Top 10 Gruesome Nazi Kills in Wolfenstein 2

Die Nazi scum! Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 gruesome Nazi kills in Wolfenstein 2.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the most brutal methods of death which are found within “Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.” As we’ll be looking at pivotal moments in the game’s story, here’s your spoiler warning.
Also, we won’t be including Rip Blazkowicz’s death, as he is not an official Nazi soldier, despite his association with the group.
#10: Soldier Gets an Axe to the Face
There’s just something inherently satisfying about plunging an axe directly into a Nazi’s face. Well, we don’t actually get to do it, but it’s still satisfying to watch. B.J. poses as Jules Redfield to infiltrate Hitler’s compound on Venus and is helped to his room by a Nazi soldier. However, the soldier discovers weapons in B.J.’s suitcase, forcing B.J. to grab an axe from the wall and bury it in the soldier’s face. B.J. must have quite a lot of force behind his swing – that axe went through helmet AND skull! And then he just pulls it right out like it’s nuthin’. Badass.
#9: “Acting” Out the Fight Scene
While we’re on the subject of Mr. Redfield, B.J. delivers what is easily one of the best kills in the entire franchise while posed as the actor. After the actors are ordered to improvise a fight scene, one actor wusses out after getting a nose bleed. And that’s when B.J. steps in. He grabs the soldier’s gun, shoots him through the chin, and proceeds to unload an entire clip into his body while blood sprays from the wounds. If that wasn’t enough, he then beats his face in with the gun before mocking the “Nazi assholes.” And, of course, Hitler can’t get enough of it.
#8: Nazis Are Obliterated
It doesn’t take long for the blood to start flying in this game. While B.J. is still stuck in a wheelchair, he meets up with Set Roth, who ominously counts to three as Nazi soldiers run towards them. Once he hits “three,” the hallway lights up and the approaching Nazis are obliterated into red goo while sparks fly from the destruction. It’s all very cinematic. If that wasn’t all, Set then spouts what is perhaps the best one-liner in the series. Set for most badass old man of the year award, anyone?
#7: I Will Bring Your Head to the Frau
While still in his wheelchair, a Nazi soldier dramatically leaps through the air and attacks B.J. While he’s suffocating B.J., he proudly declares that he will bring his head to the Frau. And that’s when Anya shows up and blasts the soldier’s head to kingdom come. It would be hilariously ironic if we could then deliver HIS head to the Frau, but we can’t, because it is now obliterated. The reunion between Anya and B.J. is sweet and all, until the camera pans back and we see the soldier’s decapitated corpse. But hey, that’s Wolfenstein for you. You gotta love it.
#6: Stealth Killed from a Wheelchair
If anybody can pull off a stealth attack from a wheelchair, it’s B.J. freaking Blazkowicz. Throughout the opening section, you have various opportunities to sneak up on enemies in your wheelchair. If you succeed, B.J. will bash them to death with a gun or smash their head on a hard surface until it turns to pulp, complete with gloriously gross squishy sounds. Yeah, they’re not exactly gruesome, especially when compared to the other deaths from this game, but sneaking up on and killing Nazis from a wheelchair never gets old. It’s an odd way to open the game, but it works!
#5: Vaporized by Lasers
If sneaking up on Nazis and smashing their heads to goo is gruesome, then vaporizing them into non-existence is downright nasty. All the normal ho-hum guns are nice and all, but there’s just something extremely satisfying about getting your hands on a lasergewehr. As its name suggests, this weapon fires a laser beam which is meant to melt metal, and when it’s used on a human, it is not pretty. When fired, the gun lights the target on fire before completely vaporizing them into…well, nothing: they’re vaporized. We would say that it hurts, but we’ve never been vaporized before, so we can’t promise that. We’d like to think that it does, though.
#4: Kicking Hitler in the Face
Is it gruesome? Not really, but is there anything more satisfying than kicking Hitler directly in the face? While Hitler is laying on the ground, you are told to approach the fighting cage for your audition. However, you may choose to approach Hitler instead, and when prompted, you can kick him directly in the face, which seems to finish the old man off for good. Considering you die right after kicking him, this isn’t part of the story, but it’s an awesome little secret which provides a lot of catharsis, and you get an achievement for it as well, so that’s a nice little bonus.
#3: Diner Nazi is Shot in the Head
The diner Nazi is probably the game’s most popular. He was all over the pre-release footage, and he’s since become a sort-of mascot for the game, and after all that, seeing him die is extremely satisfying. The scene takes place in Spesh’s diner, and sees B.J. carrying a nuclear warhead inside a fire extinguisher while dressed as a firefighter. However, his cover is blown when a Nazi official sees through his disguise. When he reaches for a gun, Spesh shoots him in the head, sending his cap flying while blood splatters on the ground.
#2: Grenades Are Messy
Anya really loves saving the day in spectacular fashion, doesn’t she? As Nazis are storming the room, Anya tells B.J. to watch out before throwing grenades at the group. After a brief moment, the grenades explode, turning the Nazis into red mist as body parts fly around the room. And then, because this is Wolfenstein, Anya takes off her shirt and begins shooting at a mechanical dog while blood rains from the ceiling. It’s all very gruesome, but the image of a topless pregnant woman shooting multiple machine guns at a robot dog is the kind of thing that makes the series unique.
#1: Engel’s Death
Now this is the textbook definition of gruesome. While she’s filming a show for national television, B.J. charges at Engel with hate in his eyes. In response, she pulls her gun and attempts to kill B.J., but he gains the upper arm and chops hers off. He then rams an axe through her left eye and gives her a brief speech as she moans in pain and fear.He then forcefully pulls the axe out, which splits her head in half and causes her eyeball to roll to the side of her head. Well, the viewers at home certainly got a show, and we did, too.