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Top 10 Horror Movies Where No One Dies

Top 10 Horror Movies Where No One Dies
Written by Telly Vlachakis

These days horror films are known for blood, guts, and violence, so it's really impressive that these scary movies managed to terrify us without a single on-screen death! WatchMojo presents the Top 10 Horror Films in Which Nobody Dies! But what will take the top spot on our list? Will it be Poltergeist, The Others, or The Conjuring? Watch to find out!

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Big thanks to bobbylashley18 for suggesting this idea, and to see how WatchMojo users voted, check out the suggest page here: WatchMojo.comsuggest/Top+10+Horror+Movies+Where+No+One+Dies

Thrills and chills but no bloody spills. Welcome to, and today we will be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Horror Movies Where No One Dies.

For this list we will be looking at the best horror films which achieved all their scares by keeping the violence to a minimum, and without having to off any of their characters. Warning: spoilers ahead.

#10: “The Gate” (1987)

Although a cult classic, and a pretty scary flick, “The Gate” and its young protagonists was clearly aimed at a younger audience. Therefore, you cannot fault it for not being too bloody of a movie. Opening up a gate to hell in your backyard and releasing a bunch of demons does not always have to be a bloody mess (apparently) and luckily the humans, young Glen and Terry, come out of it in one piece. It’s sad that the same cannot be said for poor old Angus the dog, the only fatality in the movie. RIP Angus.

#9: “The Watcher in the Woods” (1981)

This classic ‘80s thriller has become a rite of passage for young moviegoers looking to transition to horror films. Being a Disney production, it should not surprise anyone that the chills provided in this film are devoid of any violence, blood or death. This does not mean it isn’t scary as hell, and the Disney logo should not steer horror fans away. This story of a girl who disappeared decades ago, and an American family moving into her creepy English mansion, has nevertheless chilled and unsettled audiences for years.

#8: “April Fool’s Day” (1986)

If you think this entry is cheating, you didn’t stay for the shocking ending. A slasher movie at its core, “April Fool’s Day” is one ridiculous teen murder after the other. A group of entitled rich college kids are stalked by a killer while on a weekend getaway at a friend’s island estate. That may sound generic, but this movie is anything but. This romp is violent and gory until the very end, when we are slapped in the face with the twist that it was all a prank, and everyone is very much alive. The aristocrats!

#7: “1408” (2007)

Stephen King may not kill off an excessive amount of his characters, but his stories, of course, almost always end up being violent and extremely unsettling. Based on his short story “1408”, this subversive ghost story plays with your expectations and your emotions. A sceptic decides to spend the night in a famously haunted hotel room, in order to write a scathing review about the lack of paranormal activity. Of course . . . he could not be more wrong. Disturbing in its mind games, “1408” succeeds in at least keeping the horror contained, and avoids any deaths amongst its very small cast.

#6: “The Blair Witch Project” (1999)

Many might argue that “The Blair Witch Project” is not without its violence and deaths. But on closer inspection, how much do we really know, thanks to the mysterious found-footage format? The three kids who go out into the Burkittsville woods looking to make a documentary about the famous Blair Witch encounter some bizarre things. The ending, especially, has puzzled and shocked audiences for years, but we cannot definitively know what happens to Heather once the camera cuts off. We will let your imagination do the rest.

#5: “Signs” (2002)

By 2002, audiences were clamoring for more M. Night Shyamalan, and we at least knew he could give us a good scare. While “The Sixth Sense” dealt primarily with death and dead people, “Signs” takes a very non-violent jump towards classic scares. He turns the alien invasion thriller on its head, using shadows, sounds and slow-burning suspense to up the tension. Say what you want about the twist at the end, “Signs” turns out to be a masterful rural ghost story . . . without any of the ghosts.

#4: “The Babadook” (2014)

Part of a new breed of smart psychological horror stories in the 2010s, “The Babadook” is not only a great horror film, but a highly original one. A widowed mom who is having a hard time coping, Amelia now has to deal with the demonic Babadook invading her and her son’s lives. The lack of blood-splattering and bodies being mutilated is such a welcome trait in this story. With the era of torture porn dying down, this premium on suspense and tension turned the cerebral terror of “The Babadook”, and others like it, into hits.

#3: “The Others” (2001)

Ghost stories tend to not include much violence, since the villains are already dead, and spirits often cannot do much to hurt their victims. Hauntings are more about terror than violence, but “The Others” has a unique spin on the gothic ghost story that most do not see coming. Nicole Kidman is doing her best to protect her children from the ghostly figures terrorizing their house. However, finding out the truth about herself and her haunted house is scarier than any ghost or violent death you can imagine.

#2: “The Conjuring” (2013)

One of the biggest hits in recent years, this instant classic of horror cinema, based on the true accounts of “demonologists” and paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, is a terrifying roller-coaster ride of scares and pants-soiling moments. The story of the Perron family and the strange goings-on in their farmhouse, is full of paranormal activity, demonic imagery, and violent possession. It may then surprise many when they look back and realize that none of the characters are killed on-screen, no matter how scary the movie is.

#1: “Poltergeist” (1982)

It is baffling how this ‘80s thrill ride is today often considered to be appropriate for kids. Granted, it was produced by Steven Spielberg, and has very little violence in it. But while no one in the movie actually dies, there is some absolutely terrifying imagery that could scar children for life. The story of a family trying to save their daughter from the clutches of a demonic poltergeist succeeds in being a classic of pure terror without any of the extreme violence. “Family friendly” might be a serious stretch, but “must-see cinema” it sure is.
