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Top 10 Hilarious Georgie Cooper Moments on Young Sheldon

Top 10 Hilarious Georgie Cooper Moments on Young Sheldon
VOICE OVER: Jennifer Silverman WRITTEN BY: Tal Fox
Georgie Cooper is getting a spinoff for a reason. Welcome toMsMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the times Georgie, the oldest Cooper sibling, cracked us up. Our countdown includes driving to the hospital, Georgie finds his wheelhouse, Georgie's van, and more!

#10: Georgie’s Van
“Bible Camp and a Chariot of Love”

Although still living under his parents’ roof, Georgie often seeks independence, even if it conflicts with their wishes. One hilarious example is when he buys cable with his own hard-earned money but refuses to share it with his father. However, is anything funnier than when Georgie buys a van that doesn’t seem safe to stand near, let alone enter? Amazingly, he doesn’t even win George over with the offer of chauffeuring Sheldon. George comes up with a creative punishment when Georgie refuses to return the vehicle and believe us, he’s thought of everything! Meanwhile, Dale's warnings go straight over his head, too. Even a rat can’t change Georgie’s mind, but luckily, someone else can.

#9: Unplanned Parenthood Scare
“A Musty Crypt and a Stick to Pee On”

In season four, Georgie ponders his future when his girlfriend Jana worries she might be pregnant. During what feels like the longest ten minutes of his life, he imagines his future if the test turns out positive. It’s a hilarious montage that goes from marriage to labor in practically no time. However, the funniest part is when Georgie turns down the rock n’ roll life because, well, dad duty calls. Of course, they’re both relieved when it turns out to be a false alarm ( He wouldn’t want to miss his shot at joining Guns N’ Roses now would he?). However, Georgie finds himself back in the hot seat when he tells Jana he was afraid they’d have to get married.

#8: A Trophy Husband
“A God-Fearin' Baptist and a Hot Trophy Husband”

To say that the first time Mandy meets the Coopers is intense would be a colossal understatement. It doesn’t help that Georgie’s biggest inputs to the conversation just make things more awkward. He reminds his family that they didn’t end up pregnant because they spent a lot of time eating. He also boasts about being Mandy’s Trophy husband. Honestly, we don’t know whether to laugh or shake some sense into him. Although it would be a while until they become betrothed, that doesn’t stop them from bickering like an old married couple, much to Missy’s delight. Like Missy, we’re also entertained by this combative dynamic, although Georgie’s definitely on a losing streak here.

#7: Georgie Finds His Wheelhouse
“An 8-Bit Princess and a Flat Tire Genius”

In “The Big Bang Theory,” we learn that Sheldon’s big bro runs a tire empire. Now, flashing back to “Young Sheldon,” we get a glimpse of how he found his calling. When George brings his truck to the garage, he soon learns he could have gotten free auto repair advice back home. In fact, no one seems more impressed with Georgie’s know-how than Georgie. Still, the best and most amusing moment is when George and Herschel are chatting away, only to spot Georgie getting up close and personal with a tire. Perhaps his methods are unconventional, but they do the trick. Look, you don’t become Dr. Tire for nothing!

#6: Getting Arrested with Meemaw
“Four Hundred Cartons of Undeclared Cigarettes and a Niblingo”

At the end of season five, Georgie and Connie get caught trying to smuggle cigarettes across the border. Unfortunately, while Georgie’s good at business, he’s not so great with common sense. So, while Connie’s trying to get them out of trouble, Georgie doesn’t quite get how serious the situation is, or that negotiating with law enforcement is inadvisable when you’ve been caught red-handed. Connie ultimately doesn’t help the situation either, and they end up spending the night behind bars. Well, at least it gives Georgie time to think of baby names. Unsurprisingly, he faces a frosty drive home with his father. No matter how much he tries, he can’t convince George to see the bright side.

#5: Puberty Has Been Kind to Georgie
“A Tummy Ache and a Whale of a Metaphor”

Ah, puberty – that awkward phase where change is the only constant. But then there’s Georgie, who seems to glide through it effortlessly. Hey, not everyone can aspire to look like Jon Bon Jovi. Indeed, when Georgie argues that his mom makes a bigger fuss over Sheldon than him, she reminds him that he’s more robustly built than his brother, and she gets no argument from him. A season earlier, while discussing Sheldon’s next big steps with his sister and Meemaw, Georgie shares his own ambitions for the future. In their own way, they’re very supportive of his aspirations. Well, he does become the face of his own company so we guess dreams do come true.

#4: Schooling His Dad on Equality
“Dolomite, Apple Slices, and a Mystery Woman”

As we saw earlier, George and Georgie share a lively father-son relationship. While it can sometimes be contentious, George often sees his eldest as his right-hand man. For instance, when Mary catches them in a lie involving Connie, Georgie tries to smart-mouth his way out of trouble. It does not work. Meanwhile, a season earlier, Georgie stirs up trouble by announcing that Sheldon has a girlfriend, much to Sheldon's annoyance (hey, what are big brothers for?) When George makes outdated comments about Sheldon's friend, Libby, Georgie seizes the opportunity to playfully aggravate the situation. He might not be as bright as his brother, but his sense of humor is as sharp as a tack.

#3: Driving to the Hospital
“Poker, Faith, and Eggs”

When George has a heart attack, Georgie refuses to stay at home and wait for any news. So he gathers his sibling, swipes Meemaw’s keys, and proves why high school freshmen aren’t supposed to get behind the wheel. Despite moving at a snail’s pace, Georgie manages to crash into well everything, perhaps distracted by the newfound knowledge that there’s more than one Dairy Queen in town. This has got to be one the funniest scenes featuring all three Cooper kids as they somehow work together while turning on each other simultaneously. Although Georgie clearly has no idea where he’s going and seemingly cannot drive in a straight line, he amazingly gets them to the hospital in one piece.

#2: “I Said I Was Responsible, Never Said I Was Smart”
“A Crisis Of Faith And Octopus Aliens”

Georgie tends to be, how shall we say this, well, he ain’t got the sense God gave a goose. But he owns it! Years after that car disaster, Georgie tries to convince his dad to let him get his permit but doesn’t exactly make a compelling case. Yet, when George calls him out, Georgie makes up for his lack of smarts with heaps of honesty. Also, when Missy asks for help with her elementary school homework, he tells her he can’t help her, and with good reason. When he tries, it almost leaves him stumped! Then, when Georgie gets a job, Mary worries that his education might suffer. His response swiftly lowers her expectations!

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

E.T. Logic, “A Computer, a Plastic Pony, and a Case of Beer”
And Here We Thought It Stood for Extra-Terrestrial, Thanks for Clearing That Up, Georgie!

Bonding with Pastor Jeff, “A Broken Heart and a Crock Monster”
An Evening with Georgie Heals the Brokenhearted… Apparently

Schrödinger’s Cat, “Cape Canaveral, Schrödinger's Cat, and Cyndi Lauper's Hair”
Georgie Asks the Most Important Question of Them All

Dinner with Tam, “Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System”
Yeah, Something Tells Us Tam & Rambo Led Very Different Lives

Proof There’s a God, “Snoopin' Around and the Wonder Twins of Atheism”
Who Says Georgie Isn’t a Man of Faith?

#1: “What’s Nixon Got To Do With It?”
“A Computer, A Plastic Pony, And A Case Of Beer”

After a fight with George, Mary takes the twins to stay at her mother’s. Georgie decides to stay behind since he’s waiting for a phone call from a girl. A comical bonding session unfolds between father and son as they tackle chores and have some very entertaining chats. In one particularly amusing moment, Georgie explains why he prefers the bachelor life. Sheldon tells us he ever paid up. Anyway, perhaps the funniest moment is when Georgie greets his father the morning after the fight, and George is not in the mood. When Georgie suggests his father should take the first step to make amends, George stubbornly refuses. After all, what would President Nixon say?

Which Georgie moment made you laugh out loud? Let us know in the comments.
