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Top 10 Heartwarming Things Students Did For Their Teachers

Top 10 Heartwarming Things Students Did For Their Teachers
VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu WRITTEN BY: Mimi Kenny
These heartwarming moments will have you in tears. For this list, we'll be looking at the most touching examples of generosity from pupils towards their educators or other beloved school staff. Our countdown includes Kittens to the Rescue, Real Gratitude in a Virtual World, Raffling Off Hope, and more!

#10: Kittens to the Rescue (2016)

Losing a beloved pet is always difficult. But it can be more bearable if you have people who care about you by your side. After Texas teacher Tonya Andrews’ 16-year-old cat, Blondie, passed away, her students went the extra mile for her. Among the gifts they surprised her with were a pair of adorable kittens. She was immediately smitten with the creatures, who seemed quite fond of her as well. Andrews simply couldn’t contain her excitement, and said she "could feel the love of the class" through the gesture. We could feel it right there with her.

#9: Bringing More Color Into the World (2017)

If you’re not colorblind, it can be easy to take seeing every hue on the spectrum for granted. Matt Alzamora, a history teacher at Methacton High School in Pennsylvania, is affected by the condition. But he got to see the wonders of the rainbow in full, thanks to his students. After he expressed his desire to experience a sunset’s true beauty, the kids took action. They raised money to buy him a special set of glasses, which they presented him with during Teacher Appreciation Week. Alzamora and his family were amazed by this act of kindness, and you can color us touched as well.

#8: Lighting Up Someone’s Life (2016)

Speaking of color, the brilliant hues of the Northern Lights almost defy description. Also known as aurora borealis, this is a phenomenon that can’t be seen just anywhere. At Arizona State University, one employee got to see her dream trip become a reality. When dining hall worker Vicke Davis was asked about her ideal vacation, she began speaking about the Northern Lights. So the students sprung into action, raising funds so that she could see the magical display in person. In 48 hours, they accumulated more than $2,000 for Davis and her trip. We’re not sure what’s more beautiful: the Northern Lights or the kindness of these students.

#7: Making Dream Shoes a Reality (2021)

There’s nothing quite like slipping into a pair of brand-new shoes - especially if they’re ones you’ve dreamed of owning for years. But Kentucky high school teacher Kyle Holbrook probably didn’t anticipate getting a pair of Jordans when he talked about wanting them. Yet towards the end of the school year, his students presented him with a box containing the shoes he had admired since the 8th grade. They had raised almost $400 for this wonderful footwear surprise. We hope Holbrook had a great summer, showing off his awesome new kicks.

#6: Real Gratitude in a Virtual World (2020)

The switch to virtual classroom settings was arguably one of the biggest challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Everyone had to adjust to remote learning, and the various complications that come with it. But students at Waukee High School in Iowa turned a difficult situation into a positive one with a loving gesture for their English teacher, Jessica Wells. At the start of a remote class, they presented her with a display of handmade signs expressing their gratitude for everything she’d done for them. Since Wells had regularly shown her students how much she cares about them, they wanted to return the favor. 2020 might’ve been a terribly tough year, but acts like this one remind us that kindness still exists.

#5: Gifting a New Truck (2019)

Clean schools don’t get that way by accident. It takes the help of a dedicated staff to keep them looking their best. Travis Kennedy, a custodian in Jasper County, Alabama, had long been adored by students. Since his vehicle was less than ideal, they raised money to get him a new truck. A GoFundMe was started, raising thousands of dollars. Even better, a local car dealership matched thousands in donations. Kennedy was overwhelmed by the kindness displayed. This is one act that certainly restores our faith in humanity.

#4: Organizing the “March for Key” (2019)

In times of trouble, students can be a beacon of light for educators. That’s what happened at Ross Elementary School in Odessa, Texas. After music teacher Brent Key’s wife Nancy received her second cancer diagnosis, his young pupils were there for them. A "March for Key" was enacted, where they showed their support, raising more than $1,000 for the pair. While it was sometimes difficult to stay optimistic about the battle, this act truly touched the Keys. The amazing monetary contribution aside, the love and support they received truly mattered. We hope that when these kids grow up, they understand how much their efforts were so important.

#3: Funding a Trip Home (2018)

There’s no place like home, and the longer you’re away, the more you miss it. Herman Gordon, a custodian at England's University of Bristol, knew this first-hand, and received an incredible surprise from students. They raised the equivalent of about $2,000 to send him on a trip to his home country of Jamaica. Gordon, known for his cheerful demeanor, hadn't seen his family in close to 10 years. He and his wife Denise got to spend a week in the capital city of Kingston, and even enjoyed a two-night stay at a posh hotel. He also received a letter from his students expressing their appreciation and love for him. It just goes to show how much kindness matters.

#2: Raffling Off Hope (2018)

We often hear about how underpaid teachers are, but one Brazilian educator had to go two months without compensation. As if the job wasn’t already stressful enough, Bruno Rafael Paiva had to deal with payroll issues, as he didn’t receive the money he was owed. Things got so stressful, in fact, that he had to sleep at school. But his students stepped in, raising money through a raffle to help him through the rough patch. Paiva commended them for their selflessness. We hope it renewed his spirit, and brought him some comfort after a difficult time.

#1: Raising Money for the Toughest Circumstances (2021)

It’s difficult to imagine spending eight days living in one’s car, let alone close to eight years. But that’s exactly what Fontana, California substitute teacher Jose Villarruel had to deal with. Known to students as “Mr. V,” he was admired for his passionate approach toward learning. The COVID-19 pandemic made the 77-year-old’s predicament worse, as he no longer had substitute teaching work and struggled to find access to crucial life resources and enough income. So Mr. V’s former student Steven Nava created a GoFundMe, which soon raised more than $27,000. For Villarruel’s birthday, the Mayor of Fontana and lots of previous pupils presented Jose with the funds to help rebuild his life. We’d say that’s a pretty priceless gesture.
