Top 10 Horror Movie Heroes

#10- Seth Gecko “From Dusk Till Dawn”
Kicking off our list is the bank robber who unwittingly ends up trapped in a bar packed with vampires. Playing the role of anti-hero, he teams up with his hostages to slay the creatures of the night, going as far as to kill his own transformed brother. Leave it to Clooney to pack wood in the form of an outrageously over the top jackhammer stake.
#9- Ernest P. Worell “Ernest Scared Stupid”
This bumbling idiot accidentally unleashes an evil troll who hunts children. Fortunately, this man-child takes it upon himself to fix things and save the day. Sure, he’s not very bright and may suffer from multiple-personality disorder, but his heart is in the right place. Besides, how many people would have the courage to use love as a weapon against an evil demon?
#8- Father Damien Karras “The Exorcist”
A Jesuit priest, Karras suffers from a crisis of faith and seeks to confront true evil to prove that god exists. This led him to conduct an exorcism in order to save the body and soul of a little girl. While he does several heroic things, including getting puked on, he ultimately sacrifices himself to save the girl and vanquish the evil. What a guy!
#7- Chief Martin Brody “Jaws”
A modern day Ahab, Brody is the Police Chief of Amity Island, and takes a personal interest in stopping a murderous shark from eating his neighbors. Hiring a ship and crew, he sets out to face the monster, before it strands him at sea. A resourceful man, Brody feeds the shark a scuba tank before using his rifle to turn it into confetti.
#6- Dr. Samuel Loomis “Halloween”
Loomis is the unstoppable killer’s childhood psychiatrist. Taking personal responsibility for his patient’s ongoing crimes, he vainly tries to warn everyone to watch their backs and lock their doors. Understanding true evil, Loomis fights Michael and never rests until the job is done, even if it means blowing himself up! Sarah Conner could use a guy like this.
#5- Clarice Starling “The Silence of the Lambs”
An FBI trainee, Starling overcomes her fear to work alongside a cannibalistic killer named Dr. Hannibal Lecter. She does this to get inside the mind of another serial killer and save his latest female victim before time runs out. Not only does Clarice manage to decipher Hannibal’s cryptic clues, she keeps her cool in the insane asylum and guns down Buffalo Bill while being stalked in the dark!
#4- Tallahassee “Zombieland”
This badass cowboy is a zombie outbreak survivor that isn’t great at most things, but is a pro when it comes to slaying the undead. In fact, he treats it like art, keeping his cool and retaining a bizarre sense of humor. Tallahassee grounds himself by savoring the little things and hunting for Twinkies! When all else fails, he’s brave enough to take it for the team…
#3- R.J. MacReady “The Thing”
A helicopter pilot stationed at an Antarctic research outpost overrun by a deadly shape-shifting alien, this protagonist is a quick thinker who transitions from group outsider to leader, having never trusted anyone beforehand. All you really need to know is that this is Kurt Russel with a flame thrower, epic hat and super epic beard. Fuckin right.
#2- Lieutenant Ellen Ripley “Alien Series”
Taking on the galaxy’s most terrifying aliens made her into the galaxy’s most ass kicking female. The sole survivor the Nostromo, she packs the heat to take on an entire Alien infestation, going so far as to hold the alien’s offspring hostage at gun point, and then faces off against the megabitch in a power loader suit! Totally badass!
#1- Ash Williams “The Evil Dead Trilogy”
Taking the top spot on our list the groovy fast-thinking S-Mart employee turned boom stick wielding hero. Originally planning on having a good time at a remote cabin with his girlfriend, Ash instead got caught up in the unspeakable evil of the Necronomicon. Surviving possession, he has face off against countless deadites in the present and the past, while delivering the best one-liners in film history.
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