of his hand and a few choice words. Our heroes are able to continue, and the stormtroopers will never know how close they were to ending the Rebellion. The ability will always be associated with Obi-Wan, but we do also love Rey using it in “The Force Awakens.”
#4: Rey Grabs the Lightsaber
“Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens” (2015)
While its sequels have dampened its impact for some, it’s hard to forget that “The Force Awakens” had some serious applause-worthy moments upon release, and this is arguably the biggest. Throughout the film, Rey learns she’s Force sensitive, but she has to learn fast once she and Finn are confronted by Kylo Ren on a crumbling Starkiller Base. Rey is knocked out early, forcing Finn to make due with the Skywalker lightsaber, but he too is incapacitated. Kylo looks to Force the weapon over to him, but it flies right past him and into Rey’s hand. Rey and Kylo’s subsequent duel is nothing short of epic, all set up by this stirring moment.
#3: Yoda Lifts the X-Wing
“Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back” (1980)
We all know how powerful a Force user Yoda is. But even Luke needs reminding toward the tail end of his training on Dagobah. When his crashed X-wing starts to sink into the swampy depths, Luke is tasked by Yoda to lift it out with the Force. Luke however doesn’t believe he can, and so inevitably fails. He begins to be fixated on what is and isn’t possible, so Yoda opts to teach him what even a small fry like him can do with the Force. Slowly but surely, Yoda lifts the craft out of the water, giving the foolhardy Skywalker a means of escape. It’s a truly awesome moment, one that’s accentuated by John Williams’s absolutely riveting score.
#2: Darth Vader Force Choking
You know a movie villain is OP when they can cut off your air supply from several feet away. Force choking is the ultimate flexing of power over an individual, and it’s a move Vader uses to establish dominance on multiple occasions. The first instance of course comes in the original movie, and it would be rather disturbing were we to forget this moment. It’s honestly not surprising that he dips so frequently into this dark side ability, seeing as he even used it on his pregnant wife Padmé, which surely contributed to her premature death. But there’s nothing like seeing the helmeted baddie intimidating his subordinates with a clenching fist, as Krennic learns the hard way in “Rogue One.”
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Leia Connects With Luke, “Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi” (1983)
Teasing Leia’s Force Sensitivity Was a Big Deal Back in 1983
The Daughter Resurrects Ahsoka, “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” (2008-14; 2020)
She Allows the Father to Transfer Her Lifeforce Into the Young Jedi
Kylo Freezes a Blaster Bolt, “Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens” (2015)
What a Way to Establish Your Power & Reflexes
Ezra Summons the Purrgil, “Star Wars Rebels” (2014-18)
Ezra’s Connection With These Mighty Beasts Isn’t to Be Underestimated
Rey & Ben’s Lightsaber Pass, “Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker” (2019)
Rey Arms Ben Solo by Passing a Lightsaber Through the Force
#1: Luke Destroys the Death Star
“Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope” (1977)
The original hero, Luke Skywalker is often thought of as the quintessential “Star Wars” Jedi. But it’s easy to forget that he hardly interacts with the Force at all in his first adventure. Until this climactic moment, that is. During the Rebels’ assault on the Death Star, Luke’s X-wing is pinned down by TIE fighters, one of which is piloted by Vader. Just when it seems all is lost, Luke is contacted by the deceased Obi-Wan Kenobi, who urges him to use the Force. Instead of relying on his targeting computer, Luke instead Force guides his torpedoes through the base’s thermal exhaust port. In one awesome moment, the mighty Death Star explodes and our heroes are victorious.