Top 10 Funniest Inventions in Movies and TV

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Top 10 Hilarious Inventions in Movies and TV
Life often gives us lemons, but these inventions won’t help you make lemonade. Welcome to and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Hilarious Inventions in Movies and TV.
For this list, we’ll be looking at devices from film and television that were made to serve dubious or oddly specific purposes. We’re not interested in the type of inventions you’ll find on a late-night infomercial - these are much less conventional.
#10: The Breakfast Machine
“Pee-wee’s Big Adventure” (1985)
As our grandmothers have told us a million times, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And who can say no to big pile of bacon and eggs, waffles, bacon, pancakes, bacon, and sausages? Oh, and bacon too. The only thing that could make breakfast better is if it’s automatically made for you by a room-spanning overly complicated Rube Goldberg-type machine. Was that Abe Lincoln flipping pancakes and feeding the dog out of his hat? Hey, in the world of Pee-Wee Herman, why not! We like breakfast in bed as much as the next person, but this show is worth getting up for.
#9: Point of View Gun
“The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” (2005)
Guns are dangerous and require a lot of training to use effectively, but perhaps no gun is as dangerous as the Point of View Gun. This wacky weapon was designed by a giant computer at the request of intergalactic housewives in order to win arguments with their husbands. It did this by showing them their wives’ point of view. The idea behind showing people someone else’s P.O.V., and thus magnifying their empathy, seems like a great idea on paper, but in application... it should be applied with care and caution.
#8: Dog Translator Collar
“Up” (2009)
Ever looked into your puppy’s big eyes and wondered what they were thinking? It turns out they are mostly thinking about squirrels. Also, it seems some dogs are surprisingly susceptible to... fascist thinking? The great thing about this collar is how believable the dog’s words turn out to be. Dug, for example, seems to love everyone he meets. Immediately. The device was created by explorer Charles F. Muntz so that he could communicate with his only companions. He also apparently invented some fighter airplanes for them to pilot too. What’s next, Starbucks for dogs?
#7: Fing-Longer
“Futurama” (1999-2013)
Everyone has dreams. Dreams are what keep us going in this strange and baffling world. But some dreams are left unfulfilled, and that’s just plain sad. Take the fing-longer, for example, Dr. Farnsworth’s dream invention that he never got around to finishing. The hilarious thing about this invention is just how simple it is compared to some of his other devices. It is essentially just a longer finger meant for poking things and pushing buttons from a distance. We wouldn’t call that a particularly amazing invention, but at least it isn’t as gross as the Smell-O-Scope or as depressing as the What-If-Machine.
#6: Flubber
“Flubber” (1997)
In an attempt to create a revolutionary new source of energy, professor Brainard instead invented a strange new form of dancing rubber. Oh well, that’s pretty cool too. And it’s not like we’re in desperate need of alternative energy sources or anything… right? This green flying rubber has the ability to make things extra bouncy, so it has all kinds of real-world applications like improving the vertical jumps of your college basketball team. But be careful not to eat this stuff, because it could cause some seriously painful, albeit funny, farts.
#5: Electric Hammer
“The Simpsons” (1989-)
We’re not sure if this invention is ridiculous or actually quite smart. But then again, that seems to be the conundrum with most of Homer’s inventions. Maybe the funny part of this invention is that it could work well if it wasn’t so terribly designed. Something that automates the tedious task of hammering nails would be great. The way Homer’s invention malfunctions however, is just plain dangerous. Of course, Homer was ridiculed for his invention, but when people thought Thomas Edison invented it, everyone praised it. Freakin’ Thomas Edison, what’d he ever do?
#4: Hot Tub Time Machine
“Hot Tub Time Machine” (2010)
DeLoreans? Fancy chairs? Phone booths? Who needs those when you can travel through time in a relaxing hot tub? The great thing about a hot tub is that it doesn’t need a flux capacitor or British doctor to bend the temporal fabric of the universe. The only thing this invention needs is a pair of Speedos. And just like seemingly every other time machine, this one sends you to the most perfectly comedic moment possible. Is that an inherent part of time travel, or do popular time travellers just tend have a good sense of humor and terrible luck?
#3: Meeseeks Box
“Rick and Morty” (2013-)
Kind of like a twisted version of a genie’s bottle, the Meeseeks box exists for those moments when you just need a little help. Press the button and a Mr. Meeseeks appears out of thin air to help you with whatever you need. But what happens when Mr. Meeseeks needs help too? Well, he just summons another Mr. Meeseeks, of course. As you might imagine, this can get out of hand very quickly. There’s no issue using the Meeseeks Box, so long as you don’t ask it to do the impossible. Ask too much of Mr. Meeseeks and you might see your whole house become overrun with these helpful but mentally fragile blue creatures.
#2: Internet Kissing
“The Big Bang Theory” (2007-)
If only there was some way we could physically express our feelings for other people when they aren’t nearby. Something deeper than an emoji or a “like.” That’s where this machine that simulates kissing comes in. It helps couples in long distance relationships satisfy their physical urges. The great thing about the kissing machine is how ridiculous people look while using it, as seen in this episode of “The Big Bang Theory.” We imagine it would also be helpful if you knew for sure who was on the other end using it. You wouldn’t want to be accidentally making out with your grandma.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
The Ultimate Golf Bag
“Caddyshack” (1980)
Data’s Various Devices
“Goonies” (1985)
Magic Computer
“Weird Science” (1985)
#1: Flame-Throwing Electric Guitar
“Mad Max: Fury Road” (2015)
Nothing says “awesome for the sake of awesome” like a guitar that shoots flames. Even in a movie with robotic arms, skull-like breathing machines, and war rigs, this invention stood out the most. We can’t think of a better way to get your war boys riled up than strumming a nice tune on your flamethrower guitar. But why does it shoot flames? We don’t know, and quite frankly, we don’t care. We just like it. According to director George Miller, the guitar player is a blind guy named the Coma-Doof Warrior, which really just completes his whole image, doesn’t it?