Top 10 Heroic Sacrifices in Teen Movies

#10: Baymax Saves Hiro
“Big Hero 6” (2014)
After the loss of his brother, Hiro Hamada finds an unlikely friend in an adorable robot named Baymax created by his late sibling to aid others. This film is a beautiful tribute to the process of grieving, and it expertly uses a teen protagonist to weave in the reality of growing up during a time of mourning. Baymax is wholly dedicated to Hiro's safety and happiness. This is best shown when both characters get stuck in a portal, and Baymax uses his last bit of power to get Hiro out. Baymax's sacrifice leaves him deactivated and stuck forever, and much like Hiro, we wished that we had a squishy robot to hug during this touching moment!
#9: Peter Parker Takes Responsibility
“Spider-Man: No Way Home” (2021)
Teen hero Peter Parker is no stranger to sacrifice. As Spider-Man, he spends his days swinging into danger to help those who need him—even if that means losing his chance at finding love. But what happens when the whole multiverse is the one in need? That’s exactly the case when he comes face-to-face with villains from various universes. Left with what he thinks is no other choice and coming up with the idea after Dr. Strange - sorry, we mean Stephen - tells him, [“They’re here because of you,”] Spider-Man asks for a new spell to be cast. This new spell would create a world in which everyone would forget who Peter Parker is - or in other words, doesn’t exist. It’s the ultimate sacrifice by a young hero who’s realized all that comes with great power.
#8: Gus Gives Up His Wish
“The Fault in Our Stars” (2014)
In this tear-jerking story filled with brilliant metaphors and tragic young love, it’s hard to choose just one sacrificial moment to hold onto. Yet, Gus’s charming dedication to Hazel through his choice to give her his “genie wish” so that she can go live her dream stands out amongst the sorrow. Even though Gus himself is a cancer patient, he chooses to give up his chance of fulfilling his desires for Hazel to experience hers through a trip to Amsterdam. Gus’s lovely gift for Hazel shines as it truly shows how chivalrous and caring he is in spite of the hardships he faces. What’s not to love? Well, other than the flowing stream of tears, of course.
#7: Alex Truelove Comes Out
“Alex Strangelove” (2018)
Don’t let his last name fool you: Alex Truelove doesn’t have it easy when it comes to romance. Love is tricky, especially when you’re growing up and figuring out who you really are. And after meeting Elliot, Alex’s globe is thrown completely off its axis. Alex’s daring decision to go after what he wants in the end, despite what people might think of him, is uplifting and makes us believe in the power of love! It takes courage and confidence to come out, particularly in a world where some people might not have positive reactions, but Alex handles it with a charm and class that makes this moment between him and Elliot at the prom extraordinary.
#6: Starr Stands Up to Injustice
“The Hate U Give” (2018)
Starr Carter’s somber narrative reaches past fiction into reality with a message that demands to be heard. After her friend Khalil is murdered by a police officer, Starr decides that she can no longer stay silent. Starr’s bravery in challenging the injustice around her is inspiring, and the importance of the film’s subject matter rings clear through her spirited actions. Her confident stature, even when speaking up against dangerous gangs, makes Starr one teen we’d be proud to stand behind! She sacrifices her safety not just for the benefit of her whole community, but the world. In a horrible turn of events, Starr is forced to become a hero, yet she is set apart by her strength and tenacity in the face of inequality.
#5: Olive Penderghast Ruins Her Reputation
“Easy A” (2010)
High school is all about image—even if the image you build up happens to be an absolute fraud. That’s exactly the case for Olive Penderghast, a teen girl who gets in over her head when one little white lie turns into a tidal wave of deception. The fabrication of romantic trysts for the gain of others is such a selfless act, especially when reputation is the equivalent of currency. No one wants to be known for having chlamydia, yet Olive condemns herself to this false fate to assist another. At the end of the day, Olive is prepared to destroy her social standing to help others, and when you’re in high school, that’s just about the most valiant thing you can do.
#4: Thomas Enters the Maze
“The Maze Runner” (2014)
One of the first rules you need to know as a “greenie'': don’t go into the maze. That is, unless you’re looking to become a target for the monstrous grievers that lurk there. Thomas knows the risk, but he runs into the maze nevertheless to save Minho and Alby. It means almost certain death, yet he takes that chance to help two boys he barely knows. What’s more heroic than that? Thomas’s willingness to risk everything conveys the kindness and empathy that not everyone in the Glade has. Sure, it might have been a pretty rash decision on Thomas’s part, but we love his bold fearlessness!
#3: Cady Heron Loses Her Crown
“Mean Girls” (2004)
Regina George is the queen of mean at North Shore High School, but when new girl Cady Heron’s sabotage knocks her off the throne, she poaches Regina’s power and popularity for herself. And Cady does a whole lot of bad in the process—like dumping her less popular friends. That is, until she realizes that being mean is so not “grool.” By breaking up her crown after winning the title of queen at the Spring Fling dance, Cady not only relinquishes her power, she creates an environment where everyone can feel like royalty regardless of status. Her sacrifice genuinely unites the school and displays that she really isn’t mean at all. Kindness goes a long way in a school full of “Mean Girls,” but Cady totally manages to make “fetch” happen!
#2: Harry Potter Dies to Save Everyone
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2” (2011)
In a world filled with magic, it’s hard to believe anything could ever go wrong. Yet, in this popular series, tragedy is a constant and sacrifice is ingrained in Harry’s blood. In the final installment, Harry realizes that he must die for Voldemort to truly be defeated as he is the final piece of the puzzle. Despite the horrors he’s had to face at Voldemort’s hands, Harry meets his demise with grace and determination. No teenager should have the weight of the world on their shoulders, but Harry is no normal teen. His steady demeanor, blended with the ethereal help from his loved ones beyond, makes this sacrifice absolutely bewitching.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Veronica Stands Up to Heather Chandler, “Heathers” (1988)
Veronica Stirs up the Status Quo by Staying True to Herself
Tris’ Father Saves The Day, “Divergent” (2014)
Nothing Can Stop Andrew Prior from Protecting His Daughter—Even a Bullet
Bella Cuts Her Arm, “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” (2010)
Bella Draws Blood to Save Her Beloved, Edward Cullen
#1: Katniss Everdeen Volunteers as Tribute
“The Hunger Games” (2012)
In this dystopian story that took the world by storm, 16-year old Katniss Everdeen bravely takes her younger sister’s place in a gory event that pits adolescents against each other to the death - all for the amusement of the rich, veiled by the excuse of war reparations. Katniss’s tough persona is focused on through the gritty events of the film, but this moment showcases who she is deep down: a sibling who is compassionate and loving regardless of her suffering. Her inclination to do anything to help her family, even face death, makes Katniss a classic hero that won’t soon be forgotten. After all, there can only be one “girl on fire!”