Top 10 Hulk Hogan Moments

#10 – Hulkamania Runs Wild on TV (1985-2007)
Wrestling wasn’t enough: TV audiences wanted more Hulk, and he was more than happy to oblige. First came an ‘80s-era Saturday morning cartoon that lasted two seasons and did not feature the voices of any of the characters’ real-life counterparts. Then he parlayed the straight-to-video film “Thunder in Paradise” into one season of an action-adventure series. Then, more recently, we got to know his family a little too well.
#9 – Eat Your Vitamins and Learn Your Lines (1989)
You can’t beat wrestlers acting, and in relative terms Hogan had crossover success in Hollywood. His first starring role was as Rip in the WWF-funded 1989 film “No Holds Barred.” But when we say he was acting, it’s a bit of a stretch: he’s playing a highly popular, good-guy wrestler at the height of his career. And there’s some crime solving and ass-kicking shoved in there too. Now that’s acting.
#8 – Whatcha Gonna Do, Brother? (1991-98)
Hulk’s movies ain’t good, but they are entertaining. In the ‘90s, Hogan targeted the kiddies with some lame-ass family-friendly flicks, including “Suburban Commando,” where he played an interstellar warrior, “Santa with Muscles,” which is as bad as you think, and the final nail in the “3 Ninjas” coffin, “High Noon at Mega Mountain.” But our fave is “Mr. Nanny,” cause we have a soft spot for musclemen in tutus.
#7 – The Next Generation (1990)
The Hulk faced “The Ultimate Challenge” head on, battling the Ultimate Warrior not only for the WWF Championship, but also for the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania VI. Hogan may have been past his glory days, but their collision in the ring was a defining moment in both men’s careers. Consider The Ultimate Warrior’s win a passing of the torch from one generation to the next.
#6 – Hulkamania + Macho Madness = Unstoppable (1987-89)
This short-lived but epic alliance between two wrestling greats started when Hogan rescued the Macho Man from a wicked beat down. Cut to WrestleMania IV, where Savage won the title and The Mega Powers officially formed. A win over The Mega Bucks at SummerSlam ’88 was their most memorable outing, until – you guessed it – a chick broke them up. But don’t worry: they fought it out at WrestleMania V.
#5 – Icon vs. Icon (2002)
It wasn’t the main match, but it involved the two most famous names in wrestling. After falling from grace, The Hulk was on the rise again thanks to the New World Order. Meanwhile, The Rock was the biggest babyface going, so the excitement ahead of WrestleMania X8 was palpable. With electricity in the crowd and in the ring, The Rock defeated The Hulk, but turned him back into the hero everyone knew and loved.
#4 – Hulkamania is Born (1984)
The “Camel Clutch” is no match for The Unstoppable Force! The Iron Sheik was a notorious heel who was facing a rematch after controversially ending Bob Backlund’s six-year WWF championship reign. Taking the injured Backlund’s spot was the 6’8”, 300-pound monster called The Hulk. With just a leg drop, Hogan downed his opponent, won his first WWF Championship and kicked off Hulkamania. The rest, as they say, is history.
#3 – Hollywood Hulk Hogan (1982)
Mr. T AND Hulk Hogan? Where do we buy tickets??? Released two-years before Hulkamania exploded, “Rocky III” was the Hulkster’s first and most impressive film appearance. We’ll set the scene: there’s Thunderlips in all his tanned, bleach-blond glory, quite literally towering over Rocky and doing what he does best – hamming it up and beating the snot out of people. Even the crowd. It’s a short but definitely sweet cameo.
#2 – From Hero to Heel (1996)
WCW’s Bash at the Beach ’96: Randy Savage, Sting, Lex Luger to one side; The Outsiders and a mystery Third Man to the other. The good guys are down, so who struts in to save the day? The all-American hero. Wait: what’s he doing? Hollywood Hogan is the Third Man. It’s the birth of the nWo; a wrestling turning point and quite possibly the most shocking heel turn ever.
#1 – Slamming the Giant (1987)
After appearing at both WrestleMania I + II, Hogan returned for WrestleMania III at the peak of Hulkamania. Before over-93-thousand fans, he sought vengeance against his former ally and now sworn enemy, the 520-pound André the Giant. After almost being pinned minutes into the bout, Hogan managed to get the Giant off the ground and execute “the bodyslam heard round the world.” Cue the leg drop, aaaaand Hulk remains world champion.
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