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Top 10 Insanely Cool Museums

Top 10 Insanely Cool Museums
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton WRITTEN BY: Nick Spake
Script written by Nick Spake

Not all museums are dedicated to dinosaur bones and priceless works of art. From the International Banana Museum, to the Momofuko Ando Instant Ramen Museum [aka Cupnoodles Museum], and the Sulabh International Museum of Toilets, these are some museums you should check out at any cost. WatchMojo counts down 10 INSANELY cool museums.

Special thanks to our user Mac121mr0 for suggesting this idea! Check out the voting page at WatchMojo.comsuggest/Top+10+Weirdest+Museums+in+the+World.
Script written by Nick Spake

#10: International Banana Museum

California, U.S.A.

Believe it or not, recent studies have shown that bananas as we know them are at risk of going extinct. If that fateful day does indeed come, at least we have a museum to preserve this delicious fruit’s rich history. The International Banana Museum was founded by Ken Bannister, who was appropriately dubbed “the Banana Man.” This museum houses over 20,000 banana-themed items, earning the Guinness World Record for “largest collection devoted to any one fruit.” That’s bananas! The banana bar additionally serves up pretty much every banana dish imaginable, from banana shakes to banana splits. The next time you’re at North Shore, California, be sure stop in for an appealing experience.

#9: Momofuko Ando Instant Ramen Museum [aka Cupnoodles Museum]

Osaka, Japan

Who needs a college meal plan when you can just eat instant noodles three times a day? For anyone who loved this quick, inexpensive dish during their dorm room days, the Cupnoodles Museum in Osaka, Japan should be right up your alley. This museum showcases a wide variety of instant noodle packages. It also explores the life of Momofuku Ando, who invented the first instant noodles, “Chicken Ramen.” This would lead to the innovation of Cup Noodles and even Space Ramen. Other attractions include workshops where guests can cook fresh ramen and make original Cup Noodle packages. Who knew there was so much to be said about this tasty treat?

#8: Sulabh International Museum of Toilets

New Delhi, India

You heard us right, folks: a museum dedicated to sanitation facilities. It’s not the Taj Mahal, but the Sulabh International Museum of Toilets is actually a lot more fascinating and educational than you might expect. Located in New Delhi, India, this museum explores the evolution of toilets, taking visitors on a journey through ancient, medieval, and modern times. The museum is overflowing with distinctive artifacts, and even features a replica of the wooden throne King Louis XIV supposedly used to do his business. Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak founded the museum in 1992 to not only teach people about the history of toilets, but also shine a light on the current problems in the sanitation sector.

#7: Icelandic Phallological Museum

Reykjavik, Iceland

Unless you’re in a medical or scientific field, “phallology” properly isn’t part of your vocabulary. The logo for the Icelandic Phallological Museum pretty much says it all, however. Phallology is the study of the penis, and the walls of this museum are lined with male members. Founded by Sigurður Hjartarson in 1997 and later taken over by his son, Hjörtur Gísli Sigurðsson, the museum has well over 200 penises on display. Among the specimens are sex organs belonging to whales, seals, and walruses. There are even penises that allegedly belonged to trolls and elves. Interestingly enough, though, the museum wouldn’t get its first human penis until 2011. It’s certainly a different kind of sausage party.

#6: The Museum of the Mummies

Guanajuato, Mexico

It’s not at all uncommon to come across a mummy in a museum. What makes this museum so unique is that it hosts over 100 mummified bodies. What’s even more engrossing is the story behind the Mummies of Guanajuato. Following a cholera outbreak in 1833, numerous dead bodies were interred and then unearthed decades later. Throughout this period, a local tax required relatives to pay a fee to keep their loved ones buried. If the tax wasn’t paid, the body was dug up and placed in another building. Over time, many of these corpses naturally mummified. This eventually attracted tourists to the spot that’s now known as the Museum of the Mummies.

#5: International Cryptozoology Museum

Maine, U.S.A.

Loren Coleman is a published cryptozoologist, which pertains to the study of hidden animals. This includes mythical icons grounded in folklore like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. In 2003, Coleman founded the International Cryptozoology Museum in order to help spread awareness of this “gateway science.” Over the years, the museum has moved to several different locations, accumulating a large collection of sculptures, paintings, and artifacts related to unverified creatures. For anyone who’s intrigued by the unknown and unexplained, this museum is sure to peak your interest. Of course even if you’re a non-believer, a lesson on cryptozoology may very well leave you with a more open mind.

#4: The Museum Of Bad Art

Massachusetts, U.S.A.

You won’t find The Mona Lisa at this museum, but you will see a gallery of art that’s “too bad to be ignored.” The Museum Of Bad Art, or MOBA for sort, was established in 1994 “to celebrate the labor of artists whose work would be displayed and appreciated in no other forum.” Director Louise Reilly Sacco, Curator Michael Frank, and other key personnel have collected over 700 pieces of art deemed “so awful it’s good.” While some artists might consider this a dubious honor, MOBA demonstrates that even poorly received art can amuse and inspire spectators. As co-founder Marie Jackson put it, "We are here to celebrate an artist’s right to fail, gloriously."

#3: International Spy Museum

Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

Spies might go undercover, but his awesome museum has been open to the public since 2002. The International Spy Museum explores espionage throughout the ages, from the Greek and Roman empires, to the American Revolutionary War, to the Cold War. Displaying artifacts like disguises, hidden cameras, and secret weapons, visitors will feel as if they’ve walked onto the set of a James Bond movie. As a matter of fact, the museum introduced a special exhibit in 2012 called “Exquisitely Evil: 50 Years of Bond Villains,” featuring props, costumes, and vehicles from 007’s cinematic adventures. For those wanting into learn about the secret history of history, this is a mission well worth accepting.

#2: Museum of Failure

Helsingborg, Sweden & California, U.S.A.

Much like MOBA, this museum looks on the bright side of history’s greatest blunders. The Museum of Failure collects products that were considered unsuccessful, poorly made, and just plain weird. Remember when the Power Glove was built up as the next big thing in the gaming world? What about when dental health company Colgate made lasagna? There are also several Oreo flavors that can be summed up with a giant letter F. While the museum has a humorous edge, it also reminds us that innovation and even a certain level of success can be found in the most epic fails.

#1: Museum of Sex

New York, U.S.A.

The Museum of Sex, or MoSex, was founded “to preserve and present the history, evolution, and cultural significance of human sexuality.” You know that boring sex ed class you had to sit through as a kid? This museum is nothing like that, putting an emphasis on both education and fun. A notable highlight is the Funland exhibit where visitors can jump for joy in a bouncy castle of breasts. You can also climb Grope Mountain, which is comprised of some very suggestive looking rocks. The museum was even the launch location for the book, “The Art of the Pimp.” It’s a playroom unlike any other, although you must be 18 or older to enter.
