Top 10 Funniest The Simple Life Moments

#10: When Paris & Nicole Were Daycare Assistants
By the time this episode rolled around, Paris and Nicole have proven that their way of taking care of kids is… well… different. They acted like they were children themselves! Watching them react to dirty diapers while changing the kids and seeing their constant shenanigans was absolutely hilarious. Of course, Nicole being Nicole made this episode extra funny as she took more naps than the actual toddlers. And let’s not forget about the moment when they send off the older kids to kindergarten. The buses were taking forever to come, so Nicole’s idea was to flag down random people on the road. Then, she asked them if they could give the kids a ride to school! Biggest facepalm ever.
#9: Paris Mops on a Segway
“The Beggs Family”
Let’s be honest: Paris was ahead of her time with this move. Except, it didn’t really work out in her favor. In season 4, we learn a thing or two about housekeeping from the Hilton princess herself. She had to mop the entire house and, of course, got bored doing it. So, she came up with this amazing idea of attaching a mop to a segway. Sure, it did the job for a while. That is, until she lost her balance and fell on the floor. Ouch! Not the finest moment for Paris, but what we got from it was a viral GIF that’s still circling around social media to this day. Don’t try this at home, kids.
#8: When They Tried to Return Fast Food
“Nudist Resort”
Paris and Nicole have proven that they have absolutely no shame. Even when they should. In “The Simple Life,” the girls didn’t have enough money, but that didn’t stop them from ordering as much food as they could. OParis went back to the car, saying she had more money there, while Nicole confidently ate the food. When Paris came back, it was Nicole’s turn to look for “the rest of the money.” Of course, they weren’t able to pay for it all at the end. Eventually, the managers weren’t interested in their shenanigans any more and the girls had to ask a random stranger for $11. The scene ended with Paris saying “that was fun!”
#7: When They Worked at Sonic
“Sonic Burger Shenanigans a.k.a. Welcome to Sonic”
Season one introduced us to just how silly Paris and Nicole could act. But the Sonic episode was a perfect example of two best friends getting a summer job together and doing nothing but goofing around. Among many other tasks, they had to change the Sonic sign. And of course, they changed it to something totally inappropriate. They were punished by having to put on a Sonic mascot outfit. But instead of making people feel welcome, they gave the drivers on the road the finger. From working at a drive-through to not knowing what to do with their pay cheques, the Sonic episode definitely deserved its spot on our list.
#6: Working at a Beauty Salon
“Brand New Look”
Working at a beauty salon seemed like it would be one of those jobs that would be ideal for these two fashionistas. But “The Simple Life” wouldn’t be “The Simple Life” if Paris and Nicole did everything by the book. So when they had to wax a man who was highly sensitive to pain, things didn’t really go well. They also gave a woman a makeover, and let’s just say that the manager of the beauty store wasn’t really impressed with the result. Neither was the woman’s husband - who couldn’t recognize her when he came in! But all that matters is that Paris and Nicole had plenty of fun, right?
#5: Nicole Calls Out Kim
“Almost Fame-Less”
In the Camp Shawnee episode, the girls were greeting the arriving adult campers. One of the women introduces herself as Kim Ho. Nicole immediately jokes that her and Paris know a girl called Kim too and that she’s a ho. Fans speculated that she was referring to Kim Kardashian, who was Paris Hilton’s best friend and an assistant before she became an established celebrity. Others suspect that she could be referring to Kimberly Stewart, who was rumored to replace Nicole in season 4 when Paris and Nicole were fighting. It was never really confirmed who they meant, but fans came to a conclusion that they were most definitely throwing shade at someone.
#4: The “Sanasa, Sanasa” Song
If you were a “The Simple Life” stan, you were most likely singing the catchy ‘Sanasa’ song with your BFF. During season 2, Paris and Nicole had to take a bus to get to places. And because they were bored most of the time, they invented a song. And not just any song - the ‘Sanasa’ song. They sang it in the most hilarious voices they could. Much to the annoyance of others on the bus, Paris and Nicole sang the song at the top of their lungs, to the point where the passengers had to alert the bus driver. But did they listen? Of course not! They even made them join in!
#3: A Quarter
Paris and Nicole were very aware of their privilege at the beginning of the show - they claimed they didn’t even know what Wal-Mart is! In order to prepare for their simple life in season 3, the girls went on a shopping spree. Their total came to an amazing $49,604.25. Yep, you heard that right. Basically, a total that equals a couple of student loans. As a joke, Nicole asked Paris if she has 25 cents she can borrow. And what came out of it was an iconic moment that pretty much embodied the show. Ah, the lifestyle of the rich and famous.
#2: When They Worked for an Airline
When Paris and Nicole were interns, it put them in some of the most hilarious situations ever. The airline episode remains one of many fan-favorites. The girls really did their best to bring out every possible shenanigan and do the things no one else would be allowed to do. They were pretty inappropriate when they had to signal the airplane as it landed on the runway. And when they had to take the bags out, they pretty much just threw them around as the passengers looked absolutely horrified. They also had to check people in on their flight - and let’s just say that they managed to make almost every passenger look hilariously uncomfortable.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
The Time When They Removed Roadkill, "Good-bye and Good Luck a.k.a. Goin' Home "
We’ll Just Let the Clip Do the Talking
That Time They Visited Prison Inmates, “Deputized"
Making Them Deputy Sheriffs Was Either a Really Good or Really Bad Idea...You Be the Judge!
When They Tried To Pay Their Toll with Gum, "The Journey Begins"
And They Had No Shame Doing It!
Cooking Bacon with an Iron, "The Beggs Family"
Never Trust Paris with Your Food
When They Made Cupcakes, "Bakery"
Don’t Let Them Make Your Desserts Either
#1: When Paris “Did” a Weather Report
Out of all intern jobs the two had, the TV station one was without a doubt one of the best episodes of “The Simple Life.” When Paris had to give a weather report, she proved that her “that’s hot” line has multiple meanings. In the middle of it, she decides it’s too boring for her and instead delivers a PSA that the TV station’s meteorologist is on the list of the top 50 hottest single men in Baltimore’. She also complains when she does her report that it’s raining everywhere and says they should move to LA because the weather is better. An iconic Paris moment, for sure.