Top 10 Funniest Characters Who Break the Fourth Wall

#10: Jennifer Walters / She-Hulk
“She Hulk: Attorney at Law” (2022-)
It’s early days for this superhero legal comedy, but Jennifer Walters, the newly minted She-Hulk, is already proving enormously entertaining. In addition to being able to smash things just as well as her cousin, Bruce Banner, Walters also has a relatable, sarcastic sense of humor. She actually seems to be aware that she’s in a TV show, speaking directly to the audience frequently about what’s happening and even pointing out her series’ genre. And, credit where it’s due, she definitely knows her audience. We’re all interested in Captain America’s sex life, okay? It’s fine.
#9: Abed Nadir
“Community” (2009-15)
While several of the other characters on “Community” might know they’re on TV, Abed is the one who really leans into it. Obsessed with series and movies, Abed sees his life through the lens of pop culture, frequently speaking as if he and his friends are on TV – which, of course, they are. He even looks at the camera a few times. Whether he’s performing a fake talk show with Troy, imitating Batman, or simply describing the show he’s in, Abed is arguably one of the most meta-fictional funny characters out there.
#8: Bernie McCullough
“The Bernie Mac Show” (2001-06)
Bernie Mac was one of the original kings of comedy, and he brought a particular brand of humor to his titular show, where the late comedian played a fictionalized version of himself. The series was mainly about his adjustment to parenthood while caring for his sister’s children and his frequent struggles with their contrasting personalities. Bernie directly addresses the camera, in a confessional style similar to reality TV, talking to the audience – or America as he calls us. Of course, the fourth wall is bent even further whenever he has guests along with him. Remember that time the American Idol judges showed up for no reason? That was something…
#7: Malcolm
“Malcolm in the Middle” (2000-06)
The kid that gives this show its name, Malcolm is the genius, sarcastic member of his outrageous family. In response to much of his family’s absurd behavior, Malcolm will speak directly to the audience about the events of his show, usually in reaction to something going wrong or simply to give us some context. While comparatively normal to most of his relatives, Malcolm can still be a know-it-all, whose intelligence is sometimes overshadowed by his ego or lack of social graces. Still, when one’s family is as dysfunctional as his, it’s impressive that he manages to be as well-adjusted as he is.
#6: Rick Sanchez
“Rick and Morty” (2013-)
Rick Sanchez is the smartest man in his universe (and a lot of other universes too). Frequently drunk and unhinged, he and his grandson, Morty, go on adventures throughout the multiverse. Sarcastic and with a sense of humor that veers on messed up, Rick is a hilarious character throughout. His knowledge of the multiverse also plays into his ability to break the fourth wall – we’re pretty sure he knows he’s a cartoon. Rick makes frequent references to metafictional aspects of his reality, calling things episodes, asking for sponsorships, and making other TV references in relation to his own show. On a darker note, this self-awareness might also explain why he’s so depressed.
#5: The Warner Siblings
“Animaniacs” (1993-98, 2020-)
If you started singing “Yakko’s World” at the mention of this show, you’re not alone. Oh, the wonders of meme culture. Funnily enough, Yakko and his siblings, Wakko and Dot, are all aware they’re cartoons. They’ve acted as though they’re actors on a set being filmed and they also address the audience directly on numerous occassions, through song or through dialogue, usually when there’s some sort of innuendo involved. It’s fun to experience this sort of meta content in a cartoon primarily aimed at children and it definitely helped shaped our sense of humor today. Those are the facts!
#4: Genie
“Aladdin” (1992)
The wise cracking, fast-talking blue Genie is certainly a one-of-a-kind character. A powerful spirit of the magic lamp, he can make almost any wish come true; but, his greatest gift is one of comedy. While he may not speak directly to the camera as much as other known characters who break the fourth wall, Genie does so in other ways. Namely, he makes modern pop culture references that should take place hundreds of years in the future in his world, but that are mostly contemporary in ours. Sure, he could be making the jokes for his own amusement, but it feels like he’s playing to an audience, and it certainly isn’t the people around him.
#3: Ferris Bueller
“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” (1986)
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? The most popular kid in school and spoiled rotten by his parents, Ferris Bueller may be insufferable to his sister and principal, but he’s just so dang charming! During his memorable day playing hooky, the teenager speaks directly to the audience many times. He explains his schemes, talks about his friends, and remarks on new developments. Ferris may not be part of a long-running show or movie franchise like many other iconic characters who break the fourth wall, but he and his film have left quite their impact on meta humor spanning through decades. The rest of our list may as well go home.
#2: Fleabag
“Fleabag” (2016-19)
The unnamed protagonist of this series, Fleabag is a free-spirited, snarky woman, who, while she makes plenty of questionable decisions, is always hilarious. Prone to saying the wrong thing or putting her foot in her mouth, Fleabag is a very relatable lead. It’s helpful that she talks directly to the audience, often making funny asides during conversations, in which she says what she’s really thinking during conversations. Most fascinating of all, though, is that some characters will actually acknowledge when she does this, thus adding some cool metafictional elements to the series and layers of depth to Fleabag’s character.
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
Lincoln Loud, “The Loud House” (2016-)
Having Ten Sisters Can Be Stressful, Good Thing the Audience Are Such Good Listeners
Liz Lemon, “30 Rock” (2006-13)
Many Characters Knock On the 4th Wall, but Liz is the Protagonist, So She Gets the Credit!
The Looney Tunes, “Looney Tunes” franchise (1930-)
It Figures That These Classic Animated Figures Would Pioneer 4th Wall Breaking
Megavolt, “Darkwing Duck” (1991-92)
More Like Mega-meta!
Stewie Griffin, “Family Guy” (1999-2003, 2005-)
The 4th Wall Barely Exists in Quahog
#1: Wade Wilson / Deadpool
“Deadpool” franchise (2016-)
You’re surprised? How are you surprised?! Deadpool is the poster child for breaking the fourth wall. The masked superhero/mercenary is hysterically funny throughout his appearances, no matter the medium. Whether he’s seeking revenge in a gloriously silly way or mentoring young mutants, Wade is wonderfully irreverent. And that mockery extends to the confines of his story, as he often addresses the audience directly, narrates his films, and even moves the camera. Deadpool also pays tribute to his fellow fourth wall breakers. The man’s got good taste… Well, when he isn’t making jokes in bad taste, at least.