Top 10 Funniest Forgot They Were on Live TV Moments

#10: Pokémon Go Away
When “Pokémon Go” hit the gaming scene in 2016, it became hugely popular. It also created quite a few problems for players who lost track of their surroundings. This is a lesson Allison Kropff, an anchor for WTSP in Florida, learned on live TV. While engrossed in tracking down her favorite Pokémon, she walked right in front of weatherman Bobby Deskins. He was in the middle of his daily forecast and was completely stunned by her oblivious walk-through. Later, Kropff posted the video on her Facebook page with the caption, “That moment you realize you may be addicted to #PokemonGO....".
#9: On the Air Overshare
ITV News Anglia
Most embarrassing incidents on live TV are due to a brief moment of inattention. These are quickly fixed and the program continues. One incident at ITV Anglia in England went on for quite a bit longer. Host, Emma Baker, was casually chatting with people in the studio while tidying her clothes and hair. Nobody seemed to notice that the preparation she believed to be off-camera was actually live to viewers. It gets even worse when you pay attention to the comments Emma made towards an off-screen colleague. She asked if the woman in his story was his wife or another woman he spent too much time with. Awkward.
#8: Everyone Can Hear You
While covering a game in Minnesota, former NFL coach, Jim Mora, made a comment that was not meant for live TV. Intending to be humorous, anchor Scott Walker made a joke that Mora was losing patience with his fellow commentators. When the joke was repeated to Mora, he laughed and told the others to pass along a pretty salty opinion of the jokester. He didn’t realize that they were in a split-screen on air. His colleagues on the scene tried to rewrite the comment by agreeing that Walker was indeed “full of it.” It took a moment for Mora to realize what was going on. When he did, he had a good laugh that was likely shared by the viewing audience.
#7: Prime Minister Insults Voter
“The Early Show” (1999-2012)
A week before a difficult election, Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown made a particularly badly timed live TV mistake. He was hoping for a campaign moment that showed he was in touch with the common citizen. The woman chosen for him to talk to brought up the contentious subject of immigration. While on camera, Brown held on to his smile and remained calm. However, when he got into the car he let his real opinion loose. He called the moment a disaster and the citizen a “bigoted woman.” Unfortunately, his mic was still live and it was all picked up by the local news team. This could be one of those rare moments where a politician is maybe a little too honest.
#6: Put Your Phone Away
BBC News
We all know how hard it is to not check your phone when you have a minute. It’s probably why cell phones are often banned in schools and workplaces. Whether it’s allowed or not, you should probably avoid it when there’s a chance you could end up on live TV. Anchor Joanna Gosling was taking a minute to scroll through her phone when the camera cut to her station a little more quickly than she expected. Clearly, someone just off-screen let her know she was on the air. Her startled reaction was great, but she jumped back in like a pro. Her phone was still in reach though; you know, in case she had another spare minute.
#5: Caught Fixing Hair
BBC News
Proper hair care is important. Especially if you’re a TV persona. Carole Walker on BBC News had a few minutes to spare before her 9:00 am segment. It probably seemed like the perfect time to snag her handbag and take a moment to touch up her look. Unfortunately, the camera team cut too early. You can see that the clock says 8:56 am. Walker was caught primping, but like a true professional, she didn’t panic. She simply put the brush away, snagged her papers, and went straight into her report. It must have been pretty confusing for watchers who tuned in after the incident. Why is there a purse on the desk?
#4: Stop Interrupting!
Have you ever tried to explain something to someone and they keep interrupting to ask questions? It’s so frustrating because if they’d just let you finish, they’d understand. Well, weatherman Chad Myers had this moment during a live segment on Hurricane Katrina. Anchor, Carol Costello, kept interrupting to ask for clarification. Myers finally just couldn’t take it anymore. He lost his cool and snapped, “Let me talk, Carol!” The spat continued for another moment as Myers threw his papers on the floor in frustration. Later, the two tried to cover it up by saying they were just having some fun. It looked pretty genuine, but since it was at 4:30 in the morning, we can probably cut them some slack.
#3: Biden Drops a Bomb
ABC News
While running for president, Joe Biden described himself as a “gaffe machine.” He’s made many unintentional mistakes live on air, and a few have included curse words. One of the funniest took place while he was vice president. President Obama was about to sign his healthcare bill into law. An ecstatic Vice President Biden leaned in close to sum up the moment with some very colorful language. Unfortunately, he forgot that the podium microphones were still going to pick it up for all to hear. No one would argue that the bill was a big deal, but the choice of adjective was a little R-rated for news coverage. Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t long before his blunder became a popular T-shirt slogan.
#2: Snap Out of It!
ABC News
Daydreaming at your desk is not that unusual. We’ve all had a spacy moment or two while we’re supposed to be working. It’s the moment when a coworker snaps you out of it that’s really unsettling. Well, imagine how startled Natasha Exelby was to be caught daydreaming on live TV. You don’t have to imagine because her facial expression tells it all. After a pre-recorded episode finished, the camera cut back to Exelby. Unfortunately, she’d let her mind wander while idly fiddling with her pen. When this mistake cost the casual contributor her on-air shifts, viewers started a petition to reinstate her. It just goes to show that everyone loves a moment when someone is just being human.
#1: A Quick Cut
BBC News
Every once in a while, we get a peek into what happens off screen of live news shows. Weatherman Tomasz Schafernaker would have preferred this moment had never made it on to at-home screens. Anchor Simon McCoy teased his co-worker by declaring that the weather report would of course be highly detailed and 100 percent accurate. The good-natured sarcasm seemed to hit a little too close to home this time. When the camera cut over more quickly than expected Schafernaker’s one-fingered salute was clearly caught on camera. The panic upon his face is clear, and it looks like he tried to change the gesture to a chin scratch. The anchors smothered laughs and joked, “Every now and then there’s always one mistake. That was it.”