Top 10 Game of Thrones Moments That Made Fans Rage Quit

VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
WRITTEN BY: Andrew Tejada
And now our watch has really ended. We're counting down all the moments from Game of Thrones that made us want to rage quit. Whether it's the Red Wedding or just looking at Joffrey's face we're counting down the most devastating, shocking, and overall gross moments in Game of Thrones that made fans want to switch to something a little more predictable. "Friends" anyone? What Game of Thrones moment made you want to stop watching? Let us know in the comments!
#10: Theon's Torture
Once Theon betrayed the Starks and captured Winterfell, fans wanted to see him pay for his crimes. But his punishment ended up being more intense than they bargained for. After House Bolton takes control of Winterfell, Ramsay Bolton brutally tortured Theon. His pinky is flayed, he's mentally abused and castrated. After multiple torture scenes, fans felt like Theon’s plotline was getting gratuitous. Since his pain was barely expanding his character or furthering the plot, it just became an unpleasant detour from the overall story. Although Ramsay was only supposed to hurt Theon, the fans suffered every time he was tortured.
#9: Jon Saved By Fast Travel
Moments before an undead army surrounded Jon beyond the north wall, he ordered Gendry to sprint south and notify Daenerys. Gendry delivers the message to Eastwatch, Daenerys receives it in Dragonstone, she flies North beyond the Wall and saves Jon. The question is: how? Everything seemed to happen within a day’s time. However, it’s been established that traveling between Winterfell and King’s Landing takes about a month. With Eastwatch north of Winterfell and Dragonstone near King’s Landing, a raven should’ve taken at least a day just to deliver the message. The rushed timeline made fans angry at Gendry and his supersonic raven for their insanely fast journeys.
#8: Sansa & Arya's Arguments
After being separated for years, the Stark sisters finally reunited. Shortly after their reunion, Littlefinger tried to make Arya and Sansa despise each other. After the sisters had a few private arguments, it looked like Sansa would publicly arrest Arya. Instead, the Starks expose Littlefinger’s plot and execute him. But fans felt that twist didn’t justify the fighting. If Sansa and Arya were pretending to hate each other to trick Littlefinger, why did they argue in private? If they were genuinely fighting, when did they bury the hatchet? Their constant fighting either ended with a plot hole or existed to pad out the season’s runtime. Regardless of intent, fans hated seeing Arya and Sansa argue.
#7: Arya Killing the Night King
For nearly eight seasons, the Night King and his undead army were built up as the most dangerous threat to Westeros. After an extremely dark battle, his forces prepared to claim victory. Suddenly, Arya leaped past the Night King’s soldiers and stabbed him with a Valyrian steel dagger, causing him and his army to collapse. Although Arya’s a great warrior, fans were shocked to see her take the powerful Night King down so easily. His swift defeat left us no time to see his fighting skills or learn if he had deeper motives. Despite seasons of hype for an epic battle against the Night King, it only took seconds to beat him.
#6: The Sand Snakes
The Sand Snakes had great potential. After their father Oberyn was killed by the Mountain, these warrior women craved revenge. The problem: they never seemed all that dangerous or interesting. As a result, we’re left to judge them by their heinous actions. Although their father’s pledged not to harm innocent girls, they let Ellaria Sand kill Myrcella Lannister. They also stabbed their people in the back and failed to win any major fights. Their lack of sympathetic traits and smart decision-making made sitting through their scenes a chore. When they were all unceremoniously murdered in season 7, some fans celebrated the demise of these wasted warriors.
#5: Jaime and Cersei’s Crushing Ending
While Jamie was a disgraced warrior seeking redemption, Cersei was a cunning villain who committed ruthless acts for power. Despite their different journeys, they met the same lackluster end. After starting a romance with Brienne, Jamie abandons her to save Cersei. While seeing Brienne cry over him was infuriating, his final moments with Cersei were more rage-inducing. During Daenerys’ siege of King’s Landing, the two Lannisters become trapped underneath the collapsing Red Keep. As Cersei is reduced to a crying mess, Jamie comforts her. Moments later, they’re crushed to death. Calling their deaths anti-climactic doesn't begin to cover it. Jamie and Cersei’s complex journeys shouldn’t have ended with simple rocks.
#4: Shireen Is Sacrificed
During his quest to take Winterfell, Stannis Baratheon had to deal with low supplies, enemy sabotage and a bad storm. Since he was unwilling to retreat, his religious advisor Melisandre offered to sacrifice his daughter Shireen to guarantee victory. Although Stannis initially refused, he eventually gave in and allowed his daughter to be burned as a tribute. The resulting scene is nothing less than harrowing. We hear Shireen’s desperate screams as Stannis Baratheon, his wife, and his soldiers watch the innocent girl burn. For some viewers, this death was more about shock value than story. As a result, a few fans chose to desert the series entirely.
#3: Sansa’s Sexual Assault
When Jamie appeared to rape Cersei after their son’s funeral, fans were disturbed by the graphic and uncomfortable scene. They were disgusted again when Sansa was assaulted. After Sansa is married off to Ramsay Bolton, he rapes her on their wedding night while forcing a weeping Theon to watch. Fans were outraged by the upsetting and brutal scene. They were further enraged when Sansa later implied that her assault contributed to the person she became. Sexual assault is a sensitive topic that should be handled carefully. But the way the writers addressed Sansa's rape and the aftermath failed the character and the audience.
#2: Bran Becomes King
In the show’s finale, Bran Stark is named king. Now that the explanation’s done, let's dive into why this felt so wrong. Bran didn’t appear for a full season. He said he didn't want the title. Both Jon and Gendry have better claims. Although we could go on forever, the most common fan complaint is that it doesn't feel like Bran earned it. Instead of using his visions to guide others, he mostly dropped cryptic hints as people struggled to make the right decisions. Maybe Bran’s talent for telling people what to do while he does nothing makes him the most qualified to rule. But his abilities aren’t enough to make us happy about his crowning.
Before we rage at our top pick, here are some dishonorable mentions.
Missandei's Death
Jon Not Petting Ghost
Arya Survives Being Stabbed
Jon Sentenced to Night’s Watch in the Finale
Arya's Faceless Man Training
#1: Daenerys Goes Mad
We wish the modern coffee cup and water bottles that appeared in the background were season 8’s biggest missteps, but the breaking point for fans came when Daenerys attacked King’s landing. Throughout the series, Daenerys pledged to take the Iron throne without harming innocents or losing herself. But after Missandei and Rhaegal are murdered by Cersei’s forces, she becomes merciless. After King’s Landing surrenders, she burns its buildings, women, and children to ashes. Fans felt like Daenerys’ journey to becoming a strong, adored and forgiving leader was entirely thrown out for the sake of a shocking twist. The finale may have been disappointing, but it wasn’t as infuriating as watching The Breaker of Chains become a mad queen.