Top 10 Hardest First Bosses in Video Games

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re looking at video game bosses that are far too hard to come first.
#10: Megaera the Fury
“Hades” (2020)
In your various runs to escape the Underworld, you’ll face one of three Furies as a boss of the first area. Each fight is a bit different, but the one you’ll face first is Megaera. If you haven’t gotten used to the combat or what boons you’ve collected, Meg acts as a trial by fire. Her lunge and whip attacks can close the distance between you quickly. But after losing some health, she’ll make it even easier on herself with projectiles, massive flame attacks, and minions to keep you occupied. The game is designed so that this fight grows easier as you try more runs. But on a first attempt (and likely several after that), Meg brings the pain.
#9: Phantom
“Devil May Cry” (2001)
Since the game is about a guy who hunts monsters and demons, players may have expected to go up against a variety of deadly foes in “Devil May Cry.” But we weren’t expecting the first boss to be a giant spider made of stone and magma. The Phantom boss fight from the first game is certainly where Capcom turns up the heat. Its large size doesn’t slow it down, and the ferocity with which it unleashes attacks and counter-attacks is fierce. It naturally has some detrimental fire-based moves, but you should also be wary of its stinger. Its stone body also means it’s well-fortified. High offense and defense, and a moveset with varied range, make the Phantom a big early problem.
#8: Scorpion Sentinel
“Final Fantasy VII Remake” (2020)
Before Cloud and his newfound allies can destroy their first Mako Reactor, he and Barret must take on a mechanical monstrosity. Even though players knew it was coming, the Scorpion Sentinel received a major boost in power for “Final Fantasy VII Remake.” The boss comes in a surprising four phases, all of which use heavy artillery. Between its destructive guns, intimidating tail, and giant claws, it can deal out a lot of damage. Meanwhile, it feels like you’re merely chipping away at it and surviving until you can build up to a heavy blow. Oh, and it can heal during the final phase, which is always a pain in a boss fight.
#7: Engels
“Nier: Automata” (2017)
The opening sequence of “Nier: Automata” is thrilling to say the least. But it’s also fairly long with no checkpoints, and ends with a multi-phase fight against a literal walking building. The Engels’ immense size is definitely discouraging, but it’s got the bite to back up its bark. At first, that comes in the form of gigantic saw blade arms that severely limit where you can safely stand. You’ll also have to scale its body, dealing with minions, which actually serves as a bit of a breather before the onslaught continues. The final phase continues with saw blades, but also rockets and a huge laser. If you die, you not only start the fight over, but the entire stage.
#6: Father Gascoigne
“Bloodborne” (2015)
While you may come across the Cleric Beast before him, Father Gascoigne is the first true boss of “Bloodborne,” and he’s a mighty one at that. Fought in a dreary graveyard, he’ll first fight with an ax and a pistol, giving him both short and long range. Of course, this being a FromSoftware game, your character will certainly feel it if they’re hit by either one. At around ⅓ health, he’ll transform into a beast, gaining attacks that are much quicker and far deadlier. Like many first bosses from the acclaimed studio, Father Gascoigne forces you to become comfortable with the unforgiving mechanics by killing you a ton of times.
#5: Murai
“Ninja Gaiden” (2004)
Team Ninja’s series revival is a brutally tough game, something a lot of players realized during the first boss fight. After making it through hordes of ninjas, Ryu must face the Nunchaku-wielding Murai. Trying to rush him, slicing and dicing like dealing with standard enemies, is a terrible idea. Murai is adept at blocking your blows, and can deal out a quick combo or perform an annoying grab that’ll make you regret getting close. It’s best to play defensively and let him come to you; that way, you can dodge and retaliate in turn. Even still, Murai’s quick reaction time and powerful combos mean Ryu will suffer at least a handful of defeats.
#4: The Kayran
“The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings” (2011)
Geralt of Rivia may be used to fighting all manner of nasty monsters. But no player was expecting something as strong as the Kayran to appear as early on as it does in “The Witcher 2.” It’s more than likely you’ll still be getting the hang of controls by the time you face it, a fact the Kayran fully exploits. Between its poison sprays and giant tentacles, the boss can cover the arena with a lot of possible damage. You’re meant to trap one of its six tentacles to cut it off, or just be really good at timing. Regardless, Geralt should never stop moving. All it takes is one health-draining tentacle slap to instantly put you on edge.
#3: Phrike
“Returnal” (2021)
“Returnal” doesn’t mess around and there are many elements to make you aware of that. The first boss, Phrike, has a variety of high-damage attacks you’d expect from a late-game boss, but certainly not a first one. Many of them are long-range, whether they come in the form of projectiles, an AOE wave, or a ferocious beam. Across three phases, its attacks only grow faster and more powerful. After the game’s launch, even developer Housemarque stated Phrike was the cause of most player deaths. Granted, that’s partially because you won’t have as many resources that early on. But Phrike should in no way be discounted.
#2: Iudex Gundyr
“Dark Souls III” (2016)
FromSoftware’s “Dark Souls” series naturally has some tough opening fights. But we believe the studio saved its hardest for the third entry. Like many boss encounters from the studio, Iudex Gundyr is twice the player’s twice and hits like a truck. However, his speed is a bit higher than you’d expect from someone decked out in heavy armor. His halberd has high range, whether he’s stabbing you from afar or swinging across the arena. And if you’re unlucky enough to be hit by one, you may as well go ahead and heal. Because if another one comes, you’ll be in serious trouble. The boss’ AI knows how to keep things varied though, also bringing quick shoulder charges and a stomp that can briefly stun you.
#1: Vanguard Demon
“Demon’s Souls” (2009)
It’s hard to top a boss that you’re not meant to beat. Players face the Vanguard Demon at the end of the tutorial in “Demon’s Souls” and are wholly expected to lose. When you do, you progress to the main game, meaning you have to beat it without dying. You get another chance much later. But since you’re still getting used to the high difficulty, and have little to no resources, the first encounter offers the greater challenge by quite a lot. It may be slow and lumbering, but that doesn’t matter when its ax can demolish anything around it. There are many FromSoftware victories players wear like a badge of honor. And defeating the Vanguard Demon during the tutorial is one of them.
Which opening boss did you find to be the biggest threat? Share your thoughts in the comments, and be sure to subscribe for more great gaming videos!