Top 10 Horrifying Possessions in Movies

#10: Black Phillip
“The Witch” (2015)
No one said malevolent possessions are limited to humans! In the critically lauded slow-burn horror flick “The Witch”, it’s a billy goat that gets put under devilish control. The movie follows a 17th century Puritan family as they find themselves fighting evil in their own backyard. Sinister events escalate when one of their goats starts squirting blood, all while another seemingly goes insane. Turns out one of the mischievous animals, referred to as Black Phillip, is actually the assumed mortal form of Satan, who goes on to let his intentions known by speaking through the farm creature itself. When it comes to testing one’s faith, unsettling goat possession will surely do the trick!
#9: Carolyn Perron
“The Conjuring” (2013)
You know it’s serious when world-famous demonologists are brought in! The “inspired by true events” scarefest that is “The Conjuring” sees leading Paranormal Investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren called upon to remove an evil spirit from the Perron family home. Things turn dire however, when the entity takes hold of the family matriarch, Carolyn, by way of, well, blood vomit. Fully possessed, Carolyn tries to slay her young children. Luckily, a hasty exorcism ends the horrors, expelling the murderous spirit for good. But, while the Perron family nightmare may have ended, we can only assume Carolyn’s chilling possession ignited plenty more for viewers.
#8: Katie
“Paranormal Activity” (2007)
The found-footage horror series “Paranormal Activity” has been frightening audiences for years thanks to some seriously scary manipulations that were supposedly “caught on camera.” One particularly scarring occurrence comes in “Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones”, where teenager Jesse Arista finds himself infused with special abilities, only to have them grow in the direction of all-encompassing evil. But, perhaps the franchise’s most disturbing possession arrives in the first instalment, where ill-fated Katie suffers a nasty demon bite and unleashes all hell. The movie’s ending is particularly unnerving, as we see the now fully turned Katie launch at the camera in all her possessed glory. And people wonder why some adults still use nightlights…
#7: Nell Margaret Sweetzer
“The Last Exorcism” (2010)
Another in the found-footage genre, “The Last Exorcism” uses the “shaky cam” filming technique to its fullest, adding an extra layer of realism to the proceedings. The film documents reverend Cotton Marcus as he sets out to prove that all exorcisms are nothing more than a hoax. Enter Nell, a Louisiana farm girl who is believed to be possessed on account of her killing livestock in a disturbing fashion. Our evangelist whistleblower goes on to have his convictions tested by the troubled girl, especially in a bizarre barn-side exorcism. The story veers in some surprising directions from then on, but there’s no denying Nell’s transformation is an intensely terrifying one, made all the more effective through an unrefined POV perspective.
#6: Ash & Cheryl Williams, Linda, Scott & Shelly
“The Evil Dead” (1981)
While all three of Sam Raimi’s “Evil Dead” films deliver diverse arrays of demonic possessions, it’s the first chapter that introduces us to the white-eyed “Deadites” in bone-chilling fashion. Courtesy of an ancient book and a tape of recorded incarnations, a group of Michigan State University students unwittingly unleash busloads of wicked forces, and in turn, get some pretty horrid possessions for their troubles. What’s uniquely unsettling here however, is that we see the demon’s “eyes” chase its victims, all before it ultimately catches them, taking control of their bodies. Let this be a lesson, kids: don’t go messing with things left inside a deserted cabin in the woods – like, ever!
#5: Sonny Montelli
“Amityville II: The Possession” (1982)
With MANY entries in the Amityville franchise, it’s the 1982 prequel that stands out from the pack thanks to one of the most insane exorcisms ever put to film. The movie follows a similar setup to many of the others in the franchise in that a family moves into their dream home, only to be targeted by something vile within the walls. From there however, the story gives way to some crazy circumstances, including brutal shotgun murders. The exorcism finale sees the last remaining family member, Sonny, get put through the ringer. So much so, that we can’t show all of it here! But once the evil has been exiled, Sonny emerges as good as new. Apparently, ungodly possession will do wonders for your skin…
#4: Emily Rose
“The Exorcism of Emily Rose” (2005)
“The Exorcism of Emily Rose” mixes possession with the court system. But that doesn’t make it any less horrifying. Here, we follow a priest on trial for the death of a 19-year-old girl, who died following a series of violent exorcisms by his hands. The details of Emily’s possession are played out by way of testimonials and flashbacks. It’s in those instances that we see the truly shocking episodes Emily experienced, as there’s plenty of hellish rage and despair to go around! The fact that this movie is based on a real-life alleged possession only adds to the terror - not that audiences needed another reason to cover their eyes.
#3: Peter Graham
“Hereditary” (2009)
Upon its release, “Hereditary” left its mark on audiences thanks to some quality filmmaking craftsmanship, not to mention the unadulterated horrors it unleashed. What we get is a sincerely shocking story of a family destroyed through sinister possessions. And while the malicious entity originally grasps its claws in 13-year-old Charlie, a tragic accident changes all that, making high-schooler Peter the next target - though not before it briefly takes over their mother. But it’s the gut-wrenching performances and jaw dropping occurrences that follow Peter’s descent into evil that are more than enough to get under your skin and stay there for a long, long time.
#2: Anna
“Possession” (1981)
There’s no other film quite like the deranged European horror spectacle that is “Possession”. And while this perverse bit of art-house terror has plenty of unshakable moments, it’s Anna’s infamous miscarriage scene that stands out amongst the rest. The scene in question shows Anna, a young woman who has had, let’s just say some demonic trysts, find herself in a grimy subway passage. With her bout of possession at a boiling point, Anna lets out a series of feverish screams while she flails around uncontrollably. Considering what her body is going through, we don’t blame her. Of all the possessions in cinema, this is likely the one to turn you off dairy - which is why, among other reasons, we’ll spare you the gory visuals!
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
The Academics
“Prince of Darkness” (1987)
“Annabelle: Creation” (2017)
Partying Teens
“Night of the Demons” (1988)
Dalton Lambert
“Insidious” (2011)
Leland Palmer
“Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me” (1992)
#1: Regan MacNeil
“The Exorcist” (1973)
Having launched the supernatural horror sub-genre into unfathomable heights some forty-plus years ago, “The Exorcist” still holds the benchmark for what a great possession film should be. And there’s no wonder, seeing as how the filmmakers expertly unleashed pure evil onto 12-year-old Regan MacNeil throughout the movie’s duration. Our pre-teen victim undergoes a raw and unmerciful overtaking at the hands of the demon Pazuzu, leading to grotesque acts of unnatural revulsions. So much so, that many theatregoers reported feeling nausea from the terrors onscreen, with some even passing out! Throw in a head-twisting sequence, some unspeakable (and unshowable) acts, and some stomach-churning vomit, and you’ve got the motion picture possession to beat all others!