Top 10 Funniest Modern Family Episodes

#10: “Fulgencio”
After Gloria gives birth to her and Jay’s new baby, her family comes up from Colombia for the christening, leading to some issues with Jay. Meanwhile, Phil tries to be the one who solves problems for the kids instead of Claire, but it doesn’t go so well at first. Meanwhile, Mitch and Cam try to stop Lily from unleashing her attitude onto the world. The episode does what many great “Modern Family” episodes do, which is blend the show’s humor perfectly with its more poignant moments. In a fantastic example of this, during the emotional christening, Phil carries out his master plan to solve all his kids’ problems in a scene that perfectly parodies “The Godfather.”
#9: “Fizbo”
This early episode introduced one of the series’ most memorable recurring jokes: Cam’s side-hustle as Fizbo the Clown. When Luke’s birthday comes around, Phil and Claire decide to throw him a big party, as his birthday falls around Thanksgiving and is usually a little lackluster. When Cam hears there’s not going to be a clown at the party, he takes matters into his own hands, which is when we find out Mitch is not so crazy about Fizbo. At first, anyways. The party eventually arrives, and in one of the series’ best climaxes, things get a little outrageous.
#8: “Disneyland”
When the whole family heads on a trip to Disneyland, things get about as chaotic as you might expect. Lily has to go out on a leash, Manny’s more interested in the stock market at the moment, Alex and Haley deal with some boy problems, and it turns out that Phil has the flu. The family has a great time regardless, and it’s always fun to see the Happiest Place on Earth, so the episode gets some bonus points for that. An emotional speech by Jay perfectly concludes the episode. It was certainly a memorable vacation for this modern family, though it wouldn’t be their last.
#7: “Halloween”
The Dunphys have had some memorable Halloweens (we’re looking at you, AwesomeLand), but none can top the original. In the season two episode “Halloween”, we learn that Claire has a serious competitive streak when it comes to Halloween. With the entire family all ready for the scariest night of the year, the Dunphy’s house of horrors does turn out to be a hit, but only after a few bumps in the night. Holiday episodes in sitcoms are often hit or miss, but when they hit like this one does, they can become all-time memorable entries in a series.
#6: “Las Vegas”
Does this family go on a lot of vacations or what? This time, the adults head to Las Vegas. The family splits off into their own storylines as they make their way through the City of Lights, with Claire attempting to make up for money lost last time she was in town and Phil looking for a secret society of magicians. Mitch and Cam plan a spa day only for Cam to duck out and attend an “old friend’s” bachelor party. Smaller cast and all, moving the adults to an exciting location like Las Vegas led to a ton of laughs, giving us our favorite vacation episode of the series so far.
#5: “The Future Dunphys”
“Modern Family” is at its best when it brings the family together in interesting ways. In “The Future Dunphys,” each section of the family has their own storyline to work through before they all come together at the episode’s end in an emotional climax about parents accepting their children for who they are. Throughout the episode, Mitch and Cam try to help Lily understand more about her Vietnamese heritage and why she isn’t necessarily gay just because they are. It’s a storyline that only “Modern Family” could tackle, highlighting the importance of this series and wide reach it has achieved.
#4: “Connection Lost”
This episode definitely puts an emphasis on the modern in “Modern Family,” as the whole thing happens via screens as Claire tries to track down Haley. It’s a hilarious episode that feels extremely relevant to parenting in the modern era. Fights with kids can get scary in the digital age! As Haley goes AWOL while Claire is out of town, she tries to figure out her location, while also trying to micromanage the family remotely. It does a great job of showing how overbearing parents can be online, but also the reasonable worries about what your kids could be up to!
#3: “Leap Day”
In this episode, the family celebrates Cam’s birthday! Technically, it’s only his tenth as his birthday was on Leap Day. Mitchell and Lily decide to go all-out, decorating the house like “The Wizard of Oz,” but things go awry after some tragic and unfortunately ironic news regarding Cam’s aunt – well really, his pig – and a tornado. Meanwhile, at the Dunphy house, the girls’ menstrual cycles have lined up, causing Phil and Luke to panic as the whole family is supposed to attend a trapeze class together. The episode ends with Cameron coming to terms with turning 40, ending on a sentimental note as he’s comforted by Mitch.
#2: “The Wedding Parts 1 & 2”
This two-part wedding episode is the pinnacle of the show’s more emotionally-driven side. Cam and Mitch got engaged as soon as it became legal, and now the big days has finally come; it’s safe to say that the long-awaited moment did not disappoint. The day is suitably filled with chaos as the family prepares for the ceremony under the threat of an imminent wildfire, and emotions run high as Jay and Mitchell aren’t on speaking terms after Jay was uncomfortable admitting his son was getting married to a man. Thankfully, the wedding is successfully moved, and Jay is there to walk Mitch down the aisle as we all proceeded to cry our eyes out.
Before we reveal our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
“Baby on Board”
“The Closet Case”
#1: “Caught in the Act”
We hate these awkward family moments in real life, but when they happen on-screen, we just can’t get enough of it. After trying to surprise their parents with breakfast in bed on their anniversary, Haley, Alex and Luke walk in on Claire and Phil making love. At the same time, Jay and Gloria deal with a harsh email they accidentally sent, and Mitch and Cam try to get Lily to become friends with the child of the owner of an exclusive local restaurant. All three storylines in this episode are fantastic, coming together to make for the perfect “Modern Family” episode.