Top 10 Funniest 8 Simple Rules Moments

#10: Is Bridget Smarter-er Than Kerry?
“Rory's Got a Girlfriend”
As any “8 Simple Rules” fan will tell you, Kerry’s the brains of the Hennessy kids, while Bridget — let’s just say her interests lie elsewhere. So, when the sisters receive test results and Bridget appears to have scored higher, everyone’s in shock. Throughout the episode, hilarity ensues as Bridget’s continuous airheaded comments fuel Kerry’s rage. It isn’t helped by their parents, who proudly gush over her achievement. Of course, it backfires as they now expect more from their genius daughter. But by the end of the episode, Kerry’s nightmare ends when it all turns out to be one big mistake. Well, at least Bridget got her magazine.
#9: The Power of Positive Thinking
“C. J.'s Real Dad”
The middle Hennessy child isn’t known for her sunny disposition. But that all seems to change after she starts reading C.J’s dad’s book, “Life is Looking Up”. Suddenly she starts looking on the bright side of life, much to her family’s disconcertment. It’s so out of character that their mom even worries something else might be behind her new mindset. Bridget, in particular, finds her sister’s positive attitude incredibly annoying and eventually cracks. As the typically happy-go-lucky type, this role reversal is quite amusing. However, nothing’s quite as funny as when Kerry reveals that she’s been playing her sister this whole time.
#8: Kerry Drops the Sarcasm
“Give It Up”
In arguably one of the funniest episodes, the family challenges each other to give up something they can’t live without to win a contest. Cate gives up coffee, Paul, the remote control, Bridget the phone, and Rory tattling. But perhaps the great challenge of all — Kerry must give up sarcasm. What makes this episode even funnier is that everyone constantly tries to sabotage each other. One of the most amusing attempts sees Paul wearing the loudest and ugliest shirt he can find to wind up his daughter. However, she thinks she’s found a loophole only for it to hilariously backfire.
#7: Kerry Finds Her School Spirit
When Bridget decides to try out for the cheerleading squad, she brings her little sister along for moral support. Unfortunately, things don’t turn out quite the way she’d hoped. Kerry’s thrilled to have made the squad, and reveling in her sister’s misery is just the icing on the cake. Paul desperately tries to break the ice during an awkward dinner, but the girls are just at each other’s throats. Kerry even has some cheer-themed zingers ready for her sister. Her feigned apology is equally amusing. Needless, her one-liners in this episode are pretty hysterical. But don’t worry, Bridget gets her shot in as well.
#6: Who’s Cate’s Good Child?
Cate has her hands full disciplining Bridget and Rory for their ill-thought-out actions. Just as she asks them why they can’t be more like their responsible sister, Kerry gets caught with something she probably shouldn’t have. After the kids leave, Cate discusses the situation with her father and C.J, both of whom offer wildly different suggestions for dealing with the problem. But Cate’s more concerned with getting to the root of the uncharacteristic behavior. C. J.’s retort might not be helpful, but it is laugh-out-loud hilarious. You can always count on him to bring some levity to an otherwise serious moment.
#5: Bridget Teaches Paul about Social Politics
“Queen Bees and King Bees”
Bridget and Paul find themselves in similar situations when their social status-quos face upheaval. However, they both have very different ideas about getting back on top. But when Paul’s shunned from a poker game, he comes to her eldest daughter for advice. She teaches him about the general social structure of cliques and why you should never be presumptuous. It’s an entertaining scene between father and daughter, especially since they rarely see eye to eye. Of course, Paul realizes that high school politics have no place in the adult world. He may never be Queen B again, but he learned a valuable lesson anyway.
#4: “Daddy Broke My Nose!”
“Kerry's Video”
Bridget ruins Kerry’s video project, so their dad sentences her to help her sister make a new one. However, when they watch the footage back, Bridget’s devastated to see just how shallow she comes across. So, she heads to the tennis court to prove that there’s more to her than just her looks ... Once again, Kerry finds joy in her sister’s despair, and even though we do feel bad for Bridget, it’s still kind of amusing. The family’s reaction to the incident never fails to make us laugh either. But don’t worry, she proves that she still has a lot to offer even with the injury.
#3: A Case of Mistaken Identity
Secret admirers, errands ignored, and fake IDs — it’s all going down in this side-splittingly hilarious episode. The girls plan to use fake IDs to get into a club, only to bail after Bridget attracts the attention of a man who turns out to be a cop. Meanwhile, C. J. gets distracted while running an errand for Rory, who’s keeping a secret of his own too. It all comes to a head as Cate discovers that C.J. never even made it to the pharmacy. Just as she’s giving him a grilling, Shawn, the policeman, turns up with excellent timing… Well, unless you’re C. J.
#2: “Three’s Company”
“Come and Knock on Our Door”
After Kyle kisses Bridget’s boyfriend Kyle, things get pretty complicated. But at least it fuels Paul’s hysterical “Three’s Company” inspired nightmare. If you’re not familiar with 70s/80s sitcoms, then you might not be aware that John Ritter starred as covert ladies man, Jack Tripper. But in Paul’s dream, that role is taken on by Kyle, who now lives with both sisters. The scene captures the exaggerated cheeriness, cheesy lines, double entendres, and entertaining tropes that fans of the original will remember. The hilarity’s topped off by an amusing cameo from Don Knotts, who also starred in the classic sitcom.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
“I’ll Get It”, “Career Woman”
We Wonder How Many Times She’ll Fall For It
C. J. Heads North for Grandpa Jim, “Opposites Attract (Part 1)”
Maybe He Should Have Looked It Up Before Crossing the Border
Paul Tries to Parent by the Book, “By the Book”
No Parenting Book Can Outsmart the Hennessy Kids ... Or Can It?
Sharing Isn’t Always Caring, “Premiere”
A Savage & Hilarious Burn from Bridget’s Little Sis
Generation: Thong, “ “Pilot”
Finally! Someone Gets to the Root of Millennial Rage
#1: Don’t Mess with the Middle Child
“Every Picture Tells a Story”
Although Bridget’s not typically the studious type, she gets particularly engrossed in her psych class. She finds a lot of joy in psychoanalyzing everyone — especially Kerry. Naturally, Kerry gets annoyed and eventually snaps when Bridget goes too far. It turns out that Bridget isn’t the only one who can pick up a psych book. Cate tries to intervene, but Bridget kind of brings this one upon herself. We learn that while she can comfortably dish it out, she really can’t take it. Not only does this moment never fail to make us laugh out loud, but it teaches us all a valuable lesson too.