Top 10 Hilarious How I Met Your Mother Bloopers

Sometimes the mess ups are even funnier than the scenes that make air. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Hilarious How I Met Your Mother Bloopers.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the most side-splitting bloopers from this funny show.
#10: Carolling
“How Lily Stole Christmas”
This isn’t the first time an out of nowhere musical number made us all crack up on this show, and it certainly wasn’t the last. But in this instance, even the actors couldn’t keep a straight face. During the episode, Ted and Lily are in a fight on Christmas, and Ted flees to his cousin’s house. So the rest of the gang go with Lily to make things right. While trying to distract Ted’s family while Lily apologizes to him, Robin, Marshall, and Barney pretend to be carolers. They are actually doing a really great job when suddenly, the three of them just burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. Just how hysterical NPH gets is particularly hilarious.
#9: Barney’s Father Is Bob Barker
In this scene, Barney is telling the gang his plan for going on “The Price is Right,” winning, and then telling Bob Barker that he is actually his son. As NPH gets emotional talking about the unusual situation, the gang gets equally emotional, except their emotion is amusement. With every crack in NPH’s voice, the gang cracks up more and more. Even if NPH’s overdramatic performance in the take used in the episode didn’t tickle your funny bone, the rest of the gang’s reaction to it will. You can’t help but laugh along with them.
#8: Rabbit vs. Duck
“Rabbit or Duck”
Future Ted did refer to this as one of the most intense arguments that the gang ever had. They get so vicious while debating which is better, a rabbit or a duck, that they are all yelling at each other across the booth. When Marshall concedes that ducks are, in fact, better, it is not enough that he just gives up, Ted wants to hear him say it out loud. The only thing funnier than watching just how fired up they all get over such a mundane topic is watching the actors lose it over just how passionate the discussion becomes. It takes them several takes to get through the scene.
#7: Childbearing Crackers
“The Sexless Innkeeper”
Sometimes the funny circumstance or the dialogue of a scene is just too much for the actors to handle. And sometimes an actor just flubs a line. Either way, we get great blooper material. In this scene, Marshall is getting really intense about the cheese and crackers that he prepared for Lily’s dinner party, and while attempting to say the phrase “cheese bearing crackers,” Jason Segel misspeaks and accidentally blurts out “childbearing crackers” instead. He immediately realizes the mistake and bursts out in raucous laughter, which makes everyone lose it. You can even hear the crew laughing in the background.
#6: Barney, Marshall, & Lily Sandwich
“Third Wheel”
This whole episode is all about Ted trying to seal the deal with two beautiful women to ride the coveted tricycle. In this blooper, while Ted is in the living room with his guests, Barney, Marshall, and Lily are hiding out in his bedroom starting up a tricycle of their own. Things suddenly heat up when they all start jokingly kissing each other. Jason Segel kicks things up a notch and shocks everyone when he plants one right on NPH and they all collapse together on the bed. Why is no one yelling cut?!
#5: Hiccup Death
“Double Date”
Jason Segel’s overdramatic performances add a lot of humor to this show, even when a particular performance might not make the final cut. In this scene, Marshall is explaining that when he is occasionally attracted to other women, he can’t simply have an innocent fantasy. He needs to imagine that Lily died from a long illness and that he waited the appropriate amount of time before moving on. In the blooper, Lily dies from a hiccup related disease and Marshall is distraught. Jason Segel’s gurgling noises and just the look on his face are so over-the-top that it raises Alyson Hannigan from the dead.
#4: Taking the Cake
“The Rough Patch”
In this scene, Ted and Marshall are in a diner booth while spying on Robin and Barney’s date. While hiding behind his menu, Jason Segel decides to steal a sliver of cake from the plate on the table. Upon seeing this, Josh Radnor lifts his menu up just a bit more to cover himself breaking character. What makes this one really funny is not just Segel’s action or Radnor breaking, but that they seem so terrified of the director when she comes in to scold them. Radnor is so quick to sell out Segel.
#3: Joey Buttafuoco Pants
Just how ridiculous Jason Segel looks in those pants is funny enough, but he can't keep a straight face while trying to convince the others that he looks good. He can’t even enter the room without breaking. Though the gang tries their hardest to get through the scene, the whole cast can’t contain their laughter take after take. As Segel tries to deliver his lines, his voice just gets higher and higher pitched as he can barely speak through his laughter. After several takes, the whole gang is crying, simply unable to contain themselves.
#2: The Green Testicle Story
“Game Night”
We never get to hear the end of the green testicle story, not even in the take that made it to air, but we’d bet that this hilarious blooper is way funnier than that story ever would have been. Josh Radnor was attempting to say that a guy he went to college with had weirdly sharp toenails and he accidentally said weirdly sharp testicles. Naturally, the whole cast burst into an uproar of laughter at the blunder, even the crew couldn’t help but laugh. The blunder messed up several takes, as everyone could not stop thinking about it.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
“Belly Full of Turkey”
“How I Met Everyone Else”
Barney Whispers That One Thing
“The Bracket”
Marshall Fights with His Brothers
“The Fight”
#1: Douche Zombies
“Sorry, Bro”
In this scene, the gang is ribbing Ted for getting back in touch with his emotionally abusive ex, and Lily comments that she turned Ted into a douche zombie. Marshall is supposed to do a zombie Ted impression, but Jason Segel cannot stop laughing while trying to deliver the line. The more he tries to get himself together, the worse he gets. He starts crying and sweating from laughing so hard, and his voice even goes high pitched as he desperately tries to get the words out. The rest of the gang are no better. They try to stifle themselves, but they just can't hold in their laughter.