Top 10 Friendship Moments on Parks and Recreation

#10: Leslie Delays Her Wedding
"Leslie and Ben"
Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt endured a lot of hardships for their adorable relationship. So when they decide to ignore their detailed wedding plans and get married immediately, their friends don’t hesitate to help. Unfortunately, their impromptu wedding is interrupted by the drunk Councilman Jamm. Although Leslie’s boss Ron tries to resolve things peacefully, he ends up punching Jamm and is arrested. Instead of finishing the ceremony, Leslie visits Ron in prison and tells him his bail was posted. Her willingness to put her wedding on hold for him is a touching act that’s rewarded when Ron walks her down the aisle later that night.
#9: The Ron Swanson Scholarship
"Smallest Park"
Mouse Rat vocalist Andy Dwyer decides to invest his time in a college course. After excelling at beginning guitar and being disappointed by lasers, he’s blown away by a Women’s Studies’ class. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have enough money to register for the course. When Ron hears about the financial issue, he immediately steps up to cover the cost. Once the reality of this generous grant hits Andy, he pulls his benefactor into a sweet embrace... that is quickly broken. Ron doesn’t always display how much he cares about his friends, but his scholarship proves that he’s deeply invested in them in more ways than one.
#8: Two Sweet Gifts
"Citizen Knope"
Leslie is having a rough Christmas season. After being suspended from work for dating fellow employee Ben, her campaign managers for the city council race quit on her. As Leslie tries to keep herself busy, her friends work on a few surprises. After Chris Traeger lifts her suspension, the Parks Department gives her homemade gifts before making a big promise: All of Leslie’s coworkers would be stepping up to help run her campaign. When she protests, they remind her of all she’s done for them. Amy Poehler beautifully conveys the pride, gratitude, and joy Leslie feels all at once for her new campaign staff.
#7: Chris Gets a Buddy Box
"Ann and Chris"
When Chris Traeger arrived in Pawnee, he brought lots of energy and enthusiasm with him. Although he initially came off as a cheerful antagonist to the Parks Department, he eventually befriended all its employees. Chris became so close to them that gave them “buddy boxes” full of presents while he was packing up to move. When his friends felt bad about getting Chris a gift card in exchange, they decided to make something better. They built and inscribed a “buddy box” for him to fill with new memories for his growing family. Chris was literally moved to tears by the heartwarming gesture, and so were we.
#6: Tom's Gala Speech
Self-proclaimed mogul Tom Haverford is chosen to introduce Ben as the man of honor at a bicentennial Gala. Instead of highlighting his friend’s strengths and accomplishments, Tom just talks about himself. After his self-absorbed speech cuts Ben’s time on stage short, he goes to Ben’s office to apologize. Tom explains that his original speech filled him with too much emotion to read in front of audience. He backs up his claim by pulling out the actual speech and reading it aloud. Since Tom’s words reduce both men into crying messes, perhaps it was for the best that they kept this tender moment private.
#5: Shared Bachelor Party
"Two Parties"
For Ben, the perfect bachelor party just needs beer, friends and Settlers of Catan. But after Tom convinces the group to go to a strange bar instead, they make a realization. Despite the fact that almost every guy in the group has been married, Ben’s the only one who got a bachelor party. So Chris proposes that each guy gets a turn to pick one event. They eat ice cream, enjoy steak, and hang out with the Colts. Everyone, even Jerry, receives support and praise from their friends. The next day, the group gives Chris a “Best Best Man” award. We definitely think he deserves it.
#4: “Treat Yo’ Self” Therapy
"Pawnee Rangers"
“Treat Yo’ Self” day is an annual day for friends to spend lots of time and money making expensive purchases. Before Donna starts celebrating the event with Tom, she notices that Ben is feeling down. She decides to whisk Ben away in her Benz to cheer him up with a day of luxury and pampering. Although he’s sad for most of the excursion, he finally breaks down and talks about his feelings… after purchasing an expensive Batman costume. Treat Yo’ Self day was an unusual way to combat Ben’s depression. However, judging by his smile in the end, the holiday was exactly what he needed.
#3: Leslie and Ron Make Up
"Leslie and Ron"
Although Ron and Leslie seem like polar opposites, they’ve always had a strong and heartwarming bond. But at the start of Season 7, we find they’ve left their Parks Department jobs and have been feuding for years. After episodes of fighting, the two are forced to talk about what happened. When Ron needed Leslie’s help, she was too busy and forgot to meet him. When Ron wanted to build new apartments, he tore down Leslie’s best friend’s old house. Once they recognize the pain they caused one another, they bury the hatchet. They can’t fix what they’ve done, but they can still rekindle their close friendship.
#2: Leslie Lets April Go
"Ms. Ludgate-Dwyer Goes to Washington"
It’s hard for April Ludgate-Dwyer to take most things seriously. But when she becomes unsure about a future full of government work, she takes initiative to find a new career path. At first, April hides her plans to quit so she won’t upset her friend and boss Leslie. Although Leslie is initially hurt when April’s plans are revealed, she gets over it quickly and decides to support her decision and help her find direction. It wasn’t easy for Leslie to let her employee go. But she’s willing to put her feelings aside to ensure that a longtime friend finds happiness.
Before we hug it out with our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
April Invites Chris Out
"Bowling for Votes"
Leslie Gives Ron a Job
"One Last Ride”
Leslie’s Birthday Gift to Ron
#1: Ann and Leslie Say Goodbye
"Ann and Chris”
Ann Perkins went to a town hall to get a dangerous pit filled in. This lead to her meeting Leslie Knope, and sparked the show’s strongest friendship. For six seasons, the two women were practically inseparable. While Leslie provided Anne with thoughtful gifts and wonderfully weird compliments, Anne supported Leslie’s zany antics and ambitious dreams. When Ann decided to leave Pawnee, the duo went on one last crazy adventure to ensure they kicked off the project that turned that dangerous pit into a park. By the time Ann drives away from Pawnee, we’re left feeling like her friendship with Leslie will endure over any distance.